what books can make me a retard after reading them?
What books can make me a retard after reading them?
litrpg, Isekai, Chinese wish-fulfillment webnovels, and YA.
Everything written by Marx.
>le smart people can't be wrong
It's precious that you people think Communism (or at least however the term has been defined for you) begins and ends with Marx. I can't imagine what it must be like having that sort of intellectual deficiency which makes the politically obsessed ascribe everything they dislike a single person.
>inb4 muh Drumpf
Yes, it is just as stupid to blame him for much of what happened during his administration as it is to blame Marx for the failures and excesses of Sovoet Bolshevism.
a pickle for the knowing ones.
midwit the post
and the populist autocrat will wear a red headcloth and have orange skin?
Anything by Plato
>It wasn't real communism
>My highly specific version of communism will work this time
Go back to r*eddit
anything by sam harris or steven pinker or any other member of the glowie nato satanic nigger shill cabal
I think the most radical and influential Anti-Platonism comes from the Positivists (Saint-Simon, Comte, Russell, Spencer) along with a specific post-revolutionary strand of Marxism, exemplified by Gramsci and Reich.
>dominate the people
Top and bottom vs middle.
“When the poor hath cried, Caesar hath wept” and all
Wrong, elites are threatened by populism. The ever-shrinking middle 'managerial' class are their toadies desperately repeating the system line to maintain their position.
Damn, you got me good! Tell me where I'm wrong though.
That youre completely unwilling to even acknowledge a distinction between wildly different forms of political ideology means you should probably not opine on the subject. By your logic, you're also a Communist since you pay taxes for public works projects, take my money for your social security, and expect children to have public education. No difference between Socialism and Communism, just like there's no difference between Leninism and National Socialism, right?
Also, maybe if I even defended Communism instead of calling actual midwits like yourself out for letting others define your lexicon, your post would have any merit.
Welcome to Yea Forums, where we don't even read a dictionary, apparently.
So what you're saying is that communism is such an abused word that it's lost all meaning and describes everything from Latin American anti-imperialism to Soviet bolshevism to Vietnamese nationalism.
this and like 90% of post-marxist theory too
You're a degenerate defending the atrocities of Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. I don't care what you said. People like you need to be shot.
Pretty much, yes. It's absolutely pointless to debate any subject if it carries that much abstraction. Some people that say they want Communism probably want Diggeresque communalism, try having a debate about the merits and failures of that with someone that thinks "communism" just means "free shit for millenials."
You might as well say how much you dislike berries. What kind? Fuck you, berryphile, what, you think your specific type of "berry" is going to make up for all the people that have died berry related deaths? I just wish people would at least try to learn instead of latching onto whatever label du jour that keeps them from intellectal engagement.
If you defend communism, you bring communism to my country - I will you tie by the hands and shoot your brains out. I don't what excuses, what apologia you have. I've heard enough non-sense from degenerates like you. Its time for people of your ilk to face accountability for your actions and that requires you receiving a death sentence. You know exactly what you are guilty of and why you must be shot.
are you esl
You can't read, either. I'm sorry. Where's this defense?
Calm down, buddy, it's okay. Red Dawn gave a lot of kids nightmares. No one can blame you for being scared.
Even more heinous you fully know what you are defend and what you are responsible for that. You continue to gaslight. That makes your execution even more necessary. The world will never be free as long every communist is alive and not in a mass grave.
Get your knees and pray
Omg, Plato said a thing and it's just like today! #PlatoForPres
You're so scared you're inventing things to be afraid of. Again, where did I defend Communism? Why are you so afraid of any kind of discussion? Do you think all permutations of an ideology will disappear if you hate them enough?
Kill yourself nigger communist faggot. You will be shot and everyone in your ilk will be suffer the same fate. You deserve nothing but immediate execution
So, you are? Are you romanian then? My father is romanian and fought in that revolution. I'm not a commie I only ask because you write like a retarded person
Fucking nigger communist subhuman you will disappear when you fall out the chopper. You fucking subhuman cowards always hide on the internet because you anti-fas fucks we'd be lead in your fucking head
If only those managerials realized those crumbs they once got are being converted into NFTs...
I'm praying for you. I hope you find what you're looking for, user.
I want to find you and slice your throat with a knife you communist subhuman. I wish could find you.
I wonder if this is why the right is dying
I hear so many stories about libs reading the turner diaries, stuff about the Jewish Question, Protocols of TLEZ, etc to understand and debate better, meanwhile you're too reactionary to even think about something that upsets you
I only wish whatever shithole Balkan state you live in were actually destroyed and genocided by commies
Having an army of angry grugs is a good thing user. Obviously he isn't the intellectual type of guy to begin with, he's a board tourist. The reason the right is dying is because of heavy censorship on social media and disbarment from institutions.
>I hear so many stories about libs reading the turner diaries, stuff about the Jewish Question, Protocols of TLEZ, etc
No you don't lmfao
I've dropped reading this thread midway. Author started good, there were some nice jokes, good thoughts. But then the genre shifted to YA battle between lefties and righties, characters have lost any resemblance of rational thought, and most gruesome of author's sins: needles escalation by asspulls.
Overall, was disappointed by this thread. [1 star out of 5]
Yeah, it would have been better had it focused on the side character with the violent obsession with communism. I could see a better author making a good Chekovesque character story with the material.
weird because it sure seems like a lot to me, at least significantly more than I hear of righties reading Kropotkin or Bookchin, thats mostly just namedropping the hits like Marx and Lenin with no actual substance
I'm not sure why they would bother reading Kropotkin or Bookchin when anarchism and anarchists don't pose any threat
>"omg so what if we pretend to not know the definition of a woman why are you getting angry lol?"
>"omg why are you getting angry that men with dicks LARPing as women are going into the restroom with your little girl what's wrong with you you violent male-presenting human ugh!"
>"omg why are you getting angry that tons of illegal drugs and STD-ridden filthy Mexicans are crossing the border illegally omg literally get help!"
>"omg why are you getting angry at gas prices skyrocketing the moment Biden got into office, literally just buy a $75K electric vehicle if you're concerned lol?!"
>"omg why are you getting angry at China fucking over the American worker so we can all buy shitty $5 items on Amazon on recommendation of all the fake reviews ugh!?"
>"omg are you seriously getting angry that I keep reminding you that you need to use the they/them pronouns when you refer to me and wear a badge on your chest displaying your own preferred pronouns of which you may only choose the ones from a list we deem appropriate?!"
>"omg why are you getting angry at peaceful yet fiery protests in support of a felon who was about to drive on public roads high on fenty and meth omg... January 6th was so much worse, the media said so!! like 4 people died of a heart attack amongst the thousands that were there didn't you know? like literally 0 people died or were hurt at the Floyd peaceful protests and there was 0 property damage and 0 COVID spread..."
This meme that mass anger over absolute pants on heard retardation is bad will never catch on, regardless of however you try to misconstrue old quotes as if to apply to today's world.
Consider another tactic.
Who are you quoting? All I see is a strawman that you wasted far too long writing.
>r*ddit spacing
more schizo than retard
Where does Plato say this
He was talking about real democracy, not what we have where the government and every institution that has the power to sway public opinion is in the pocket of plutocrats.
when that the poor have cried*
I don't mind troons, more power to them. If they are fucking ugly and still live their life, that must mean that their will to power is enourmous.
retarded analogy please kys
If they don’t look like Sayori Ling, Sayuri Mattar or Taftaj they ain’t getting my dick
was expecting this reply btw
The only “atrocities” I will ever defend are those perpetrated by Pol Pot. That’s the difference between you and I, cunt.
political writers
>Yes, it is just as stupid to blame him for much of what happened during his administration as it is to blame Marx for the failures and excesses of Sovoet Bolshevism.
So it’s perfectly justifiable to accuse him of irresponsibility, conceitedness, and incompetence? I’m glad we agree.
It's not particularly similar to today, though it certainly applied in both Rome and Germany
Have you read some of his political work?
didnt we have a populast thing that happened a bit ago? like twice? something about a black druggy and rednecks on steps.
I see the internet tough guy is still a thing
I have a copy of picrel for every door in my house.
Wow, you must really like Atlas shrugged user, to have so many in your house. assuming of course you have 2+ doors in your home.
>What are doorstops?