The Nobel Prize in Literature is heavily biased towards Westerners, especially Western Europeans...

The Nobel Prize in Literature is heavily biased towards Westerners, especially Western Europeans, and most especially towards Swedes. For example, the United States has won thirteen Nobel Prizes in Literature, which is nothing to sneeze at; however, Sweden has won eight Nobel Prizes in Literature. This is despite the fact that the US has a population 33x that of Sweden. And the US doesn't have it as bad as countries elsewhere in the Americas, Asia, and Africa.

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nobel prizes are worthless

Maybe the rest of the world needs to get its shit together and try harder.

Make a more prestigious award and reward your own people, retard.


>western prize favors westerners
Oh no!!!!

Ultimately it’s a Swede prize.
I doubt many Wrsterners read Asian or African prizes either.

Fucking retard. Western preference isn't the issue, the issue is touting as a global award then practising favouritism.

They just gave the prize to some African nobody who wrote about muh racism

the virgin nobel prize
the chad macarthur genius grant

It's not just muh racism though, is it? Racial themes have dominated literature for decades now for good reason, maybe you should read some literature relating to black/ african history and open your mind a tad. I know this is a generally racist website due to the free speech emphasis, but we should be above that when speaking of literature.

>if youre homeless, just but a house!

The chinks and Japs ain’t homeless. They can make up their own fucking prizes
Same for the Argies and Chileans.
Africa? Not my fucking problem.

There are literary prizes in Asia and Latin America. The difference is that they don't claim to be prizes for the best literature that all of humanity has to offer.

anglos, germans, french, russians are just better at writing

it's almost like this prize is about politics and ideology and not just a literature contest
wow imagine that bros

>10 million Swedes are better at writing than 4.5 billion Asians

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They could claim it was a world literature prize in Latin America and Asia and I wouldn’t get worked up about it if mostly Latin Americans or Asians won. It isn’t my money they’re putting up.

Not really a fair comparison when the concept of the novel is so rooted in Western culture. In the rest of the world prose has always been secondary to poetry.

I consider myself a sinophile but I would argue that 10 swedes are better at writing than 4.5 billion asians
totally fair, the fact that the novel is western doesn't mean that somehow asians are good at it

Nobel Prize in Literature isn't only for novels. Poets win all the time.

guys, I think you are forgetting something

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>gives out a million dollar prize to old people who are retired and only have a few years left to live
For what purpose?

This year bros I feel it

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name three good Swedish writers

not happening, Dylan destroyed his chances

depends on your definition of "good"

so you're saying you can't?

work on your reading comprehension

>muh representation

"depends on your definition of __" is always an omission of defeat. name them now, three good Swedish writers.

Almqvist, Tegnér, Stagnelius

It's a Swedish prize. I see no reason they shouldn't favour their own.

Who fucking cares?

Get fucked nigger
Also dilate

Why is the Nobel prize so prestigious? I know very little about it.

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Nigga they have sub 80 IQs of course they arnt writing masterpieces

Mad Mikkelsen
The Moomin woman
Sam Lake

They write better than whatever writer you like

its jewish nepotism not "westerners"

Make your own award that isn't a nepotistic joke no one pays any mind to except for bumping book sales then

I was going to disagree, but I checked and 13.5% of all Nobel laureates in literature have been Jewish. Really activates my almonds...

look up a couple recent years winners, its more like 75% since they got their claws in

Why do you believe the Nobel Prize is important, NPC?

No, they don't kek

I deserve to win, because my ancestors didn’t win. Everyone is equal, so past failure must be rewarded by future success. If my group doesn’t get rewards, the internal logic of progress breaks, and we can’t let that happen.

We shouldn't act like jews

I don't recall a single western being awarded the Nobel prize, wtf are you all on about.
The closest thing to it was Lonesome Dove getting the Pulitzer prize in 1986

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how do they even award nobels outside hard science?

i understand that if you make a superior nuclear reactor or aircraft it will be superior no matter if it works in asia or europe or africa or americas etc
but how do you award or evaluate these subjective things? i dont think they have equations or numbers or categories like you have in empirical science, do they have stuff they measure, standardized tools for measuring etc? whole concept of a literature nobel completely flies over my head, only gauge i can conceptualize is 'i like it' vs 'i dont like it' and then you decide if you are interested in buying a book, and then you get bestsellers, and then you can further go into genre bestsellers, but that's as far as i understand

>how do they even award nobels outside hard science

By ethnicity

Its an insular

How many chinese awards are given to white men? Can we address this bit of horrifying bias, eh?

most "peace activists" usually favor war if they're on the side of globalists

every time i read how awful it is that this random literally who city of 20k people in the middle of europe doesnt have a mosque and its the end of the world, i wonder how many arab cities have a christian church and why does the news never mention how a random local city government in thailand or israel or idk where doesnt have its white diversity and inclusion official
i dont know what can explain this phenomena other than some massive conspiracy

This argument has already been addressed:

There's no reason to think that's necessarily wrong unless you believe some retard nonsense, like the races being equal.

Chinese are high IQ and outnumber Swedes by more than 100 to 1.

stemlords can't write

>le "people who are good at math aren't good writers" meme
Unfortunately, we don't have an objective "literary talent quotient," so I think IQ is our best proxy.

Both Things Fall Apart and The Color Purple were total slogs. Black authors should be able to write about something other than muh racism.
It would be nice to have another Alexandre Dumas at some point, but I imagine he would get crushed or totally ignored for “not being black enough”.
