> I am on welfare. I live at your expense, you pay taxes and I don't do a fucking thing. Twice a month I go to the clean, spacious welfare office at 1515 Broadway and receive my checks. I consider myself to be scum, the dregs of society, I have no shame or conscience, therefore my conscience doesn't bother me and I don't plan to look for work, I want to receive your money to the end of my days. And my name is Edichka, ‘Eddie-baby.’
And you, gentlemen, can figure you're getting off cheap. Early in the morning you crawl out of your warm beds and hurry – some by car, some by subway or bus – to work. I hate work. I gobble my shchi, drink, sometimes drink myself into oblivion, seek adventure in dark city blocks; I have a magnificent, expensive white suit and an exquisite nervous system; I wince at your belly laugh in the movie theatre and wrinkle my nose.
It’s Me, Eddie
there is no such thing as a NEET living a based ascetic clean living stoic lifestyle, studying the classics, getting up at 5:30am to exercise, painting fucking watercolours of mallards at sunset.... if such a person existed I would begrudingly accept them, but in reality we both know NEETs live slovenly and debased existences and cry out for the edification of labour or educational commitment.
NEET here since 16 (turning 28 in 5 days) I get disability money every week. Have my own apartment and currently learning to drive.
the logical conclusion of the economic theory that is the non-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment is that everyone who is unemployed, even NEETs, is functionally "employed" by the state to hold down inflation.
that the NAIRU is always assumed to be higher than the rates of unemployment we experienced during the 1950s through early 1970s without major inflationary consequence might suggest the theory is nonsense, but so long as it's believed and guides policy, so long as the government isn't making sure there are more employers competing for employees than workers competing for work, nobody can blame a NEET for dropping out of a rigged game.
You suck
>> I am on welfare. I live at your expense, you pay taxes and I don't do a fucking thing. I don't plan to look for work
>proceeds to work as busboy and mover
What did Edichka mean by it?
Back to work wagie.
Lmao the NEET-Chad dunking on the wagie. There is literally no comeback to
>Back to work wagie
Any response will come off as a seething cope.
>not posting the niggers and single moms version
My work is meaningful and fulfilling. I can live anywhere in the world and I never commute. I make enough that I do not have to budget. I will retire with a 6 figure pension for the rest of my days.
I have seen how NEETs live and it is revolting. There is nothing more worthy of contempt than a worthless man who never grew up.
>I am fulfilled by my job
>I am fulfilled by my job
>I am fulfilled by my job
>I am fulfilled by my job
>be neet
>limited by low iq, think that the only options are being a neet and shitty low tier jobs
>have no concept of glorious work, worthwhile, profitable, fulfilling work that filters subhumans and neets
Neets disgust me. Born with 0 silver spoons up my ass, I had to work since childhood to support my alcoholic unemployed parents who beat me. Shortly after highschool I got myself into advanced programs and certificates for welding, becoming an underwater pipe fitter and welder on oil rigs. I was making more cash money than 90% of society in my early 20ies. Through this work I discovered my love of helicopters and flying in general. I am aeronautical engineer now and I will be 30 in a few years. And also a millionaire. All through honest work.
Now, would I be able to cumblast anything from busty lusty milfs to tight teens without my 6 digit income as a neet? Would I be able to afford my health and fitness routine that costs more than whole neetbux? Would I be able to hunt Kamchatkan snow sheep without my staff engineer lifestyle? Would I be a part owner of cessna or able to engage in my aviation hobby as a neet? Would I be able to afford a house staff (just a cook, cleaning lady and a gardener lol) in a nigger free, muslim free, diversity free, subhuman free part of town? Could I afford UFC type personal trainers? Could I have a girlfriend, a mistress, and a personal secretary I bang occasionally as a neet?
I spent 2 million dollars so far on a hobbyist survivalism bunker with its own independent diesel electric powered ventilation system, hospital, metalworking toolshop etc just because I had to spend some of my money on something, since I already have a private pension fund, lifelong insurance, suits, watches, luxuries, random dumb shit people spend cash on, etc.
>noooooo you can only larp as a vending machine at mc donalds or be neet, clearly only these 2 ways of being poor subhuman exists, how can anyone figure out a way above and beyond being a neet noooooo
>I am fulfilled by my job
Yes. I am. If I wasn't paid to do it, I would do it for free. My work aligns with my hobbies and interests.
>Now, would I be able to cumblast anything from busty lusty milfs to tight teens without my 6 digit income as a neet? Would I be able to afford my health and fitness routine that costs more than whole neetbux? Would I be able to hunt Kamchatkan snow sheep without my staff engineer lifestyle? Would I be a part owner of cessna or able to engage in my aviation hobby as a neet? Would I be able to afford a house staff (just a cook, cleaning lady and a gardener lol) in a nigger free, muslim free, diversity free, subhuman free part of town? Could I afford UFC type personal trainers? Could I have a girlfriend, a mistress, and a personal secretary I bang occasionally as a neet?
The problem is, do NEET's want to do that? No, they don't. They want to sit inside and watch anime, play Fortnite and edge to porn. If you want to work for your dreams, that's fine and dandy but not everyone has huge goals.
>consume consume consume consume consume consume
Do you not realise that with each sentence you type, you reveal yourself to be a walking stereotype?
Whereas NEETs spend their time contemplating, writing and thinking, you spend your money to avoid thinking about the world around you, choosing to live in an atomised state, whilst surrounded by dozens of people, all of whom, by your own admission, would not be there if not for the money.
>The problem is, do NEET's want to do that? No, they don't. They want to sit inside and watch anime, play Fortnite and edge to porn. If you want to work for your dreams, that's fine and dandy but not everyone has huge goals
Which is fine, but since NEETs are considered worthless by people who contribute, they tend to adopt this coping narrative that people who work are fools.
Nobody buys it, especially themselves. You would be hard pressed to find an educated NEET who built a career, had many accomplishments and then gave it all up to regress into a teenager lifestyle.
Mainly, NEETs are just lifelong failures pretending not to care about success.
are you a cripple or just retarded?
Find me a NEET who isnt lying to himself. Pro tip: you wont. NEETs fundamentally lie to themselves. There are no honest NEETs.
Take a stereotypical NEET. He is a racist. Which is perfectly fine (the racist part, not the NEET part). Take his criticism of society: "I dont want to contribute to welfare of the feral chimpout races, I dont want half of my productive labor to go to 80 iq criminal violent mongrels with awful personal hygiene" as he proceeds to be housed in the same welfare neighborhoods as them and practice the same hygienic habits. A NEET will further criticize society like "I dont want to work for single mothers raising future nigger generations" but this would only bother them if they were racists and as racists they have a duty to raise genetically pure future generations which they can not do as NEETs.
Behind the veneer of "comfy" NEET lies an outraged fuming hateful racist with a deathwish. A NEET was personally and individually inadequate, unskilled and uneducated and incapable of raising an Aryan family, the true endgoal in the NEET demographic (unemployed white youth), so they try to mask all of this with 'society bad' and 'im totally comfy' shitposting. NEETs arent comfy. They are defeated.
You've never met me then.
Based bikini inspector
Being a wageslave sucks.
Being a neet also sucks.
Being Edichka sucked literal black nigger dicks, I mean that actually happened he really unironically had homosex with a black African-American person look it up.
Holy based
This reads like a pasta, I hope for your sake it is otherwise you are beyond pathetic lmao
>You would be hard pressed to find an educated NEET who built a career, had many accomplishments and then gave it all up to regress into a teenager lifestyle.
Isn't that what retirement for most people is? Most crypto and finance bros just stack money until they are forty and they settle in SEA and live off their savings, that's just NEETing it out.
le poète russe préfère les grands nègres
Holy seethe
that's false and you know it
Wait, can first worlders really live by doing nothing? Like, the welfare will help you even if you are not handicapped or retarded? If its true why are there people still working?
> painting fucking watercolours of mallards at sunset
Lmao, but I literally do.
Based. If you're going to be a NEET, don't be dishonest.
>"The NEET will make the argument that (insert terrible racist shit here)..."
Sounds like you are the fucking schizo. Nobody mentioned any of this race stuff except you
This is so fucking based
>If its true why are there people still working?
A type of deluded pride, and also the machine is still psychologically well-oiled, in order to keep people revolving within it. If that oil fails then society as we know it fails, so it's actually a good thing. NEETs are not a sustainable phenomenon, if everyone were to think like them, they would obviously not be able to enjoy their lifestyle at all. That said, a healthy disrespect for all types of work is a good thing in itself, it just has to be tempered by a holistic view of reality, which NEETs generally don't have.
Just who do you think is reading all of this? Why did you waste your time?
Thanks I think I'll marry a black woman
>they are forty and they settle in SEA and live off their savings
This is akin to planning your retirement around winning the lottery.
>I can live anywhere in the world
you, in fact, cannot
>You, in fact, cannot
Fair point. I can live in any country I've ever had a desire to live in, either via company transfer or digital nomad visa.
Liminov was a pretty cool guy. The conversations that he must have had with Dugin in the 90s when they were running the NazBol Party together must have been amazing.
>Whereas NEETs spend their time contemplating, writing and thinking, you spend your money to avoid thinking about the world around you
[Citation needed]
>A type of deluded pride, and also the machine is still psychologically well-oiled, in order to keep people revolving within it.
Sounds like you've never done anything worthy of being proud of desu
>Spending any amount of time and effort working.
Still sucks and is still cope. Sorry, wagie.
>Still sucks and is still cope. Sorry, wagie
If the choice is between doing work I am passionate about for 150k a year or going back to living like a teenager with a modest allowance, I'll gladly chose the former.
>Wagie has Passion.
>Spends time making other people money and convincing people on the internet he's happy about it.
>NEET-chad has passion
>Can work on it 24/7 while jerking off and playing video-games
>Wagies pay him monthly to do this.
Any thoughts on this, wagie?
I have, just not while I was working
Active people are usually deficient in the higher
activity, I mean individual activity. They are
active as officials, merchants, scholars, that is as a species, but not as quite distinct separate and single individuals ; in this respect they are idle. It is the misfortune of the active that their activity is almost always a little senseless. For instance, we must not ask the money-making banker the reason of his restless activity, it is foolish. The active roll as the stone rolls, according to the stupidity of mechanics. All mankind is divided, as it was at all times and is still, into slaves and freemen; for whoever has not two-thirds of his day for himself is a slave, be he otherwise whatever he likes, statesman, merchant, official, or scholar
More of my NEET art.
A coronavirus special.
Based, user
As I work from home, you are asking if I would take a massive, debilitating paycut so I could have 2 extra hours a day to watch movies and play video games.
No thanks.
they spend time contemplating coom and nothing more.
I've been a NEET for ten years. I write every day.
Sorry, I'm afraid normies can only handle a glimpse of my NEET magics.
>the logical conclusion of the economic theory that is the non-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment is that everyone who is unemployed, even NEETs, is functionally "employed" by the state to hold down inflation.
Not necessarily, to be unemployed means that you have to be actively searching for a job. If you are just a total NEET who isnt even trying at life you aren't counted as employed or unemployed, you are literally not even in the labour force
True, but then you've got to draw a line between unemployment welfare and disability welfare.
Ah, my favorite novel by a Russian neo-nazi that involves having gay anal sex with homeless niggers