Do heroic people actually exist...

Do heroic people actually exist? I'm starting to think we just dreamed them up and heroism only exists in fiction and highly romanticized vision of history. Napoleon was probably a huge faggot if you got to know him.
For clarity's sake, I mean heroism as a transcedent quality of a character, not mentally ill soldiers with PTSD or some fucking firefighter carrying doggos from the burning buiding.

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I understand what you mean and yes heroes exist. The issue I see if the freedom of expression of the archetype. A hero not aware of pitfalls and traps will descend before ascending, if that state can be achieved. Look for people who are selfless in nature.

>Do heroic people actually exist?
They existed in the past.

> transcedent quality of a character
What do you mean by that?

Under that definition, then no, heroes have never existed because the way you define it isn't human.

Not a lot of people but there is a suprising amount of people who have true heroic and selfless characteristics but we don't hear about them often and also because this potential for great heroic deeds is suppressed by the nature of modern civilization. A lot of people would do better if they were born in a world of extreme hardship and war that would test their character and make them strong so they can display their full heroism.

That's basically like asking if the ubermensch exists.

There are serious socialists out their trying to organize the working class. Serious environmental activists, protesters, scientists and general preppers. These are the heroes of today.

The Greek age of heroes were more about pirates. Stirner reawakens this sensibility for all, but few have taken it. In antiquity they set themselves up as kings. A misstep imo. The modern heroes want us all to be royalty

There probably is but how would you know? News outlets profit only off anger and outrage, not heroism. Writers had to have gotten their influence from somewhere. Maybe try to meet more people and get a better feel of the world?

They existed during the Heroic Age

>What do you mean by that?
People with superhuman temperament

Everyone is human. Everyone will have faults. Everyone will have failures. Napoleon, if you knew him well, would have been a man. He was also something more. A man, but not just a man. If he had only been a man then, when the armies of the King confronted him and he refused to surrender, they would have shot him or brought him to the King in chains. Instead, they swore their allegiance to him, and marched with him to depose the King who had dispatched them.
Hernan Cortes was more than a man. Adolf Hitler was more than a man. Winston Churchill was more than a man. Charlemagne was more than a man. Muhammed was more than a man. Julius Caesar was more than a man. Genghis Khan was more than a man. This does not mean that they were not men. Each and every one of them was a man, made of flesh and blood. Yet they also possessed an indefinable quality that let them shape the world. This wasn't mere competence or reputation: Augustus was an incompetent general, especially early in his career, and was leading armies as a teenager with no reputation to speak of. Churchill was old, fat, stubborn and best known for some monumental failures during World War 1. Muhammed was a small-time merchant suffering from hallucinations who had never lead anything greater than a trade caravan. Hernan Cortes was a lawyer who was assigned command of an expedition because the governor found him irritating and wanted to get rid of him. These people, by all logic, should have been subsumed by the tides of history like all the rest. Instead, everyone knows their names and their stories. This discrepancy cannot be explained by luck. They must share some other quality. This quality could be called heroism, for lack of a better word.

>There are serious socialists out their trying to organize the working class. Serious environmental activists, protesters, scientists and general preppers. These are the heroes of today.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah nice bait, faggot.


Hey Azov cadet. Enjoying your inflation?

r u cool?

Begone Great Men Theorist!

Yes, social ideals and "true manliness" or whatever do not actually exist, they are fronts people put up. To be a "hero" you just don't get exposed for your weaknesses.

Pretty chill

>Will I ever find someone I'm not disillusioned by?
Hopefully not.

Yes, he was the author of Mein Kampf

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you don't have the unquantifiable strength of will to make me, user

There’s nothing heroic about naziism, Biden voter.

REal jews don't have blue eyes.

Is this President Zelenskyy?

>This discrepancy cannot be explained by luck
Why not? Fame is a pretty dumb metric of greatness, more people are familiar with Charli D'Amelio than Napoleon, shall we say she's a heroic, almost mythical figure?

>Maybe try to meet more people
Lol hes on Yea Forums, hes a loner at best an incel at worse.

Not him but meeting a lot of people turned me into a lone 4channer more than anything. Yes my loneness was always somewhat pathological regardless, but when I realised that I forced myself to be open, meet a lot of people and to think and analyse their character and lifestyle with as little prejudice as possible. It made it much worse, especially the part where I tried to live as normal as possible.

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Yeah normies are scum, that's why you find weirdos and other introverts, like minded people to hang with. They're out their rare as it is. The normie will suck the life out of you if you let them.

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IQ 100 normies have a genotype of agrarian peasants. Agriculture-mind is a real thing. Read the 10,000 year explosion

this. nobody ever told to deform himself, he probably just chose to out of fear and confusion. He now chose to leave the all people behind instead of understanding that he just wasn't in the right place with the right people. Please don't descend into "if the world doesn't want me the way I am, than I don't want the world >:o !" All it takes is seeing what your real interests are and then convene where people of the same interests gather. Yes, it will be trial and error, and you won't just feel at home automatically. Just because we don't live in tribes anymore doesn't mean that humans have stopped being tribal. It's just that today you have to find your tribe on your own, going out there and doing it is something nobody can do for you

That's true, I'm glad you mentioned it because now I get to bombard you with my life story. I primarily found myself weird people from almost all across the spectrum. One was a narcissist, another one had turned into a schizophrenic after drug use, one was what I thought was the epitome of a normie, another one was normal but with a little psychopathy, one was an autist, sometimes I'd talk to someone who was just weird but not really in any established category. Ironically it was probably the narcissist who I talked most about things like philosophy about but the problem that arised was that other than that he was a very nasty person, not really a friend in any sense of the meaning, and I would never know if anything he said or did was real. The schizo (who was a good friend before his condition) turned nasty too because he probably thought I was part of the secret service scheming against him or whatever delusions he developed about me. The normie just did uninteresting (gymbro) normie things and had zero (0) capacity to talk about anything deeper than to give an example how that one time he and his friend farted at the same time, best he could do was talk about women and do a bit of classical bro-psychology to figure them out, and lifting, but he also had no self-reflection which made it too difficult to develop the friendship further. Normie with a bit of psychopathy was about equally like that, the superficial charm and niceness made me a bit more distrustful (even though he was arguably the most helpful out of the bunch) but the friendship didn't last long enough to see his full potential. The autist did his autist thing of not really understanding anything about the social world or common frameworks, it was a chore to explain and teach him some of the basics but I hope he took something away from it. The weird person was aware of it, he almost got joy out of it, and I enjoyed bashing him for his weirdness but it made me feel ashamed to hang out with him at times, he was a pervert weeb and his entire personality seemed to be grounded in strange behaviour simply because he didn't know what else to do. I found a couple of other loners and that's the closed to relatibility I've ever had but the reasons for being a loner can vary greatly so I can relate to the alienation and consequences of it but it's the path that lead to this that is much more important. Introvert is just a funny identity label at this point. I did meet one genuine introvert but he was such an extreme defeatist and weakling that even I couldn't handle it. At some point I just said fuck it, 4chinz happens to hit closest to home, I'm tired of looking everywhere and I will continue to work on my own pathologies but at this point I'm pretty sure there's a big part of it that isn't changeable without tearing down the entire structure.
>tldr normies are too normal and weird people are either too weird or outright mentally ill (only fun to watch from a distance)

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>There are serious socialists out their trying to organize the working class. Serious environmental activists, protesters, scientists and general preppers.
>These are the heroes of today.
Nice b8, m8.

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But the great men theory is correct, mate.

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All heroes have their weak moments, even in epics. That's part of their progression, which also involves their own overcoming of that weakness (or simply in spite of it, without overcoming it). The point is the heroic traits (perhaps even necessarily) exist in spite of weaknesses.

Heroes are only able to exist in times of war and great darkness, what need is there for a hero in comfy peacetime?

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>I'm starting to think we just dreamed them up and heroism only exists in fiction and highly romanticized vision of history
Welcome to adulthood user. Unfortunately this is it.
Basically if something looks like heroism in reality it is one of the following:
>metaphorical heroism (firefighters, selfless people etc)
>scam in order to exploit metaphorical heroism
>insanity (or maybe actual heroism we can't comprehend and accept in today's culture)

Yeah okay nice

He looks like he reads stonetoss comics

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…What a stupid question. Of course they did. Of course like any ideal its hard to reach its perfect form, but there are plently of “Heroic” people. Provided you know what heroic means in relation to what “great” mean. Heroism is in enacting your will as an indivigual and forming the world to you in accordance to an ideal rather than being a passive observer. Especially in the face of danger or real peril to do so.
Circero, Sulemon the magnificent, Pierre Terrail, Charlemagne, and Saigō Takamori just off the top of my head.

Also I wouldnt call someone not heroic just because they were a “huge faggot”. the Hundred days of Napoleon where nothing if not Heroic. Being something less then a paragon (which there are a few in history to boot) does not make one not heroic

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>heroism doesn't exist!
>h-he did that because he was insane, okay?

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hitler is an honorary jew.


Survivor bias; you only hear about people who were heroic because they had the spotlight AND their heroic act had an impact. 99.9% of "heroes" in history (and present) are anonymous.

Yes. Remember, America has no heroes except ones fashioned by corporations.

This was going to be my post.

He listed individuals that had a big impact on the world though. Like there is a reason that everyone knows who Jesus and Mohammad are, and some random guy who died today will have no mention in a history book. Of course some people can have an impact on the world and be behind the scenes maybe… but there is no doubt that there are people who change the world.

Like someone who is extremely angry all the time?

Shallow heads can’t understand the depths of my remarks. So surprised.

>Do heroic people actually exist?
I mean maybe, sorta, depending on how you look at it.

>I mean heroism as a transcedent quality of a character, not mentally ill soldiers with PTSD or some fucking firefighter carrying doggos from the burning buiding
Ah. Then no, In this way, heroes do not exist.

>He listed individuals that had a big impact on the world though.
*individuals that had a big impact on the history. And as the above-mentioned huge faggot described it, history is nothing but a lie agreed upon.

Unironically tho, read Crime and Punishment or War and Peace. Those both tackle the subject of Great Men of history.
Dosto concludes that they are simply sociopaths and evil, and everyone would actually be way better off without them.
Tolstoy concludes that they don't actually exist - they are either psychos (most of whom don't succeed at anything beyond ruining themselves and everyone around them) or entirely regular people who just happenstance their way into not only huffing their own farts, but also convincing everyone else to huff their farts - including the historians. They are merely celebrities, and it doesn't take any transcendent character in order to be a celebrity. You just attach the historic role to them because when looking for people to attach it to, you know the celebrity, but don't know the other 9000 gazillion people who made a much grater impact, so your monkey brain just dismisses "the masses" as a rabble that only functions as a material for the Great Men. But actually, it's the reverse - the Great Men are material for the unconscious masses, a material used to process the actual historical events into narratives for the masses' own, i.e. (you)r, consumption.

Wendy's burgers are a thing because millions of people want to eat every day and are willing to pay for it, and thousands of other men earn their eat by making and selling those burgers, not because Wendy willed it. Wendy herself doesn't even actually exist beyond a loosely related prototype namesake. The Great Men of history are all literally all Wendys.

In the past. Nowadays there are no heroes. There are those which wish to be matyrs, those who want the adoration and admiration, those who want authority and there are also regular good people. If there are true heroes, we will not know about them except if you are one of the people they save and that still only has a chance of happening.

No, its just for stories

There's no reason to think they don't exist today. As the other user said, heroism is just pathologized if it sprouts up anywhere, due to the mechanical way modern society functions (assuming they are even detected). Forestanon strikes me as a character who might at least possess the raw matter for that sort of persona, if he hasn't already actualized it in a way.


What definition of hero are we talking about here? I'll probably give less retarded responses if I know what we both mean.


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Thanks for the book recommendation user. Just started reading it and I am already at page 60, so far it's great. It's one of those books which claims the obvious but it only becomes obvious after they say it is. I can't believe that I thought humans didn't evolve in the recent 10000 years. I am yet to read the chapter on Jews so I am interested in that part. Btw what were your feelings after reading the book? Do your genes impact your everyday life in a major way?

This desu.
The modern world is too great, too overbearing, too massive for a mere human to excel in.
It drowns down the individuals, it is the dead sea, you cant survive in it, you cant climb your way out of it, nothing thrives in it, it just slowly drowns you under its mass.

You can have heroic moments, but no one is a hero all the time.

Heroic people do exist, we just live in a time where people are uninterested in hearing about heros.
When modern man reads about heros, he sees it as a personal attack rather than an ideal. So instead modern man is more interested in celebrities and meek politicians whose morals are as low, if not lower than modern man’s morality. This affirms modern mans notion that he is the center of the universe, that he is his own god and that nobody can be above him. But when modern man comes face to face with the hero, he suddenly realizes his place, that he is not the center of the universe, that there are greater beings. And so modern man, wants to shut this down, he wants no greater being than him in his lowly state.

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Modern society is too complex to have heroes.

Nonsense. The cowards believe this sort of thing.

I’ve already given my answer. It’s true. Recognize it. Choose wisely

The hero is potentiated the most in the champion, because the champion carries the most gravity, since he has encycled the world through his revolutions, setting his tone, and rolling out his depth, hence why the inspirited person is magnetically attracted —magnergized— toward him in particular, and toward the prospect of revolution in general.

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