/wg/ - Writing General

Obama Edition

Previously: -------------------------------------------

Reads related to honing the craft:
>pastebin.com/krJFfUfK (old reading list)
>pastebin.com/1KA24gny (new reading list)

Aditional related reads:

Youtube playlist on storytelling:

Self publishing websites:


/wg/ author pastebin + user flash fiction anthology

Previous flash fiction anthologies

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I’ve started writing a book and I’ve already thought of two spinoffs… why is my mind like this? I’m more excited about those ideas than my current novel ???

That means your current novel is shit and you'll never finish.

How many words in are you? If under 30k then is probably right.

Please rate my space-faring team because I want to write comfy adventure fiction with these guys
>girl MC, captain and reserve pilot and mechanic, bubbly, incomprehensible when she's excited, idiosyncratic speech patterns. In it just to go fast af in her big space ship
>guy doctor, gruff and tired, takes great pride in his work, actually funny in a dry way. In it because he sees everyone as potential disasters who will need his care
>girl small arms specialist, like a puzzle, likes the precision of a gun over the detonation of a whole city block, reserved but not shy, peak qt. In it to make some money
>guy demolition specialist and mechanic, funny, maybe a little off his rocker, best friends with the doctor, #DAMAGED, thinks small arms specialist is a small time dreamer. In it to see the galaxy
>girl pilot, thinks artillerist is crude but in an endearing way, femme fatale, not quippy, #DAMAGED. In it for whatever she can get: money, fame, etc.
>guy engineer and quartermaster, large mother fucker, likes his books, moral father figure. Close with the pilot and the small arms girl. In it to find a permanent home he can start a garden in

How do you break the threshold and create longer works? I've written 15 novellas, but they're all around 30k words.

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Newfag here. Where do y'all post/publish your works? Or do you just keep them to yourselves?


>girl MC, captain

Sounds like you're writing the wrong thing.

>girl MC
Unironically, unequivocally, and without remorse stopped reading right there. There is no smile on my face.

How well did they review?

Should I use english words to name my characters or should I use foreign words to name them? Which one is better and why?

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Why is there a woman?

I've only published eight of them. The worst reviewed one has sold the most. The best reviewed one has barely sold anything.

>My 1k word count still stronk!
Alright you fuckers, I'm almost complete in compiling the most reprehensible, yet socially acceptable female character
Eastern ,African and Middle eastern cucks need not continue reading as this character archetype is not applicable to their societies.

>Dyes hair a different color than it is naturally
>Too much perfume/cakeup
>Has long drawn out laugh
>Is single by choice and through 'no fault of her own'
>Drinks too much
>Has had more than five sexual partners in ten years
>Lets her male pet dog lick her on the mouth
>Expects others to pay for her food while eating out
>Has more guy friends than girl friends
>Smokes cigarettes
>Has tattooed name of previous partner
>Had 'work done' for non reconstructive purposes
>Wears overly revealing clothing in public
>Doesn't know how to cook
>Consistent flirt even with her 'friends'

>female char
Stopped reading here.

Since you somehow missed the hint last thread I will spell it out for you: PROVIDE CONTEXT FOR YOUR QUESTION

No it’s a good idea and im halfway through it so I’ll probably finish but I want to do the other ones RIGHT NOW

What kind of character is this that you can't just name them "Bob"?

Gentlemen, cease your shitposting. Spunky girls are cute

It’s going to be 90k
Im almost 50k in and it’s fully outlined

It’s YA so it’s not hard to write. I still love the story but i get excited over new books easily

>>girl MC
Yeah, it won’t be funny. Sorry, user.

I'd say not to get too distracted by the new idea, but jot them down anyway. As in don't focus too much time on them, but if something comes to mind organically or in a dream then don't lose it.

What's with the hashtags?

Want are some stereotypes and slang about Irishmen?

Sorry user. I'm writing a medieval fantasy book

My writing is shit and my mother doesn't love me, how do you think I should write my mc?


Is it though? Or do you just mean swords and castles and people riding on horses

>im terrible at what i love
>mom hates me
This is literally every ligth-novel and isekai out there

No feudal system with farm and serfs day in and day out. Bunch of uneducated blokes that mind their own business, farm for 3 hours give some food to the lord and die from dissentry at the age of 30

Then why not pick medieval English peasant names?

Because Robert is a medieval peasant name. As well as John, Paul, George, and Richard.

get a load of this smarmy ass faggot

>the silence was deafening

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Actually write it and submit a 3k word writing sample to us with whatever names you want and we'll give you meaningful feedback. Until then you're just farting into the wind before our faces and asking which way the wind is blowing.

Likely the character names will be the least important thing.


Ignore the pseuds' non-advice...just roll with it!
You don't have to start writing them now, but you can still make lots of notes.
Sounds like you've got an idea strong enough to become its own series!
More power to you!

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Are you the user that previously asked for characteristics of trashy women?
I think you've compiled quite a fertile list.
Now write the twat!

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Irish culture, as it existed at the time of the mass migration to America, had a lot in common with what we call "black culture" these days.
Try writing them that way.

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Is cross-story contamination a thing?
I'm starting to have trouble with coming up with a land of monsters for my LitRPG that's actually different from a race of monsters from another idea I was working on; I also have a couple of stories I haven't finished with eerily similar groups of leads.
I've written down what I could but I struggle writing my ideas down; so I was thinking that maybe because I'm not putting them all down on paper, they are crossing into each other because my mind is not really a material place with well-defined borders.

Sounds like my little brother's ex-girlfriend.
So let me help with an even trashier detail:
>Wears overly revealing clothing in public
She wears her pajamas in public...yes, the ones she slept in.

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Sounds like you need more ideas for monsters.
You could plunder reference works like Dungeons & Dragons for ideas.
Or take it back to basics...come up with a species with a much different biology than your current monsters, then extrapolate how that biology would affect their culture.
For instance, a monster with prolific breeding would have a much different culture than one with a lower birth rate -- the former wouldn't prize children at all, the latter would have a very stratified hierarchy. And so on.

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Hmm.. I'm doing a lot of research right now, and I will need a bibliography. How important is one for a historical fiction? Or nobody gives a shit?

>Sounds like you need more ideas for monsters.
It's more that I'm giving both similar societies and histories.
Both sets of monsters have very authoritarian governments, both are militaristic, both have industries but are isolationists and have poor living conditions, both have been seething for centuries over getting beaten by humanity, both have the classic Four Heavenly Kings meme for their government, etc.

Your suggestion is not bad at all, though, frogfriend.

I've read two books by Kurt Vonnegut. Both had a character who remembered the future and a plot about being abducted to another planet to be bred with an attractive woman and a race of aliens named Tralfamadorians. They weren't that similar overall.
With another author I noticed that he likes to give multiple characters the same first name for the sake of an emotionally poignant instant that doesn't advance the plot.
Many authors fixate on really specific ideas and stylistic touches. I don't think it's desirable, but it's a fact of life.
Do keep the borders of your stories clear. Do look for ways to differentiate your repeats. But accept that sometimes your ideas converge.

Fuck off.

Vonnegut recycles lots of themes over and over. One of his last, if not last, books was called "Timequake" or something like that. Where he mixes up all these ideas he's had from his old books. It's kind of interesting.

I'm more of a "writer's writer".

Do you write?

to eat is not to breathe is not to sleep is not to dream is not to yearn is not to earn is not the fact that red pisses me the FUCK OFF and you fucking knew that which is why you’re just a corpse in my basement after giving me a fucking red balloon on my birthday
i will always hate you
chapter 2: thoughts on the economy
money is

chapter 2: thoughts on the economy
money is
>a medium of exchange
>a store of value
>a unit of account

I have definitely thought about writing on multiple occasions.

Any advice on gaining readers? I'm not finished with the novel, but would like some opinions of part 1 and 2 before actually hitting the publish button.
The only people who accepted my offer were boomer women, and none of them had notes beyond "that was sad" or "that was funny"

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You know, I get asked that a lot. I was at a cocktail reception for a certain well-to-do artiste. He's some congressman's third son. He was showcasing his newest series of creations, Red on Red I think is what the sign at the entrance of the exhibition called it. He was going around wearing sunglasses indoors, spilling his drink, his arm around some flirty young thing. Open bar, you know how it goes. So I'm perusing this one particular piece, and it turns out its the titular Red on Red - there was a lot of red - and this girl comes walking up, jewish, you could easily tell from her hair, nosejob and the breasts spilling out. So we get to talking and it comes out that I'm a writer's writer. She wants to know what they means so I say I''ll show her but we need to go for a little walk. We walk out of the exhibition and, this won't be a surprise to anyone, but jewish girls just love sucking uncircumcised cock.

I'm trying to apply the "show, don't tell" techniques but it just feels like such a waste of time, page space and my nerves, I'm writing a YA sci-fi novel, I just want to tell the story ffs

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Then you're probably more of a non-fiction writer.

Show don't tell is a horrific meme almost on the level of passive bad active good. Don't fall for that shit. In many cases it's better to tell than show.

Rate my Concept:
>Space Fantasy
>Post-apocalyptic world/alien desolated planet
>Main gimmick of the story are superpowered power armors that can appear on a person's body instantly
>Main protag is a tomboy girl whose armor allows her to punch really hard.

isn't that basically one piece?

Okay, but *why* does she punch really hard?