Why haven’t they created a successful franchise in over 23 years?
Why haven’t they created a successful franchise in over 23 years?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not successful
They aren’t successful, Sony hasn’t had a franchise with over 1 billion in revenue since Gran Turismo.
>10 mln copies sold for a single game
>not successful
I think you have autism user.
That other thread really hurt your bing bing wahoos didn't it?
Fate makes 3 billion a year
The last of Us sold 17 million copies lol
Revenue is the only metric for success & popularity
No, it's only metric for your autistic rules.
c'mon man, why are you willingly being a goofball in front of the 4channelers?
Gatcha isn’t video games, people don’t buy playstation’s for Fate
Why doesn't Sony own FIFA? That's clearly one of their biggest source of revenue
Cope, Pokemon made more money from its Trading cards alone (25 Billion) then COD & Fifa combined
Still owned by Sony :^)
This, best selling game on every Sony console except the PS1 was a multiplatform game.
It even outsold every Zelda and Mario and PC exclusive.
Because you keep limitations on your definition of successful and a franchise
Owned only a third by Nintendo. The mobile game isn't even made or published by them.
> Mario (629 Million Lifetime Sales)
> Fifa (260 Million Lifetime Sales)
> Pokemon (100 Billion Lifetime Revenue)
Nice Cope
>count all games combined
-God of War
-The Last of Us
-Shadow of Colossus
No need to (you) me, nincels.
>combining a 100 rehashed Pokemon games into the same unit
How convenient. Nobody rehashes harder than Nintendo so of course nobody reaches the same quantity except maybe EA (another rehash king)
Playstation has unlike Nintendo actual third-party competition though so the comparison is unfair. Nintendo's toys have pretty much only Nintendo's games to buy.
> Bbbut doesn’t count
Crying, seething, coping
>100 games vs 20 games
>I won XD
When was the last time Mario game outsold Fifa user?
How does it feel that Pokemon is decades past its peak and consistently outsold by EA's games?
> Pokemon Gen 7 (4.5 Billion Grossed)
No other console or PC Game this entire decade has made more money except GTA 5
>combining revenue of mobile game + a dozen games
PokeGO can't even keep up with fucking Fateshit these days. It's dead.
This gen since Mario Kart 8 & Fifa have 24 Million each
Why do you compare multiple games to one game?
>Mario Kart sold 24 mln copies on Switch
Excuse me? Source?
The nincel is combining Wii U and Switch into one gen. Don't bother. He's schizo.
Wow, so we should combine all Fifa games too doing this period. He would get btfo again.
i'm kinda excited for Biomutant
I don't know what else you trying to prove, he was right.
Damn Nintendo has been nothing but casual cancer.
Sony has created successful games. Their biggest issue is that they havent created anything original ever.
So does every other dev now.
Snoy seething thread #234245363537
kek look at them taking the bait
>I was only pretending to be retarded XD
So fucking mad.
hook line and sinker
You made this same thread before but with an image of Nintendo.
I'm onto you, OP.
Well it makes the most successful consoles.
stop trolling and go to bed
>taking the bait
>owned by sony
>can play it on switch
Not OP, and OP is an ass.
But TM made Fate. Not Sony. Sony just have licencing rights.