Just a typical Mishima fan reader
Just a typical Mishima fan reader
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how did parents feel alright with their kids sucking a big twirly rainbow colored dick shaped lollipop like this kinda faggot shit? are parents just fucking stupid?
Is that a lollipop dildo? I want one.
Do you think he was a top or bottom?
Bottom as a teen and early twenties, top afterwards
He was never gay. It's the typical Hollywood revisionism trying to make strong men into fags, like Alexander, Nietzsche, Jesus, Tesla, etc.
Can I pull off this look if I'm pale white and balding?
someone is def ripping content from the rsp sub
I meant this look
Didn't he self admittedly masturbate to the painting of saint Sebastian though?
>be early christian
>dont even try to start shit with the pagans just stayed low key but was eventually found out by el dio
>get killed because roman soldiers arent supposed to be christian
>get made horrible example of; paintings and statues are usually generous in their depiction of it, written records claim that by the time romans were done with him he resembled he a sea urchin
>legends say that you were blessed with divine strength by god and lived through the ordeal only to be beaten with clubs and drowned later anyways (lets be real probably a cope or a conflicting story of two saints merged into one, theres lots of saints who are said to have miraculously survived their first execution attempt only to not survive the second one)
>your legacy 2000 years later is that faggots are obsessed with your paintings and death because you were stripped and penetrated with lots of long sharp arrows
>you are now and forever known as the LGBT saint on wikipedia
People weren't perverted back then--or at least, not overtly--whereas now everyone is a degenerate coombrain and get turned on by anything.
this autist in every thread
Nietzsche thought homosexuality was a source of societal strength.
>The erotic relation of men to youths was the necessary and sole preparation, to a degree unattainable to our comprehension, of all manly education (pretty much as for a long time all higher education of women was only attainable through love and marriage). All idealism of the strength of the Greek nature threw itself into that relation, and it is probable that never since have young men been treated so attentively, so lovingly so entirely with a view to their welfare (virtus) as in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C.— according to the beautiful saying of Holderlin: “denn liebend giebt der Sterbliche vom Besten”. The higher the light in which this relation was regarded, the lower sank intercourse with women.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Human All Too Human 259
>Plato goes further. He says with an innocence possible only for a Greek, not a "Christian," that there would be no Platonic philosophy at all if there were not such beautiful youths in Athens: it is only their sight that transposes the philosopher's soul into an erotic trance, leaving it no peace until it lowers the seed of all exalted things into such beautiful soil
Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols chapter 8, 23
>What does our chatter about the Greeks amount to! What do we understand of their art, the soul of which is passion for naked male beauty!
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak, Aphorism 170
Um maybe the horny Christfag pederasts shouldn't have painted so many pictures of him then. Don't blame modern gays, blame the "generous" (read: amorous) artists of the Renaissance
just a typical reader actually. reading is for women and homosexuals.
I bet you that pick was taken in Japan during their phallus worship festival.
me too
but as a straight man i'd never suck one before completely crossdressing
how is this amorous? if you find this amorous youre a fag desu not the painters problem
That was literally painted by a guy called Il Sodoma
That painting is so good, great colours and environment, saved.
Il Sodoma was a great artist, really like his style.
stop being a disingenuous fuck.
It was predictive programming
>Renaissance artists liked to do anatomical studies
Woah what a revelation, you gay cumbrain.
Rome, ancient Egypt, hellenistic Greece, Sodom and Babylon say hi!
Many Renaissance artists were pederasts. Florence had a reputation for sodomy. Even one of the artists posted was called Il Sodoma.
If you're reading this, then you're also gay.
>anatomical studies
>ignores the sexy poses and the soulful gazes
St. Sebastian has always been gay. Just give up already.
Top. But he mostly just forced twinks to witness him LARPing seppuku.
You can but you need to shave your head and do NOT grow a beard, you also probably need a decent jaw and to be in good shape
I would like to live in a world where Freud has been so thoroughly extirpated from the public consciousness that kids can eat lollipops without anyone even thinking about dicks.
>Jesus, Tesla
>strong men
Kek, and even more hilariously they’re the only ones under discussion that were almost certainly straight, yet they’re the weakest
The curtains are blue and you're a faggot.
>I didn´t find the role playing at all arousing and wanted him to fuck me
cry harder
we got too cocky hetero bros..
The Greeks saw the essence of being a faggot as basically a man who acts like a woman. Women being cowardly and horny creatures all of the time. Mishima's willingness to overcome his previous cowardliness and horniness in youth to the point where he goes full send on his seppuku theater and private army and wife and kids exhonerates him from being 'ghey' in the sense that one masturbates into another 'man's' intestines.
The Greeks realised that women could be horny but I think you are projecting NoFap values onto the Greeks if you think horniness was considered a unilaterally feminine trait. In Aristophanes' play Lysistrata it is the men who suffer from sexual abstinence, not the women. Consider the hyper-masculine figure of the satyr. Certainly sexual lasciviousness was looked down upon, but having a healthy sexual appetite was not. In the Symposium the speakers talk about how men who 'conquer' boys are congratulated but boys who 'give in' too readily to male lovers are looked down upon. I also don't see how one can construe Mishima as being a man who 'overcame' horniness considering his death was an elaborate masturbation ritual.
>tfw you want to get fucked but Chad would rather larp suicide rituals than touch your bussy
Well he was preaching satanism lite so, makes sense
>x was gay
>I read homoeroticism into religious paintings that celebrate the image of man as a reflection of God
>Curtains are blue faggot
>You have parasites
That's the summary faggot. Cope.
Why haven't you yet addressed that one of the artists is a confirmed sodomite. Renaissance artists regularly used Biblical themes to depict erotic situations (pic related, Dnoatello's David). Not to say they were religiously insincere, but it was a culture that valued human eroticism too
ancient femboys lol, nothing changes
he's such a twink lmao
the man who made this is definitely gay
>Donatello took particular delight in having beautiful apprentices. Once someone brought him a boy who had been praised as particularly beautiful. But when the same person showed Donatello the boy's brother and claimed he was even prettier, the artist replied, 'the shorter will be his stay with me!'"
—Poliziano, Detti Piacevoli
Mishima killing himself can be construed with his own ideas about courage even if the samurai penetrating himself after the loss of his master is ghey or is symbolic of self penetration.
Overcoming horniness as interpreted as Lust does seem to not be an overcoming at all and aiming to have a wife and kids while practicing penetrative sexual abstinence with the hot women or handsome boys you see walking the street or in your personal army, is all one can do to retain personal sexual honour.
Evelyn Waugh and Robert Graves wrote much better about this considering they did actually decide to continue on into old age while Mishima did away with himself before his 40s brought ruination to his mind and body.
>But one of the painters was gay!
What part of the image of man, in its beauty, as a reflection of God don't you understand? Sure there's Greek influence (who were definitely homos, granted) but that doesn't necessarily entail the artists were as hard as the marble they were carving. It's not like they were jerking off to their art and odds are it had more to do with the former point than the latter.
Also, why do you faggots like to point out ethical mandates in the Bible that are foibles by today's moral standards and yet brag about the fact Greeks were pederasts? Imagine telling on yourself that hard.
On topic: Mishima fucked men but The Sound of Waves reads as a celebration of youth and masculinity than homoerotic coom bait. Get your mind out of the gutter faggot.
>Also, why do you faggots like to point out ethical mandates in the Bible that are foibles by today's moral standards
>Consider the hyper-masculine figure of the satyr.
The satyrs were manly? They are ugly and balding trickster-types prone to rape and masturbation. They did, however,have huge erect phalli, but consider the small penises of Greek sculptures. Why was this? Well, as a matter of fact, it was seen as a desireable trait. In Aristophane's The Clouds against Socrates, there is a personification of right and wrong arguing with eachother over the education of a youth. Just Discourse is on the side of the old system of education, proclaiming that if the youth do as he say he shall gain "a stout chest, a clear complexion, broad shoulders, a little tongue, large hips, a little penis," but if he does what the youth of the present do, he shall have "a pallid complexion, small shoulders, a narrow chest, a large tongue, little hips, a great penis". The Greeks associated a small prick with manly self-restraint and they associated large members with (among other things) barbarians, including, I think, the Anatolians, but also Egyptians and whatnot, both of which the Greeks considered effeminate.
There did indeed exist in Antiquity a radically different paradigm of male sexuality than does today. A cultural image of the lustful adulterer, womanizer, the moichos in Greek, who shows excessive interest in women as being an effeminate figure, overly concerned with grooming (another hallmark of effeminacy for the ancients) and who would dress womanly, since this was seen attractive to women. Erotic reciprocity i.e. seeking to please your partner was also womanly. Sexual hyperactivity was seen through a lens of malakia, that is softness, and luxuria, a lack of the characteristically masculine trait of self-restraint and a giving into pleasure, instead of viewing it through the lens of virility and sexual conquest as we do today.
seems he was more pro pedophelia then homosexuality.
good bait.
No one was saying the paintings are pornographic. The artists obviously had attraction to men though. Erotic =/= pornographic.
DIdn't use that word once (nice try at shifting the goalposts though). I did point out specifically how parasite-ridden coom brain faggots project homoeroticism onto paintings meant to glorify the male form as a reflection of God, noted Greek influence, and linked the idea back to how Mishima celebrates youth and masculinity in The Sound of Waves without being a homo about it. Don't reply to me if you're going to be a disingenuous retard.
>coom brain faggots
You do know that a euphemism for homosexuality during the Renaissance was the "Florentine Vice."
It is undeniable that homosexual activities were taking place in Florence on a significant scale. Several artists of the Renaissance had rumors floating around them of such activities. Recognizing this and the erotic nature of some of the artwork that arose from this period does not make someone a deviant or lascivious. It was an undercurrent in some art of this era and it can not all be explained away as a "reflection of God."
just because he had homosexual desires doesn't mean he had gay sex.
He's cute.
Is anybody else upset when they see cute men who are obnoxiously flamboyant and overly feminine? I go both ways, I like sucking dick, and I have been sexually involved with a few other men before, but I just can't stand good looking gay men who are over the top feminine in their behavior and demeanor. Especially the voice. Christ, when they fuckin talk I wanna punch them in the throat. It's fucking weird.
I pretty sure I've watched one of this fuckers videos. He bought a bunch of books that were for "decoration" from etsy and then read them. He went on an entire rant about racism in one of them. tldr; annoying homo
I told you not to reply to me if you were just going to be disingenuous. Stop trying to shift the goalposts to the idea that faggotry existed throughout history. You're overemphasizing a minuscule feature you yourself are reading into the art as if it overtakes the idea of the male form as a reflection of God (i.e. created in His image). You're also attempting to shift to the idea that I'm the one who made an overgeneralized assertion when this conversation was in regard to the idea of projecting a modern standard of homoeroticism over the representation of religious ecstasy and the male form in Renaissance art. Well, if you're a faggot you'll read that as gay. Get it?
Now aside from overgeneralizing you retreat back to vague ideas that faggots existed (really? wow) and that the erotic doesn't have to be sexual in nature as if those are fatal counterpoints to your projected strawman version of what I've written above. In reality, everyone here has heard of Sodom and religious ecstasy is very often couched in sexual terminology (pic related). The point is faggots straining to project and overemphasize their homosexuality onto the art. It's no different from shit like black inventor memes that get posted all over Reddit and Twitter every February. Now either stop being a disingenuous faggot or fuck off. You're choice (just like being a homo). Goodnight.
even if you had any point about these paintings being gay (which is your fault, they stripped him before execution, that was standard back then) doesnt change the point of what i said that the mans legacy has been tarnished and ruined by faggots and coombrains like you. im not even catholic or christian but retard bonobos like you deserve to be shot. you can die the same way he did
Mishima's philosophy sees death as the point where one achieves true beauty and honour. Practically every virtue he praises is realized in dying a good death. So, while I don't think he overcame horniness, he recontextualized it as part of something much greater and more important. The same way that sex with a person you're deeply in love with has none of the foulness of sex with a stranger, because it's part of something greater than satisfying the horny beast inside you.
He started a cult and LARPed a pathetic coup, for which he was openly mocked and jeered, so he could coom hard in front of a bunch of reservists and cult members, user.
That does it, I'm officially a Kantian
How are you this fucking stupid?
Why the fuck are you talking about god?
Are you mentally disabled?
He did have gay sex though. Does anyone even bother reading on this board
You think Nietzsche was stronger than them?
He was gay, Gary Cooper?
Why's this guy sucking a cock?
Why are conservatives like this?
>schizo fascist
user stop using complicated words please. Everyone can tell you never read a book in your life.
Cope faggot. You were told.
you guys ever read this
Being good at sports and sociopathic is all that matters in life. Die nerd
why do gays make Yea Forums seethe so hard? I'm straight anf they don't bother me
>It's in French
it's spanish
i'm confused. is he french because he's sucking a cock or is he spanish because it's written in spanish?