Write What’s On Your Mind /wwoym/

Xinbad the Phthailer edition
Is the solarpunk future a possibilitia or as vaporous as the steampunk past?

Previous thread Thrd sdtrk youtu.be/lCQHX2mmk-U
Vaporous Wave?

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>no girl will ever look at you like this
why even live

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It's a fairly straightforward story about a dwarf in a renaissance italian city state. The dwarf represents man's evil nature. Mostly just observances about different characters who also represent different parts of human nature. You have the Machiavellian prince, the philosopher Da Vinci stand-in, etc.

Not ground-breaking stuff by any means, but makes for easy reading. If I had to come up with a buzzword description it would be "comfy misanthropy".

Is this actually that trip from many years ago? Damn he actually hasn't grown up at all lol

I received a letter telling me that I had received a poetry award. My poem will be read aloud and publicly at the awards ceremony but I find it pegged and pretty bad when I read it and wonder if the jurors mistook my scams for figures of speech.

>girls only ever look at you like this
why even live

Woah is this actually a faggot anonymous poster?

Sometimes I envy the chinese for living in a narrative which they can't think themselves out of. Some of them may hate the totalitarianism, but what they don't realize is that it's the very thing that keeps them alive and oriented. I'm not saying that it's correct or should be applied in the west, I just envy that they can live inside of an orderly illusion instead of realizing that they are an individual lost in the cosmos

LLPSI bros... it's over for us

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You must be over 18 to post here

In 100 years, half of the great historical men will be retconned as brown queer womemes.

Only in the tranny collective imagination. No sane men follow along with the propaganda today, and still no one will follow in 100 years. This is just bs for lefties, not normal people.

>just bs for lefties
Those already control western media and education as it is, imagine the state of culture few decades from now on. Zoomers are brainwashed bugmen.

What's so wrong about it? I do realize that life itself is challenging enough so you are fairly chained to your subjective experience, however it feels way more arbitrary and meaningless when compared to living in a system like China

Not really what's happening, there's a strong conservative reaction. However, they're both normies and brainwashed so no one cares. Normal people will continue to read the classics and engage with the intellectual tradition, mostly ignoring the mainstrem schizophrenia. Just appeasing it as much as necessary like other thinkers would do with the Church in the past. No big deal.

>strong conservative reaction
Where? In your Twitter feed?

Lads, I'm back to report on my sally out into life. Got me a nice gf and let me tell you boys, she's a keeper. No larps here, just letting you know graduation from Yea Forums-dweller to contented with a good-hearted lit girl is possible

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how do you pronounce indefatigable

Good for you user. Atleast one of us made it.

See you in two months once the whore cucks you and you come back crying

There's no reason to visit this website.

Going back to Yea Forums after a long time made me realize how much this site can be improved if frog/wojak/twitter/polbaiting was immediately removed.

>From my own point of view, the fact of the Third Reich alone makes obsolete forever any question of Christian superiority, except in technological terms. White people were, and are, astounded by the holocaust in Germany. They did not know that they could act that way. But I very much doubt whether black people were astounded—at least, in the same way. For my part, the fate of the Jews, and the world’s indifference to it, frightened me very much. I could not but feel, in those sorrowful years, that this human indifference, concerning which I knew so much already, would be my portion on the day that the United States decided to murder its Negroes systematically instead of little by little and catch-as-catch-can. I was, of course, authoritatively assured that what had happened to the Jews in Germany could not happen to the Negroes in America, but I thought, bleakly, that the German Jews had probably believed similar counsellors, and, again, I could not share the white man’s vision of himself for the very good reason that white men in America do not behave toward black men the way they behave toward each other.

I hate living with roommates. One of them has just started "cooking" again. He fills a huge soup pot with, and I am not being hyperbolic, an entire bottle of red wine vinegar and then an entire bottle of regular vinegar . He then adds an entire chicken and boils it in the vat of acid he has created for himself. He calls this "stew". The smell is unbearable - literally unbearable, it gives me dry heaves and makes me gag no matter where in the house I am, and it has made me vomit twice. He leaves his stew out for days, sometimes weeks, grabbing a bowl of the increasingly putrid chicken-dissolved-in-vinegar-acid sludge and heating it in the microwave, which then becomes unsuable for anyone else because the smell lingers and permeates everything that you put in it afterwards.

He is sick constantly - once every two weeks, because his immune system is unfit for life, after he spent a long time in jail for dealing drugs. He coughs and snots on everything and leaves used tissue papers in the kitchen. When confronted, he screams like an autist, and starts muttering incoherently about how his violent jail friends would react if he told them what we had said to him. The same reaction upon putting his disgusting acid stew into the fridge after it has been out for days - he wants it to get "ripe", as he says.

I hate him. I genuinely and from the bottom of my heart hate him. He tells me proudly that he lied to our landlord about his past, present and future to get the spot instead of the other applicant, a classics student. He tells the story as if we were ever so lucky to get a brick-headed barely human literally 80-IQ retard criminal like him to move in instead of a person with actual sentience.

He is in the kitchen right now - I can hear him coughing and blowing his nose, and I can smell the vinegar. I've taken to rubbing Vicks under my nostrils, an idea I got from watching Silence of the Lambs where they do it when opening the body bag of a putrefying body. It helps some but not enough.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him and but can't admit it to yourself

This gave me a good laugh. Thanks

>An aide-de-camp, afraid of drawing Napoleon's ire for awakening him after a fatiguing battle, devised a plan. He cut a ripened piece of one of the general's favorite cheeses and held it close to his nose. After some grunting and moaning, the general murmured, "Ahh, Josephine!"

>In one of his love letters to Josephine, Napoleon wrote "Ne te lave pas, j'accours et dans huit jours je suis là" - Do not wash yourself, I am coming and in eight days I will be here.

>mfw if Napoleon was alive today, he would be posting "imagine the smell".

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I am plagued by desires I will never satisfy and dreams that will never come true

Reddit NOW

This makes me more grateful for my life

french girls smell like cheese?

> wasted my 20s

I yellmyself thats its just the way I am. I was never suppose to be some bro. Ues its cope. No I dont care.

>Yea Forums

Girls look at me like that but I spill my spaghetti so here I am

Too lazy to make thread to ask this: If you were to read a single novel by William Faulkner, which one would it be and why?

Are you a PoC?

On sneeds feed and seed


I'm in the process of doung that

Same, but I YOLO'd during my late teens (parties, drugs, sex) so I can live with that.

After having a roommate like this for years I swore to myself I would never cohabitate with another person like this. Then I married one. Every day I think about throwing her out the fucking window.

i don't know if I like blood meridian yet, I'm only at 30% and I know it's supposed to get better, but fuck me if it isn't a slog. some of the sentences he constructs are pretty, but it's just confusing most of the time. are the rest of his books written like this? perhaps I've been filtered


How do you manage to marry someone and not already be fairly confident about how living with them will be like

i ruined things for good this time

lads how do I go in for the kiss when we're on the couch together? need to do it tonight

also where to start with Tolstoy. War and Peace?

My childhood and teenage years went so incredibly perfect, I'll never be happy again. 'My diary desu' reads in the same way as the stories of those who tried Heroin once....

Gonna off myself before 30 probably

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Grab 'em by the pussy

any of u anons ever been on mood stabilisers? what's it like? how's it feel? does it make creativity basically impossible or make you feel just sort of grey all the time or something?

>He tells me proudly that he lied to our landlord about his past, present and future to get the spot instead of the other applicant, a classics student
This entire post was very nicely written. This part made me wince though. You could have made a friend :(

pls god I promise I'll be disciplined now
pls help me unscrew my life

damn, it's been a long fucking while since I kissed a girl. why does it feel so good to press your face against soft lips? my strategy was to just slowly and gradually get more physically intimate over the course of the night. start with holding her hand, for me it's by spontaneously comparing hand sizes, autistically asserting that she has small hands compared to you, and then just not letting go. once you've got your foot (hand) in the door, the rest will progress quite naturally. if she lets you hold her hand, she will most certainly let you put your arm around her. again, personally I'd autistically state that my arm is uncomfortable and just put it around her. once you're in that state and your faces are close together, just keep trying to meet her gaze and once her eyes lock onto yours, simply hold it and slowly go in for the kill. if you're too excited you'll probably headbutt her but even then they don't mind too much, from my experience. The only thing that can really fuck it up is bad breath or body odour

>the only thing that keeps me from suicide is literature
really, i have nothing else to do, i don't like anything or anyone. there's some sort of a weird peace, tranquility and solace that pours down on me whenever i stare at paper with words on it.

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You’ve degenerated into lazy lump. Stop hating everything but your pepe collection

Literally me. I have one foot in the grave but I haven’t given up yet.

WTF he's not even that attractive.
What does this whore see in him?

>open maw wide
>throw face directly at her
>shove little mouth into her throat
>lay your eggs
Pretty simple desu

>wahhh wahhh my childhood and adolescence were perfect, I'm so miserable
Dude fuck off. Fuck you. Faggot

There is a spiritual narrative to my life and a brute reality narrative. For my own sanity I have to stay focused on the spiritual narrative, even if I have my doubts.

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