You need to be unleashing your schizo upon the world. Fuck the normies...

You need to be unleashing your schizo upon the world. Fuck the normies, you need to be asserting the will of your deep inner world on everyone else. If anyone tells you, you need therapy you're doing it right. You need to be searching for lines of flight that liberate you from this decaying, morally depraved hellscape we call the modern world. You need to be conversing with the gods in the astral realm and striving for ubermenschean ideals. Become-imperceptible. Fair well fellow schizos.

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>tfw gf suggested I try therapy because I have a short temper and often fixate on certain things
>tfw told her therapy is psychic castration for creating compliant slave drones and if we continue to enable their limiting diagnoses and treatments then the status quo will win forever
>tfw gf didn’t reply because she’s my right hand

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Nobody cares what life's failures have to say. Writing love letters to yourself instead of doing anything meaningful is what 14 year olds do on tiktok.

Speak for yourself loser

funny thing is a lot of great thinkers would be "failures" by modern standards or even their own times standards having only their niche work as something of value to offer

your comment is so fucking narrow minded

>funny thing is a lot of great thinkers would be "failures" by modern standards

By a lot I am guessing you mean less than 100 ever across history. Compare that to the legions of deluded retards that wrote unreadable garbage because they thought their schizo output feed was pure genius.

You can ree all you want, but you can’t drag people down to your level.

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>Speak for yourself loser

You aren't failing at life because you are just too smart, creative and thoughtful to fit in this world of mindless drones. It's because you are a lazy failure who isn't smart enough to be useful.
It's pretty easy to daydream about how special you are, too special to succeed in the NPC Universe. And that's why you do it. Daydreaming is easier than working.
The excuses you make for your lack of achievement are just that: excuses. And that's all failures have. If they didn't, they would challenge thenselves to be useful.

I’m not failing at life at all, in general. You’re projecting to an insane degree.

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>You can ree all you want, but you can’t drag people down to your level

Abd what level is that?

I'm dismantling the schizo hugbox. It's for their own good.

Any books on this topic

Agree, many normies seethe over characters like Deleuze with the hollowest generalized critiques. It's exactly about recovering what once was with a sense of re-enchantment, that which is quite lost today in a constantly disenchanted and profane world.

Schizophrenia isn't a superpower, and living in squalor off disability checks while transcribing mental illness doesn't make one a "writer"

a pedo in a dress isn't a woman, and mental illness isn't talent. Neither should be encouraged in their delusion.

Anything by Deleuze really. Maybe check out DeLanda afterward. But ultimately become impossible to understand to make the normies seethe.

mental illness does not exist. only retardation. e.g. you

I guess you can bring Heidegger to this discussion where he says poetry is what will save us from a world that is threatening us with its dehumanizing technological advancements. Schizos are poets, jünger says the glory of the poet in the mechanized age is his "uselessness." I'm not trying to contort this into not doing anything but those that know they don't fit in (schizos) are poets, artists. Art is what has fallen and has led us to this predicament, and art is very much in line with the question of meaning.

Sorry mate, this is the schizo supremacy thread, not the psychopath ree thread

"schizo" in the most Deleuzian sense, not in the psychiatrist institutionalized sense. Individual Zarathustras, though I'm talking of these schizos who have artistic goals

>no books for this feel
you dun goofed OP

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>become a schizo piece of shit throwing shit from buildings and screaming to everyone
>become imperceptible

Any thing that has been written in English?

OP here, realizing this is Yea Forums and no one actually reads. Fuck this thread.

Anti-oedipus then
A thousand plateaus, first AO but read some summaries and watch videos. Need some basic understanding of Nietzsche-Marx-Freud

>no u

Are you self published?

The desire to be "useful" to "society" is pure slave morality in late stage capitalism.

Let's break it down and consider what makes a 'successful' type in today's world. I'd say somebody who:
>Attended and graduated university
>Works in a cutting edge field
>Has a nice house, car, etc.
>Is considered attractive by a lot of women, constantly getting tinder matches and so on
This is certainly what society seems to endorse, don't you agree Critoboulus?

But consider that attending university in general, as a matter of practice, requires the taking on of debts, which vastly reduce a man's options and make him subservient to money lenders. Consider that to work in a cutting edge field also requires one to live in a global city, and often to move around a lot. Both these things leave them atomized, and unlikely to form deep communal bonds or to wage war in defense of their land, so in fact it makes them effeminate and alone. To have a nice house, car, etc. These things are generally acquired on lease, and as such, are not really belonging to the person living in them or driving them. Is it such a mark of success to drive someone else's car and to live in someone else's house? In that case, we might as well say that the average slave in history is far more successful than the average freeman, because slaves often lived in palaces while Freemen rarely did. Finally, to be surrounded by beautiful women is to constantly have your heart played in different directions, and usually to reduce yourself for the sake of quite inferior company. What's more, it's even the habit of many men to pay money for the "privilege" of spending time with these women, taking them on dates and the like, which only builds a further relationship of dependence on their master, the so called "boss" or HR department they must kiss up to.

Now consider me, a NEET. When I am hungry I eat, when I am tired I sleep. My work consists of gathering firewood or stealing food from grocery stores, both of which keep me physically healthy. My NEET shack is quite small, which promotes an austerity of mind and body, and forces me to be organized and clean. Neither intense heat nor cold bother me much, because I am often exposed to the elements. I have the greatest luxury a man could ask for, good health and free time, which is the envy even of kings. In fact, I have so much free time I can devote myself to all sorts of interesting projects that normies couldn't even dream of, and I can pass days in the library enjoying the company of the wisest men to ever live. It means nothing for me to drop everything and run off to help a friend, whereas most people have no shortage of excuses in this regard. In return for my hard efforts, society has awarded me with a stipend to live on, and there are all sorts of churches and charitable organizations which give me free food, accomodations, clothing, and so on. So who is really better off?

I can't user I need a girlfriend

i bet you dont even make six figures you fucking baboon prole fuck

>giving up before even trying

Find gf. Have kids.

> Compare that to the legions of deluded retards that wrote unreadable garbage because they thought their schizo output feed was pure genius.
Counterpoint. Your statement is true but it is, in fact, your solemn duty to all who came before you and all who come after you to commit yourself to being one of those delusional retards so Man and God and the Universe or whatever can discover the truth and separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.


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You haven't written anything yet, have you?

not that easy when you're a sperg. the problem with feminism is essentially its a life-hating Malthusian ideology that believes only the top 1% of men should carry on their genes. its closely related by proxy to Marxism via Charles Darwin, essentially why its pro-abortion. guilt by association. it proposes that by giving women reproductive control, it attempts to reduce the population to allow more consumer goods to grow, when the more palatable solution would be to allow everyone to partake in more labor so the amount of consumer goods triples. not only that but it favor K-strategy which eventually will reduce the amount of people who are more or less mind-centric and more physical-centric, depleting the world of thinkers and the world will basically center around about a million controlled brutes where civilization will eventually stagnate and fall to anarchy.

Get rid of the gay “modern world” crap and this post would be based

>Find gf. Have kids.

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I honestly think this is the right approach, while balancing effectiveness and long-term narratives.

user, you are truly a god among men. May god bless you and heaven shower you with its gifts. And although I do understand the criticism the other user has lobbed at you, if what you say is true I can’t help but believe you have found the royal path to life. I repeat and re-emphasize my earlier statements. God bless you.

I'm not schizophrenic but I relate to this.

Incredibly bassed

if everyone does shanangians... no one does...

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level 2.

Deleuze is cringe garbage. Shut your mouth, follow God, stop using the internet, and become a man.

>So who is really better off?

The person who contributes. Having a car, a decent home and the ability to travel is obviously superior to being shack-bound by one's own failure to produce anything of value.

>i bet you dont even make six figures you fucking baboon prole fuck

hiw much are you betting?

>I'm so smart and unique
>Everyone but me is an NPC
>Unleash your inner schizo
Simply epic, my friend.

This but unironically

>jünger says the glory of the poet in the mechanized age is his "uselessness."
that's interesting, in what text does he say this or talk about this?

How is it with mankind, whose cause we are to make our own? Is its cause that of another, and does mankind serve a higher cause? No, mankind looks only at itself, mankind will promote the interests of mankind only, mankind is its own cause. That it may develop, it causes nations and individuals to wear themselves out in its service, and, when they have accomplished what mankind needs, it throws them on the dung-heap of history in gratitude. Is not mankind’s cause – a purely egoistic cause?

mode gang based

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They sang the song that elevated humanity. Hundreds of thousands of inspired voices emerged from the global crisis and spoke powerful testimony about the value of life and the wonder of the universe. Their communications would touch the souls of billions and inspire incredible personal and social transformations. They would give birth to a generation of creatives that would outshine even them.

>attending university requires the taking on of debts
in third world countries maybe, but over here tuition is about 200€ a year

such speaks the whole, as someone 'of them'. while the voice is particular that is why 'we' never see it. we sees we: the common.

disjunction and idiocy: but how to make perceivable that which resist any totality and (?) proximity?

>If anyone tells you, you need therapy you're doing it right.
This but actually go to therapy and dominate the therapist.

The modern world is far less depraved than one would like to imagine. It has to be the most disappointing thing about it. There is nothing even slightly great about it, even its promiscuity is weak and without passion. Liberating yourself from it is the easiest thing you could do, destroying it is like destroying an invasive black mold. Almost impossible, ugly to look at, nothing particularly remarkable about it except that it causes lung cancer and other diseases if you spend too much time in it.

I've trained in Muay Thai for 21 years now. I've grappled for 12.
I could literally kill anyone in this thread with my bare hands. Most likely I could kill every one of you all at once. Just remember that every time you think about writing something clever.
There's little book readers like you who think you've got it all figured it out, and then there's actual beasts like me who'd slap the book out of your hand, give you a wedgie and tell you to do something about it.

>And that's all failures have. If they didn't, they would challenge thenselves to be useful.
Cynical critic, how fatalistic you must be to think that failure only springs from lack of wanting.

lack of lack is abundance: sneed seeds and feeds. while chuck, well, you know it yourself. however, that is where they are trying to play us, the free spirits. Chuck IS Sneed's completeness. Sneed sure is bitter and cynical in his attitude which makes him to react at customers. to become self-serving and self-directed Sneed must embrace Chuck. get it, get it.

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