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Books #201
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
How do I unlock the secrets of the Zohar...
I'm 100 pages in. When does it get good?
Who is the Johann Sebastian Bach of literature
Books on how to overcome depression?
Most anglos go their entire lives without realizing that translations are mere approximations of the original
Why don't more philosophers talk about the obvious inherent weirdness of existing...
Stack/Recent purchases
100 pages in and nothing has happened, convince me to keep going
Handsome writers
/wg/ - Writing General
Is there truly no right wing literature on the European Union and its future more recent than what the Nouvelle Droite...
Aristotle's metaphysics
What does Yea Forums take to read through books
You have to find the best word starting with
Yea Forums women
Easton Press
Epic Poetry
In this book...
Billions of native speaker
Bible Thread II
College Thread
Hey guys
Books to understand why women are so mean to men?
What are some good reasons to believe the Bible is the God's word?
Unironically got btfo'd by my lit teacher
Ok I just finished this...
Wait, what's wrong with Jung? I thought Yea Forums used to be a Jung board
Deep Politics/Conspiracy Chart
Books for someone who just got beaut up in front of his gf
Is she a good philosopher?
"Men Who Hate Womenexamines the rise of secretive extremist communities who despise women and traces the roots of...
It’s Me, Eddie
Girl I like is seriously into Sally Rooney
Yea Forums video games
Black people don't read b-
Neither religion nor atheism appeal to me. Any books about a third position?
Can someone explain to me how Achilles won't eventually catch the tortoise? It's only a matter of time
Write What’s On Your Mind /wwoym/
What does Yea Forums think about the filtering hypothesis...
Let's see Yea Forums's poetry
I'm a 21 year old shut in that has wasted several years of his youth...
Your time is up, McCarthyfags
Books about civilisational moral decay?
What books can make me a retard after reading them?
Be depressed computer programmer
So this book is yet another attempt to explain consciousness in materialist terms...
How is it that blacks from the ghetto who probably never read literature are able to come up with so many rhymes and...
You need to be unleashing your schizo upon the world. Fuck the normies...
/wg/ - Writing General
Any good books on how to climb in the social hierarchy or social class?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Write What’s On Your Mind /wwoym/
Who reads this shit unironically ?
Why has there been no truly great millennial author? Not one
Has anyone reconciled Nietzsche and religion?
I'm depressed
Are you excited?
Dante is a simp
The Nobel Prize in Literature is heavily biased towards Westerners, especially Western Europeans...
Are the rest of the books as good as the first one?
Which is better for art (specifically literature), capitalism or communism?
Women are fiction’s life support system – buying 80% of all novels
Are there any mythologies/religions which truly show devotion to a dark subject matter...
Finally admits that nationalism is a gay larp
Can anyone tell my why the cryptic pepe turtle says that the endless expansion of this sentence rights the course of...
Books about being normal?
Any books describing how the world would've looked like if germany won WW2?
Any book that explores this concept?
Perennialists and Christianity
That is what the Blessed One said. Having said that, the One Well-Gone, the Teacher, said further:
ITT: Post 1 star Goodreads review, others guess the book
Otto Weininger on modern society
Sexy Female Authors
Have you ever given a love poem to a woman?
Write in your best prose what's going through his mind in this exact moment
Facing Reality: Two Truths about Race in America
Why do modern book publishers always use the most boring and generic looking covers? makes me seethe
What are some good newspapers/newsletters/whatever you call them now...
ITT: Perfect book covers
What's the best bookstore you've ever been to?
How much time do you spend reading, contemplating religious matters?
I moved into a new place and finally I have enough space to put all my books into shelves - if I had enough of them...
What does Yea Forums think of Samuel Beckett's plays?
Which side is Yea Forums approved?
What books will help me have a girlfriend?
Have there actually been any books in the past decade or so that accurately portray how society is becoming more and...
/wg/ Writing General
I decided to make a Yea Forums version of this starter pack
Are there any books which help overcome social isolation/anxiety/extreme introversion?
Why have there been so few great women writers in history? This comes from a femanon herself
Evola General
Bible Thread
What books can make me be loved by women?
Let's play a game
What the fuck is wrong with the US
Can this guy even be refuted?
Stack thread/recent purchases thread
Yea Forums humour thread?
Does BoTNS make any sense without reading picrel? I'm tired of it
Would I be converted?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
To all the christians on this board, what books would you recommend to your loved ones who aren't saved?
Are all self help books useless?
Is Christopher hitchens THAT bad?
Tfw too intelligent to believe in utopian ideologies
ITT: Pro-war Yea Forums
What are some books that focus on the traumatizing conditions women experience during times of war?
Dangerous books for normalfags
Post image, get recommended a book
Why is it that the worlds best writers are right wing...
East and West by René Guénon
Who would be on your influences section on Wikipedia?
Do anons on this board really believe that you can consider yourself to be knowledgeable because you read lots of books...
Write What's Nice On Your Mind
Can someone post the "for this many pages you could have read" meme please
/wg/ writing general
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Opinion on Plato's "The Republic"?
Post your Dad's favourite book
What are some books that's enjoyable to discuss with another person...
If You Give A Gay Their Way
Is this unironically right?
What's your favorite Sci-Fi book and what's it about?
Bible Thread
Hell yeah, a writer is what I am going to be
What is the best book to read about Ancient Rome?
Just a typical Mishima fan reader
Do heroic people actually exist...
Judaism = Communism is retarded
Any good Scottish lit?
How does Yea Forums feel about the dominance of the publishing industry (and the fiction reading public) by women?
Never abandon the principle of struggle
Name a more blackpilling book on society
/clg/ + /lll/
ITT: Cringeworthy and/or ugly covers
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @