Dante is a simp

>grieves over the death of some childhood friend he wanted to fuck but she died at the young age of 24
>literally requests that he travels through hell to meet her, to which he does
>breaks down crying in front of her and faints like a faggot at the top of purgatorio
>agrees with her after she has the audacity to be a bitch to him about wandering into sin

Do christcucks really?

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I just realized how much European culture revolves around simping, SMDH.

I LOVE Dante so much it's unreal

It’s why Europe is being raped in both wholes right now. A culture of “nice guys”. I cringe at where the UK is going right now. Makes me ashamed to be bri’ish.

The MF ranks betrayal as a worse sin than murder and violence. How the fuck does that work? Not only that but sending his own creative heroes to hell, Virgil and Aristotle. His morals are all over the place.

Yeah, Europe really castrated itself by killing off its criminals instead of integrating them into the gene pool. We're fucked if we don't start getting some mutations for aggression.

*betrayal of the person who has done you good and tried to help you.

how is betrayal not worse

Aristotle is in hell just because he was pagan.

>how does Dante, a Christian, think Christianity is a perquisite for salvation

Still, how is that worse than murder?

the people that betrayed the one's who did them good murdered them, so it is murder, but worse. Brutus and Judas

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I’m pretty sure that some Christians believe that Christ descended into Hades to preach the Gospel to those who died before his time (the harrowing of hades). I saw iconography of Plato and other notable ancient Greeks in an Orthodox Church one time. See pic rel; Homer and Thucydides, among others.

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This book just makes me want to sin even more. Fuck trying to be perfect. Humans are animals and should accept it.

The order of circled of hell is based on how much the sin damages society. He used to think betrayal, lying was the caused the most damaged to society, causing other scenes in certain way.

Many philosophers are in the Limbo, not being tortured in any of the circles of hell. He actually pays them a homage.

>not being tortured in any of the circles of hell.
They’re fed upon by hornets

That’s the wrong part, you got it mixed up, the hornets are for the fencesitters

Imagine being into literature and not knowing how to use the word "literally". Shambles.

Makes me so ashamed.

It’s not mutation it’s social pressure that’s going to make things more violent and it will be unirronicaly because too many women in control will make it unsafe and then they will seek protection from violent men. It’s how women operate.

You can literally just accept Christ and get to heaven.

There's no violent White men left. They're all in prison or dead. All genetics are too skewed towards cooperative moralism in excess. OP's book is a good example. Whites are fully domesticated. There are no wolves left, only pathetic guard dogs.

you are very much coping, whites created the world all the shit you are talking about is decadence from that very fact, not some meme based on seethe from your own genetic inferiority

>you are very much coping
Not at all, domestication is a biological truth that is proven. Humans are animals and can be domesticated, which Whites have been.

>not some meme based on seethe from your own genetic inferiority
Actually my genetics are pretty damn good. I'm one of the least domesticated Whites on this planet and that gives me an edge. I'll make a thread about this in the science board (eventually) to help yourself and others understand (hopefully).

you are talking all this shit despite whites owning everything and not being near as cringe a mere one or two generations ago. stop lying you scum its social decadence

>you are talking all this shit despite whites owning everything
So what? The vast majority of the world was underdeveloped compared to Europeans. That doesn't disprove domestication.

>not being near as cringe a mere one or two generations ago
And the ones before them were less cringe and so on and so forth.

>stop lying you scum its social decadence
I'm not lying. The truth literally sits in front of your face. How do wolves turn to dogs? It's not really a matter of "subversion" or "decadence"; it's Europeans have been selecting against independence, aggression and competitiveness for over a millenia. Genetics is what primarily dictates human behavior and my theory is already proven; it just needs further illustration. Most people won't accept it because it's a very grim truth that would turn Western society on its head and invalidate a good chunk of "morality", but it's still true. Like I said, I'll make a thread in the science board, eventually.

You are either dumb as bricks or a wilful liar, desperate to find ways to disparage whites. You are braindead calling whites domesticated instead of "Humanity" domesticated.
Once again look a mere one or two generations ago if you want "MORE" criminals you thick shill. Now KNEEL to your objective betters mutt

Huh, did you say something? Apparently not, because there's no argument here, just you foaming at the mouth.

>You are braindead calling whites domesticated instead of "Humanity" domesticated.
Humanity is domesticated to a good degree, but Europeans are in the deep end and the only group I'm concerned with addressing.

>Once again look a mere one or two generations ago if you want "MORE" criminals
So, you said the previous generations were less cringe and then acknowledge the fact that previous generations had proportionately more (White) criminals. I hope that coincidence is not lost on you.

Jesus, you are claiming genetic domestication occurs in one or two generations, and denying the social causes. you are plainly stupid, and desperate for ANYTHING to say against whites as a race.
Begone trannoid, or better yet tell me of a race better

>Jesus, you are claiming genetic domestication occurs in one or two generations

>Europeans have been selecting against independence, aggression and competitiveness for over a millenia.
>Europeans have been selecting against independence, aggression and competitiveness for over a millenia.
>Europeans have been selecting against independence, aggression and competitiveness for over a millenia.

You know this is a board about reading, right?

>and denying the social causes
I never denied environmental influence. I said genetics are the +primary+ dictator of human behavior, which has been proven. The propaganda and subversion shit is the actual cope and dissident behavior in humanity proves it.

*millennia. excuse the typo

You are saying nothing concrete, its all seethe, claiming its whites that are "genetically domesticated" which is totally retarded, and it too a pair of pliers to wrench out the social factors concession from you. its clear you are being disingenuous from start to finish.
>>Europeans have been selecting against independence, aggression and competitiveness for over a millenia.
are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
BEGONE you useless shill

Was simping for women always part of western culture or does that simply derive from medieval Christianity and courtly love? The Romans and Greeks never showed women the same affection and love that people in the Middle Ages did.

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Hmm.....I'm reading your post and there doesn't seem to be an argument in it. Nope, nothing here.

You finally gave up then? good

>[classical figure] is a [modern construct]

Instant trash!

Gave up what? You have no argument.

>You are saying nothing concrete, its all seethe, claiming its whites that are "genetically domesticated" which is totally retarded
Not an argument.

>and it too a pair of pliers to wrench out the social factors concession from you
There was no "concession"; you just have a reading disability, apparently. I said genetics are the "primary" driver of human behavior. "Primary", not total. I don't think you should be calling people disingenuous after what you just did.

>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
And do you not think all those wars and criminal punishments have not had a cumulative affect? Notice we're becoming more and more docile and less innovative.

Simping always was part of culture. Courtly love and chivalry are just part of it. Never forget that people used to duel to the death over women that they barely knew.

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Dante lived in the 1200s, retard. He has nothing to do with European 'men' being cucks in 2022.

>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?

And no, criminals in prison does not make people docile overall, as a huge chunk of Russians dying in the biggest war in history (a european war) has only made russian more cancerous in their shitholes. Its overwhelming social not genetic but you cant cope enough against the white race itself by saying social decadence so you reach for some ridiculous thing like "genetic domestication" while leaving out every other race and society

'Simping' has lost all meaning, apparently.

Yes, but Vergil, and probably Aristotle, was a noble pagan. He "foretold" the birth of Jesus and wrote good poems. Therefore, he is saved. You know they have mosaics and frescoes of Vergil in churches, right? He's a holy figure in Christianity, believe it or not.
Maybe, just maybe, Dante's works of fiction should be treated like, well, you know, works of fiction. Maybe, they don't have to be perfectly consistent. Why should they have to be if our legal system isn't.

>And no, criminals in prison does not make people docile overall
Proof behind this statement? Criminals have higher average testosterone, along with more competitive and independent traits which are segregated and eliminated from society. I will give you my sources when I get around to making that thread, or you can do some research on your own, which will lead you to the same places.

>as a huge chunk of Russians dying in the biggest war in history (a european war) has only made russian more cancerous in their shitholes
I wouldn't say that. Russia has generally developed higher standards of living after the dissolution of the USSR. Plus, Russia is also a multiracial society with prominent admixture with others.

>Its overwhelming social not genetic
Proof? All the research suggests the opposite and the domestication of animals and Belyaev Fox Experiments show exactly how easy it is to quickly alter a species through selection.

the fact 10s of millions of young russian soldiers died back to back in 30 years and they are still a rotten shithole. take your nonsense trying to turn whites committing less crimes into an insult and shove it.
All the things you are whining about are social faggotry from euros being undisputed for 300 years not genetic chagne from some fucking criminals being in prison, now what i want is for you to tell me about some non domesticated peoples

>the fact 10s of millions of young russian soldiers died back to back in 30 years and they are still a rotten shithole.
They have a history of being raped and mixed with other races. Despite being a multiracial, corrupt, and turbulent nation, they remarkably continue to stabilize (barring the current war). None of this disproves anything I've said, though, and you are just grasping at straws.

>take your nonsense trying to turn whites committing less crimes into an insult and shove it.
All the things you are whining about are social faggotry from euros being undisputed for 300 years not genetic chagne from some fucking criminals being in prison
Not an argument against anything I've said.

>now what i want is for you to tell me about some non domesticated peoples
There's less domesticated, but not non-domesticated people (that I know of). Africans and Native Americans seem to be the least, but their evolutionary process is much different from Europeans.

But if you want to continue, you should at least try to refute my points instead of trying to run off in different directions to obfuscate your lack of proof in your assertions. But you also didn't own up to your reading mistakes, so I'm not confident in you arguing in good faith.

the differences between those "less domesticated" races is IQ, they are criminals because they are stupid just like Russians and unlike east Asians. its not genetic domestication that dictates criminality, its in the iq. Euros are only cringe NOW not during those 300 years, only in the last 30 because of social degeneration
And don't get up my ass pretending its ME that's not arguing in good faith i remember having a similar argument to this with some scumbag Brazilian coping over his countries and races failings with "le epic barbarian" thats who i think you are BTW

>the differences between those "less domesticated" races is IQ
That's part of it, yes. Europeans had an environment that selected for intelligence while the darker people did not need it as much. Their environments also required more competition and less cooperation.

>Euros are only cringe NOW not during those 300 years, only in the last 30 because of social degeneration
Proof? You keep repeating this with zero proof, whereas I have proof.

>And don't get up my ass pretending its ME that's not arguing in good faith
Why not? You wouldn't own up to your reading gaffs, nor do you provide any evidence for your positions. 80% of your posts are just name calling and diversion. You absolutely have a severe problem with having an honest discussion.

> i remember having a similar argument to this with some scumbag Brazilian coping over his countries and races failings with "le epic barbarian" thats who i think you are BTW
I'm not Brazilian. I'm a US citizen, but I have spoken my theory around different imageboards every now and then, so perhaps he unfortunately coopted my ideas without being able to properly debate (Brazilians, right?).

Anyway, if you're not going to provide any actual proof for your assertions, let's wrap this up. You've ignored every one of my points that are inconvenient to you (all of them) and are just spinning your wheels. Maybe when I make that thread you'll actually make an effort to learn something because you're clearly being obstinate at the moment.

You utter sped, why dont you threaten to post your epic sources some more
>Europeans have been selecting against independence, aggression and competitiveness for over a millenia.
Proved false
>high test people that have competitive and independent traits which are segregated and eliminated from society
like the tens of millions of young russian men destroyed, and yet they are a criminal shithole, and your nonsense about "they are mutts so?" holds zero O weight towards what i just said
>I-its you that is arguing in bad faith
And when you spouted "whites are domesticated" you conveniently left out the definition of undomesticated is being some concrete jungle monkey retard criminal and an alcoholic casino owner

You are an arrogant vacuous faggot with points that hold up to no scrutiny if you cant handle criminality being directly correlated with IQ and not some vague "genetic domestication" which conveniently only applies in the last 30 years then fuck off

>You utter sped, why dont you threaten to post your epic sources some more
Do you want me to? Because if I'm going to do that, I may as well make that thread in the science board. I didn't plan on doing that, now, though, probably in a few days because I have some more research to do. Go ahead, search "Belyaev Foxes" and get started.

>Proved false
Really, where?!?! Nowhere, because you just lied. Europeans have been practicing criminal punishment for essentially our entire history, which selects against those and continues to do so. Watch "The European Revolution" by Alternative Hypothesis.

>And when you spouted "whites are domesticated" you conveniently left out the definition of undomesticated is being some concrete jungle monkey retard criminal and an alcoholic casino owner
No, I didn't, why are you being "disingenuous"? Less domesticated can refer to anyone from successful bank robbers to high IQ serial killers to intelligent mobsters. There's a range.

>like the tens of millions of young russian men destroyed, and yet they are a criminal shithole, and your nonsense about "they are mutts so?" holds zero O weight towards what i just said
And what did you say? Nothing. Russia is a conscript country. It's average guys that die, not their mafia overlords. They also have that admixture, on top of being a cold shithold that encourages drug and alcohol use that makes everything worse. You're focusing on Russia like it matters, buy it doesn't because you don't even have a point. For every "Russian" that dies, they import 2 more Caucasians.

>You are an arrogant vacuous faggot with points that hold up to no scrutiny if you cant handle criminality being directly correlated with IQ and not some vague "genetic domestication" which conveniently only applies in the last 30 years then fuck off
I never said IQ wasn't correlated to criminality because it is. Coincidentally, White "criminals" have the highest IQ's in prison.

>not some vague "genetic domestication" which conveniently only applies in the last 30 years then fuck off
Where are you getting this "30 years" thing from? You literally just greentexted this in the same post:
>>Europeans have been selecting against independence, aggression and competitiveness for over a millenia.

Are you OK? Do you need a drink of water? Your eyes aren't working.

You can call me arrogant, but I'm not arrogant enough to dodge mistakes and argue without evidence. Your whole position is based on your emotions without any actual evidence to back it up. Are we done yet? I'm not here to be a receptacle for your weightless screeching.

>Really, where?!?!
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>For every "Russian" that dies, they import 2 more Caucasians
Russians are still more criminal, what now?
>Where are you getting this "30 years" thing from?
whites were NOT cringe one or two generations ago, so what the fuck are you talking about the entire time you have been posting about "genetic change"
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?
>are you talking about the most warlike and innovative societies in history?

say more pithy things please while claiming to have evidence somewhere, over on the uhhhh.


>snitches get stitches
Perennial truth 101 nigga, it is the ultimate sin and everyone knows it fr fr.

>Russians are still more criminal, what now?
Yeah, what now, what's your point?

>whites were NOT cringe one or two generations ago, so what the fuck are you talking about the entire time you have been posting about "genetic change"
I think they were cringe. In fact, I think Europeans have been cringe for most of our history.

>say more pithy things please while claiming to have evidence somewhere, over on the uhhhh.
OK, I gave you resources and subjects to research. You never acknowledged your illiteracy. You keep using Russia as an argument against.....something. Your assertions have no proof, but yet you cling to them. I don't know why you're greentexting that sentence repeatedly because I already addressed it here:
>And do you not think all those wars and criminal punishments have not had a cumulative affect? Notice we're becoming more and more docile and less innovative.

This and unironically.

you are a dense fucking retard, how quickly you crumbled, enough of this inane conversation

>I-I've won because I said so, take that!

Lol, you kids are so predictable.

this is grotesque

>Beatrice "Bice" di Folco Portinari was an Italian woman who has been commonly identified as the Beatrice in the last book of the Divine Comedy. Dante claims to have met a "Beatrice" only twice, on occasions separated by nine years, but was so affected by the meetings that he carried his love for her throughout his life

Exactly. While Muslims and Indians and Chinese had massive harems without guilt, Europeans praised knights for courtly love, toiling away for years just to win the heart of a single foid.

The Divine Comedy is a mystical theosophic vision and Beatrice represents Sophia

The concept of “simp”ing was created by the CCP to lower birth rates in western countries
Love is beautiful

>the ultimate sin
If the ultimate sin is the Unpardonable Sin, then that's not it.
It's blasphemy against the Holy Spirit