Lets have a thread dedicated to MMORPGs

Lets have a thread dedicated to MMORPGs.
What are you currently playing?
What are you looking forward to?

Attached: mmorpg.jpg (1100x800, 38K)

Big mistake.

this genre is dead

>What are you currently playing?
Battle for Azeroth
>What are you looking forward to?
Dying in my sleep

mmo's are the most soulless games out there

If my guild is going to be playing there, I might play on Rising-Gods' upcoming international Wrath of the Lich King server and grab Death's Demise.

Attached: 1452870885318.jpg (1975x800, 464K)

I'll probably roll on DragonBlight too, but only for a lack of anything better to do.

>What are you currently playing?
final fantasy xiv
>What are you looking forward to?
is there anything coming out that looks promising enough to not die in a month?

>what are you currently playing?
dungeon fighter online
>what are you looking forward to?
nothing, i'm just playing right now because the hori fc4 works amazing wtih it

>playing on anything but omega
>playing on meme private servers when vanilla is a few months off
dumb wrath poster.