Anyone know any books that documents some hard proof of so-called Judeo-Bolshevism? I'm convinced neo-Nazis are just retarded. Jews did not have a great time in the Soviet Union, at least after Stalin took power. The Soviets did not trust Israel, and thought Jews were Zionist agents. I remain unconvinced by most theories and publications. user, don't tell me about the Protocols, please.
Judaism = Communism is retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
The early bolsheviks were like 90 % Jews.
>There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.
- Winston Churchill, 1920.
I should also point out that although Churchill states "with the notable exception of Lenin", it was revealed by Lenin's Mother after his death that he was in fact of 1/4 Jewish ancestry.
have you thought about looking at and before WWII perhaps?
Yeah. And some of the earliest slave owners in America were Black. If you're gonna be retarded and reductionist and not offer any genuine answer to my question, go back to Pornhub where you belong.
And based Churchill later apologized for this nonsense. He was just pandering to the antisemitism of his day.
>Lenin's was 1/4 Jewish
Holy based.
>And based Churchill later apologized for this nonsense
Communism was just a tool for them. Facts are that jews stood behind the movement. They also stood behind and funded the nazis.
> Jews did not have a great time in the Soviet Union
Nobody had a good time. You have to understand that not all "jews" are in on this. This small group of conspiratorial "jews" does not care about jewish or any other people.
A quote by Churchill doesn't seem to be exactly proof, however. Keep in mind, I am not denying that the EARLY Bolsheviks were Jews. Of course. But then you have the Brezhnev-era Soviets, and the fucking East Germans that monitored every Jew in their nation because they questioned their loyalty to the State and to the Party and refused to pay a single dollar in reparations after the war. It seems that they were more genuine antisemites than most so-called racists today.
I sadly think this book hasn't been translated into English yet but it's probably the best out there concerning the question you asked.
Written by a guy who's to the right of the mainstream right and who comes from an aristocratic family, the book made both leftoids and /pol/yps seethe. He made leftoids seethe because he acknowledged that there's a kernel of truth to Jewish bolschevism, namely that jews indeed were overrepresented in bolschevism (though Marx wrote antisemitic things but that's another topic), but he also made /pol/ types seethe because he showed the connection between jews and bolshevism is nowhere near as close as nazi propaganda made it out to be.
No shit, retard. I just see most of the faces of evil in the world and in history and find that most of them are of gentile stock. Everybody suffered, sure. Jews were however specifically targeted for their Judaism even after the ethnic Stalinist purges in the early to mid-20th century. Stalin also killed all the Jews that had power. Still not seeing why Communism needs to be seen as a conspiratorial Jewish movement.
I highly recommend reading the article. It's actually a rebuke of antisemitism.
The idea behind Judeo-Bolshevism is the assumption that all universal claims made by Jews (such as those found in Communism then and Liberalism now) are actually just a mask for Jewish ethnic activism. There is no hard proof of this like I said, it's an assumption and plenty of people that aren't Neo-Nazis implicitly agree with it when they speak of rich contributions made to humanitarian and progressive causes by the Jewish people. Basically, liberals and Neo-Nazis point to the same phenomenon (Jewish overrepresentation in universalist and egalitarian movements) and interpret it differently. Nazis see a conspiracy to undermine and destroy the master race by a subhuman clique. Liberals see a downtrodden group fighting for progress and human rights that were denied to them under the Tsar. They're both talking about the exact same thing. Personally, I would say Jews broadly abandoning Communism after the rise of Stalin does point to their communism being at least in part ethnically motivated, a point that again, liberals also agree with when they say "remember the pogroms of course Jews wanted to depose the Tsar, they were justified in doing that". According to liberals Jewish ethnic activism exists but it is always defensive and reactive in nature. That's Judeo-Bolshevism
Read KMac's Culture of Critique, the point isn't that Judaism = Communism, it's that Jews regard themselves as a distinct ethno-religious group and approach politics through that framework. Communism was a tool to advance their racial interests for a time, until the exercise of massive state power was turned on them
>Nazis see a conspiracy to undermine and destroy the master race by a subhuman clique.
Are you sure they do? I only got the impression that they see jewish pro-ingroup behavior as being in irreconcilable contradiction with goy societies. Nazis see their own actions as just putting themselves on the same field as jews rather than playing nice any longer with a group of people who they believe to be completely incompatible with playing nice with them.
Basically what Macdonald says, yeah. Goyim don't understand jewish politics because they're used to evaluating politics on a level of principles rather than seeing politics as a purely ethnic question, while for jews politics and ethnic concern ARE one and the same, and principles are downstream from the question of safeguarding these ethnic concerns, rather than politics being subject to principles in any real sense.
Well you have to wonder why marxism/communism drew so many Jews. I think it's quite simply a tool to destroy succesful, traditional countries. The same is true for US neoliberalism which is also mostly a Jewish enterprise. Jews are drawn to these movements that destroy Christian civilization, fucked up Chinese civilization and fucked up the Middle East.
OP, Soviet Jews have been filling the ranks of the Soviet government and the cultural elite for two whole decades, they had access to a whole new power structure that they would otherwise never had access to when Russia was a monarchy, it wasn't until Stalin told Zhdanov to watch over these ethnic officials with caution just a year when the war ended; until he decided to purge them discriminately. They had to "get rid of the synagogue" as they said, it was that infested. It was a ruling to snuff about any "cosmopolitan intentions" in the Jewish elite similar to what Hitler envisioned, especially uppity zionists' interests since Isreal was founded.
Zionist fuckery is was really caused the purge for Stalin, the last straw for this was because the Jews fighting for Jerusalem, well, Jew'ed the USSR by asking for manpower and supplies for intentional future negotiations and a better view of the Union, this was a period where the Union had to get strong and get strong quickly and needed allies against the west so Stalin accepted, but in the end, they very stereotypically sided with US, which meant Jews in the Union would look at west in sympathy since they helped grant the Jews that land. So he sought to eliminate them from power.
IME most people are unable to conceive/entertain the idea that a group of people might be playing both/all sides and actively benefiting from manufacturing inner conflict among these groups.
If Stalin was that anal about jews, it makes me wonder why he was so content to put them in charge of colonial outposts like Poland and Hungary.
He did? Poland was the most antisemitic communist country in history, iirc, and First Secretary Władysław Gomułka was openly antisemitic and contributed to pogrom violence in socialist Poland in the 60s.
Stalin did have a disproportionate amount of Jews in the politburo, but after the war he did also begin planning to start wiping out Jews in the Soviet Union. So yeh the whole idea that Bolshevism was orchestrated by the Jews is bullshit. There were just a lot of Jewish intellectuals who got involved.
Based, hope someone translates it.
In both of those countries communism and jews are completely synonymous and macdonald even mentions them in one of his chapters. Hungary I can attest for for being super pozzed, from the commie takeover to 1956 literally every single important person was jewish. The Rákosi era leading elite, the secret police and especially the torturers, Lukács György and his school, and so on. Nagy Imre was initially planned to be the new face of the regime because (among other things) he wasn't jewish lol.
It's just propaganda. There's no more effective smear in politics than to accuse your opposition of being foreign actors. It was a way for the NSDAP to paint their opposition (the communists & SPD) as Russian, un-German. It's actually somewhat similar to what U.S Republicans did in the 60s with the mccarthyite Red Scare, and what some Democrats do now accusing all Republicans of being Russian shills.
>Stalin did have a disproportionate amount of Jews in the politburo
>There were just a lot of Jewish intellectuals who got involved
>the whole idea that Bolshevism was orchestrated by the Jews is bullshit.
>I only got the impression that they see jewish pro-ingroup behavior as being in irreconcilable contradiction with goy societies. Nazis see their own actions as just putting themselves on the same field as jews
Except Germwn Jews were highly assimilated into German society; they barely had any sense of being Jewish anymore. Ironically it was the discrimination against the Jews which re-awoke a sense of distinctive Jewishness, made them feel separate from Germans.
Childhood is when you believe in Judeo-Bolshevism. Adulthood is when you realize it was actually Balto-Bolshevism.
>Except Germwn Jews were highly assimilated into German society
>Ironically it was the discrimination against the Jews which re-awoke a sense of distinctive Jewishness, made them feel separate from Germans.
These mythical masses of assimilated jews that people hated for no reason did not exist. It's a fairy tale that jews told people who did not know what things were like back then, back in those places. Jews *never* assimilate, they create parallel societies.
>Jews *never* assimilate, they create parallel societies.
What about in the modern US? Jews here have a very high outnarriage rate and are culturally indistinguishable from Gentiles in all ways except religion.
>What about in the modern US?
Are you seriously trying to counterargue the existence of the parallel society phenomenon through the example of the fucking US?
>culturally indistinguishable
>some of the earliest slave owners in America were Black.
Not even true
The only American Jews with a "parallel society" are Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews, who are about 10% of the American Jewish population. The other 90% are by and large integrated into mainstream American society. If you're referring to Jewish overrepresentation in American politics, business, media, and so on, that's evidence in favor of integration and against the existence of a parallel society.
Op, please ignore everybody else, the actual document you want is Two Hundred Years Together by Solzhenitsyn. Check libgen.
>These mythical masses of assimilated jews that people hated for no reason
Delusional. The reason you would hate an ethnic group very similar to your own culture is obvious. It's similar to how there is a feeling of resentment between siblings: one resents the fact that your sibling is similar to yourself, and you wish to distinguish yourself. And in a group if theres someone similar to yourself in personality one might sometimes feel a sense of threat if the person is too similar to yourself--they threaten your position.
You need to stop making esoteric theory based on deduction and just inspect the actual economic and social relations between Germans and Jews at the time. Yes, they may have been culturally assimilated moreso than in other countries, but during the Weimar Republic the hostile interactions that often define gentile-jewish relations became worsened, namely control of industries, unforgiving landlordship, and a manipulative influence over politics.
Even culturally speaking there was a marked separation. Think of how jewish the viennese scene was, or how aggressively jewish the weimar scene was.
>You need to stop making esoteric theory
Not esoteric theory. Just explaining why similarity can engender hostility. Where there some differences between Germans and German Jews of course undeniable and neither am I denying that Jews being concentrated in certain fields might engender hostility. But irregardless they were relatively assimilated into German society. Nothing esoteric about that just historic fact.
That's of course true but there is a grain of truth in what he's saying in that German Jews were more assimilated than they were elsewhere in Europe. Of course that means superficially assimilated while they still reap the ethnic rewards of Judaism. The same phenomenon is present in today's America where the jewish problem is at its historical peak while they're at the same time a largely 'assimilated' urbane bourgeois class.
Also I wasnt even using "you" in a personal sense. I wasnt referring specifically to you. I just meant why people in general sometimes feel hostility on account of similarity.
Thank you, user. Finally someone responds that is not blindly antisemitic and actually contributes to answering the question asked. God bless.
Just admit that you know nothing about the period.
It doesn't hold up to inspection. Various European ethnic groups in America got along quite amicably in comparison. French Huguenots assimilated into English society just fine. Greeks and Russians and Romanians all got along just fine in the Ukraine during imperial times while jews were again the odd man out. There's a repeated pattern of problematic relations with specifically the jews because of their distinct culture. It's not based on some universal of human behavior, it is a specifically problematic interaction between two clashing cultures.
Many German Jews were not even practicing and felt more interest and connection to German art and literature than they did in traditional Jewish art. It was Nazi discrimination disallowing them from playing German plays for example in the Jewish Cultural League, that made many Jews gain a renewed interest in their Jewish roots.
>Various European ethnic groups in America got along quite amicably in comparison.
European ethnic groups in America absolutely did not get along. There was extreme prejudice against the Irish and Catholic in general who WASP feared, would be more subject to the pope than the U.S state. The fact that there was hostility between the two ethnic groups does not disprove my point: that similarity often contributes to ethnic hostilities.
You're hopeless.
Not him, but participating in American politics doesn't mean you are now officially assimilated. Ultra-Orthodox Jews can own property and jump-start businesses together but they still create very obvious parallel societies and parallel elites that hold Jewish interests because they're aware of their identity as a tribe, there is no nationalism for the US but Israel.
if they really really assimilated they should just be Christians already, but they aren't. The "assimilated Jews" like the ones in Hollywood are different compared to the Ultra-Orthodox cousins obviously, but they still follow and are influenced by the same culturally lines of being a special people, a chosen people, seeking to be the world's teachers and owners, and will seek out acts of retaliation against non-Jews due to having a religious and cultural resent & generational blood feuds. Jews see Gentiles as Romans.
I knew you'd try to say this, but the problems between those ethnic groups were relatively short-lived and very mild compared to problems between more differing peoples like Africans and American whites. That's very obviously true and you know it. Really, your thesis is just entirely wrong. Cultural and racial similarity engenders peaceful relations while a wider range of difference promotes misunderstanding and hostility.
Just facts faggot. If you have some to the contrary feel free to share.
>but the problems between those ethnic groups were relatively short-lived and very mild compared to problems between more differing peoples like Africans and American whites. That's very obviously true and you know it. Really, your thesis is just entirely wrong. Cultural and racial similarity engenders peaceful relations while a wider range of difference promotes misunderstanding and hostility.
They were not short lived. The 1st Catholic president we had was JFK. The KKK would harras non-anglo immigrants.
As for difference, I don't deny that difference creates hostility too, but excessive similarity can as well. We bond via shared similarities but if the similarities are too extensive it can be uncanny or discomforting too I think. Like imagine if African Americans suddenly all started acting and dressing like White people you're seriously telling me you wouldn't feel any sense of threat or resentment?
Also I totally agree that difference promotes misunderstanding. That is why under the Nazi regime the process of differentiation created by mutual isolation between the 2 groups, as Jewish Germans and Aryan Germans begin to cut off social contacts with eachother, helped create a perception of difference. I was just pointing out thst can't explain why Germans begin to single them out to begim with and possibly it was because of how assimilated they were whicj conjured a sense of paranoia-- the enemy within which must be expelled.
>Like imagine if African Americans suddenly all started acting and dressing like White people you're seriously telling me you wouldn't feel any sense of threat or resentment?
That's the point though. Nobody cares if a Polack or an Italian or a Frenchmen come to America and act like a white American, but racial difference changes things.
As for your claim about protestant-catholic relations, it's pretty obvious to anybody that they've been swept under the rug in recent decades and that's true in many places. Germany is another country with a religiously mixed population with little to no problems between them. JFK was only a few decades after the arrival of catholics en masse to the United States, so what's your point here? The jewish problem has been recurring for the last 2,000 years.
>if African Americans suddenly all started acting and dressing like White people
Are you fucking kidding me? We've been trying to get them to do that for 150 years
>That's the point though. Nobody cares if a Polack or an Italian or a Frenchmen come to America and act like a white American, but racial difference changes things.
But they absolutely did care in the past. We don't now because those social distinctions have ceased to be relevant as those social groups assimilated. The World Wars helped speed up the process of that assimilation. Emphasizing your German heritage for obvious reasons would not be smart during both World Wars and so many hid and downplayed their ethnicity because it was dangerous to do otherwise. In the process those ethnic distinctions ceased to be explicit.
Racial difference is not really any different from a sense of cultural or ethnic difference.
>Racial difference is not really any different from a sense of cultural or ethnic difference.
You're 1) ignoring the biological realities of race and 2) assuming that all "differences" are the same. They aren't. Even if you could convert the sum total of humanity to mere quantitites, there's a far smaller difference between a German and a Pole than there is between a German and a Bantu.
Right, in the past. Assimilation and ethnogenesis take time. Sometimes it doesn't even happen, amicable relations between different peoples can happen without assimilation taking place. Greeks have been living in Odessa alongside Russians and Ukrainians for a very very long time without problems. And yet, Jews are consistently an exceptional people for whom these rules of relationships don't apply because of their specific culture.
OP admits he is jewish
>assuming that all "differences" are the same
I don't think everyone is the same quite the opposite. Cultural differences all differ depending on the unique history and relations between groups and/or nations.
> there's a far smaller difference between a German and a Pole than there is between a German and a Bantu.
Of course and it makes sense that would be the case. I don't know enough about the history between the two, but I would assume the proximity and a longer history of (good) relations between the two contributes to that sense of similarity.
>1) ignoring the biological realities of race
There are phenotypical differences between people undoubtedly, and there can be some evolutionary differences as well between populations like people who live in higher altitudes evolving lungs better suited for that environment but what matters more is the memory of good v.s bad relations and the sense of the people sharing attributes in common: do these people dress, talk, act similar to me & have they helped or hurt me in the past.
you left out iq. interesting.
Generally supporting Israel doesn't mean they have a "parallel society." If it does, then other generally pro-Zionist groups such as Evangelicals and Baby Boomers also have parallel societies. For that matter, membership in pretty much any religious group in the US is correlated with certain political views; members of Mainline Protestant denominations tend to be much more liberal across the board than members of Evangelical Protestant denominations. Belonging to a group that isn't exactly in line with society at large in every way might mean you're not 100% assimilated, but then, who is?
Since I already brought up Haredim, let's look at how they live: they have their own all-Haredi neighborhoods, all-Haredi schools, and even an unofficial all-Haredi police force:
>Keep in mind, I am not denying that the EARLY Bolsheviks were Jews.
> Does Anyone knows any books that document some hard proof of so-called Judeo-Bolshevism
>The Soviets did not trust Israel, and thought Jews were Zionist agents.
OP are you Jewish? this congestive dissonance is ridiculous. If Judeo-Bolshevism was a meme why did Stalin purge all these Jewish party officials out of power in the first place? enough of this "Why do they prosecute me so" bullshit, please.
>Jews did not have a great time in the Soviet Union
Literally, nobody did during that time, but it was better for Jews politically until Stalin. They certainly got a better deal with Lenin who was against the Orthodox Christian ruling class, see
>congestive dissonance
Read The Jeiwsh Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones
anti-communist art makes communists look so fucking cool
Happy Ramadan guys! Since Ramadan is here I realized that I don't know much about Islam but it seems like a fascinating religion. Here in America the only religion I know anything about is Christianity but it's not somethimg I'm interested in. Today, we have a state trying to pass the "Don't say gay" bill and the only people supporting it are Christians. I like how Muslims don't really pressure people to be a certain way like that they simply practice their beliefs. I think that's beautiful. Assalamu Alaikum!
>Muslims don't really pressure people to be a certain way
8/10 bait, I replied.
Jews were persecuted in the Soviet Union, retard. It isn't controversial, nor am I some mischlinge attempting to hide Jewish heritage. You aren't smart. You aren't clever. Your schizo-babble 70 IQ rant about "congestive dissonance" makes no sense if you view the question I asked in the first place, specifically, whether Judeo-Bolshevism has any substance to it, essentially. I used the example of the specific monitoring of the Jewish population by the Politburo to show my leniency towards the theory that Judeo-Bolshevism did NOT exist. However, I am open to anyone who actually has anything substantial to say. So, go back to fighting with your Azov Batallion boys while you wield your government-issued dildo against invading Ruskies and stay off Yea Forums, faggot.
>Generally supporting Israel doesn't mean they have a "parallel society.
It creates parallel elites, thus a parallel society, and leads to institutional warfare, like what the ADL does and APAC.
> pro-Zionist groups such as Evangelicals and Baby Boomers also have parallel societies
Those people aren't interested in deconstructing America to fit their image of modernity nor do they create ghettos, they love America in the national sense while Jews are Tribal, these people are not the same as the Jewish intelgensia.
>Belonging to a group that isn't exactly in line with society at large in every way might mean you're not 100% assimilated, but then, who is?
Definitely not the ((ones)) who support Open borders, Americans historically hated immigrants but Jews are the opposite,
>The Biden administration announced Friday that it’s lifting controversial pandemic-related border restrictions
>The CDC says in its Friday order that preventing migrants from entering the US is “no longer necessary to protect the public health
>Walensky was born Rochelle Paula Bersoff in Peabody, Massachusetts,[3] to Edward Bersoff and Carol Bersoff-Bernstein, a Jewish family.[4] She was raised in Potomac, Maryland.[5][6]
>In contrast, non-Haredi Jews in the US are heavily integrated into American neighborhoods and schools, and they rely on the same public institutions as their Gentile neighbors. That's not a parallel society.
That's not renouncing the Jewish ethnic faith and their supremacist views, very few of them covert to Christianity. Do you think participating in society to make money or going to a non-private school makes you an American? have you ever spoken to a Jew politically?, of course not, groups like APAC are an "American institution" in name only, not in action; much like Jews in general.
As I said, they still follow and are influenced by the same cultural upbringing of "Chosen status", which means they can be radical hypocrites and take European identities for granted. A world for them, no one else.
>It creates parallel elites
how one single issue creates a parallel elite, specially when this single issue is also supported by other demographics(like the evangelical that also supported israel)
>renouncing the Jewish ethnic faith
>covert to Christianity.
what the fuck converting to christianity has to do with being american ?
>nor do they create ghettos, they love America in the national sense while Jews are Tribal
Lmao "ghettoes". Maybe if we lived in the 1800s that would be true, or for othodox jews. My brother has Jewish friends and they don't seem all that different beyond minor cultural differences.
It does, they were very involved in revolutionary politics in Russia. But you aren't defining your argument of what makes it hold "substance" imo. Stalin In the 1920s, that Joseph Stalin, supported giving Soviet Jews their own homeland. The Jewish Autonomous Region. He also made anti-Semitism an offense too. This all changed when Zionism was taking hold in his Jewish-dominated cabinets so he got rid of them. So it seemed like Jews were pretty involved in politics for two decades until Stalin changed that and got rid of them. A tale as old a time really.
Unironically being Christian was an implicit part of being American until Jews showed up and problematized that consensus kek
>was an implicit part of being America
many of the founder of the country where free-mason deists
Not that guy but he made a good point. If there wasn't something Jewish about the early Soviet governments how could a "Jewish purge" have been envisioned or enacted at all? The mere fact that a purge happened proves that Soviets were aware of some sort of "Judeo-Bolshevism" in their own movement, though Hitler probably should have seen that after the purge the USSR couldn't really be puppeteered by Jews, unless the purge was fake, which it seemingly wasn't
Yeah, that's just one of many gorillions of Protestant sects. Their deism was a critique of inherited Christian beliefs and clericalism. The vague sense of God they had was just the Christian god, not Allah or G-d
>free-masonry and deism
>a Protestant sect
you are retarded
>Their deism was a critique of inherited Christian beliefs and clericalism
no it wasn't, its a philosophical and spiritual position heavily influenced by the works of Spinoza, a jew
>The vague sense of God they had was just the Christian god, not Allah or G-d
no it wasn't you retard, it was closer to the god of Spinoza than the christian god of protestants
Culture of critique, but you sound like the typical lefty. Arrogant, unintelligent, and in denial about reality.
>how one single issue creates a parallel elite
That's just one big example, I have a million, these fucks shaping my country's foreign policy are just the tip of the iceberg really, they were also involved in Buckley's coalition during the Cold War. They leave a lot of political bread crumbs that define these people to be ideologically unfounded schizos, Jewish politics and ethnic concerns are one. Not to say all Jewish thinkers are tainted, but they hold semetic elements, and are overall agents of modernity. Something more radical and destructive than any evangelical in the US could ever accomplish.
>what the fuck does converting to Christianity have to do with being American?
America is an Anglo country, Christianity can also be used as an identity rooted in shared history and decent.
Yeah, ghettos, Jews are very tribal it's what defines them and how they get into positions of power. They don't get this far by "assimilating" in the most superficial way possible. It's very hypocritical that they preach some sort of "democratic" multiracial system but still keep their own identity as being unique or divine in some way. Jewish organizations also do try to censor the internet, the ADL published a book called "Posionion the web: hatred online" and has surged the U.S congress to study the Gentiles like they're some sort of lab rat.
Deism appeared long before Spinoza and had nothing to do with it. Also it was functionally equivalent to atheism and was started by the scientific revolution.
>He frequently quoted from the Bible or paraphrased it, and often referred to the Anglican Book of Common Prayer
>I am Christian, in the only sense in which [Jesus] wished any one to be
>In 1796, Adams denounced Thomas Paine's deistic criticisms of Christianity in The Age of Reason, saying, "The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity, let the Blackguard Paine say what he will.
>He clarified himself as a deist in his 1771 autobiography, although he still considered himself a Christian
My point in calling them Protestants is they're obviously ensconced within a critical tradition within Christianity. They were definitely heretics and probably crypto-atheists but none of that amounts to a positive endorsement of other religions
>Arrogant, unitelligent, and in denial about reality.
Says the guy who bases his opinion of some guy off asking a question. Lmao, touch grass loser.
>There were just a lot of Jewish intellectuals who got involved
Which is sensible, as Jews under the Tsar suffered numerous pogroms. Even during the civil war, White Russians took a break from fighting the Reds to commit some more Jewish massacres.
>How can Jews supporting israel be a big deal? they’re assimilated!
Americans can’t even point to israel on a map, it doesn’t effect them whenever that pimple of county’s pops or not. But to a Jew it’s a big deal because it’s his mythology. Thus, Jews in power will do whatever it takes to make sure it isn’t destroyed by throwing Gentile soldiers to fight the Muslims.
Fuck man I just came by to say ya'll racist motherfuckers will get yours one day, talking about all this bullshit. Pisses me the heck off.
> If Judeo-Bolshevism was a meme, how did Stalin purge all these Jewish party officials out of power in the first place?
OP just got eviscerated.
>at least after Stalin took power
It's almost like Stain was a reaction against the Jewish strain (Leninism).
I love how OP tried to debunk these arguments, and go immediately blown the fuck out. Heeb couldn't take it, and proceeded to kvetch the entire thread.
>some of the earliest slave owners in America were Black.
wtf source?
Solzhenitsyn's book is extremely anti-semitic, which is why there is no official English translation available. He makes a very good case for being an anti-semite.
Read Yuri Slezkine. A very interesting account of modern Jewish history which doesn't shy away from "controversial" topics, such as the role of Jews in Marxism.
Historically, Jews in Europe functioned as a merchant or middleman minority amidst large populations of food-growing peasants and a Christian aristocracy that used their services but also tolerated the persecution of them on various occasions (pogroms and such, better for the peasants to take their ire out on the Jews than the king). Incidentally, that's one reason why Jews often didn't resist during the Holocaust, as their historical tradition was to comply with the authorities until the "whole thing blew over." As a result, Jews could often be highly literate, urbane, and cosmopolitan. Now, this was not all Jews, as many were living in basically "lumpen" conditions in the Pale of Settlement, and most merchants weren't rich -- more like penniless traders wandering around.
With the rise of urbanization, modernization, nationalism and the growth of the merchant classes, this put Jews in a dilemma. Some Jews rose up in this great historical transformation and became rich. Some assimilated themselves (converting to Christianity, becoming simply "French" or "British" or "German"). Others looked to Zionism to create a Jewish nation-state like other states (this was actually not the most popular option in the 19th century). While others looked to revolutionary ideologies such as Marxism which was Promethean ideology that aimed to create a different kind of society that would abolish religious, national and class distinctions.
So that's one reason why Jews became attracted to Marxism.
It's important to note that there are similar examples of other groups playing a similar role of trading / merchant minorities in different societies. Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. Chinese in Malaysia (who were the backbone of the communist insurgency there). If you want to watch something fascinating, it's this Palestinian queer artist -- a stateless person -- living in the West Bank who mocks the Israelis while also adopting "Jewish" artistic tropes in his art (like floating in the sky). In a sense, you might argue that Zionism is "anti-Semitic" in the sense that it converted Jews into acting like a "rooted" European-style nation-state, which is why it's amazing that for a country full of Jews they've produced few great artists or poets. They turned themselves into a bunch of lunkheaded Germans with no sense of humor.
One more post to follow with my interpretation of Marx's "On the Jewish Question..."
Also, what's important about Marx's work "On the Jewish Question," and this is my interpretation, is that the rise of capitalism would turn more and more people into "Jews," basically, or playing a role in society that in Europe was "Jewish." Basically anything other than being a blacksmith or a peasant could've been considered a "Jewish" thing. The "Christians' would become "Jews" in other words.
This relates to Marx's theory of alienation. Marxism is all about recognizing people as virtuous. People are strong, creative and independent, but they project those virtues and their creative powers and externalize them onto other things and then subordinate themselves to those things to get their virtues back which actually belong to them. Become become weak, passive and submissive to authority. This critique of alienation began with Marx's critique of religion (Judaism) but he also saw man's alienated relationship with the state and capital in a similar way -- we create capital ("God") but then subordinate ourselves to our creation, so we become slaves to capital rather than people becoming masters of capital to make it work for us. So criticism of religion (starting with Judaism) is in embryo the criticism of the present state of things in society.
Marxism is about liberating the whole human being and taking back what belongs to us (this is its Promethean quality). We won't be slaves to our creations anymore but will liberate ourselves to become masters of our creations and then project ourselves into the future.
And this is what I think he meant by "Christians" becoming "Jews." Judaism was a religion oriented around money, but Christianity too became a money relation as capitalism developed. Christianity, once an alienation of feudal relations, became an alienation of capitalist relations. You see this with prosperity gospel where you pray to become rich, and God bestows favors onto the rich. If people are rich, then it's because God blessed them. Marx's logic followed that this "Jewish" spirit would eventually pervade the whole society, which would be like Peak Capitalism basically and presage its eventual downfall and replacement with socialism in which people become aware of "religion" as the illusory happiness of the people, the abolition of which is the demand for their real happiness.
So Marxism is quite immanent.
On more thing before I forget, as a way of illustrating this, when I think about Judaism as a religion of money, it's interesting to watch "Uncut Gems" which stars a Jewish actor playing a covetous Jewish jewelry merchant, written by a Jew and directed by two Jewish directors -- and if this movie wasn't directed, written and starring Jews, then it would be the most anti-Semitic movie ever made.
But you could say it's self-critical.
You could also see it as a "mirror of society," because this kind of behavior is manifested by a huge number of people. Donald Trump is like this (which is why it's so surreal to see "anti-Semites" become enthralled by him). Think about how MAGA is just a money and merchandizing scam and you can buy imitation million-dollar bills with Trump's face on it emblazoned in fake gold. This is the pervading spirit in decadent, late-capitalist society as it erodes. The point isn't that "the Jews" are responsible, they were just doing it before everyone else -- they were the first free agents of Europe -- and now everyone has "become Jews" in a sense.
But the movie is also kinda "Marxist," too. Because all of this does lead to his downfall, and the film opens by showing the direct material and social relationship between the jewelry merchant and the Ethiopian miners who dig the black opal out of a pit mine:
Uncut gems is about how fucking broken of a person the main character is. He doesn't even worship money the only thing he maybe worships is pussy and gambling, aka getting high. If he worshipped money he would have been better with it
Well, he's a slave to his passions and is living completely in the "now." I think you can draw a critique of present society from that. Think about politicians who just care about the next election and will do whatever it takes to pander to the superficial fears and self-regard of their constituents while being totally fucking useless, or businesses which care only about their next quarterly earnings. The economy is built around financial speculation.
>The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews ... Indeed, in North America, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of trade, and the bankrupt trader deals in the Gospel just as the Gospel preacher who has become rich goes in for business deals.
>Judaism reaches its highest point with the perfection of civil society, but it is only in the Christian world that civil society attains perfection. Only under the dominance of Christianity, which makes all national, natural, moral, and theoretical conditions extrinsic to man, could civil society separate itself completely from the life of the state, sever all the species-ties of man, put egoism and selfish need in the place of these species-ties, and dissolve the human world into a world of atomistic individuals who are inimically opposed to one another.
>Christianity sprang from Judaism. It has merged again in Judaism.
>From the outset, the Christian was the theorizing Jew, the Jew is, therefore, the practical Christian, and the practical Christian has become a Jew again.
Judaism isn't about money, it's a 4000 year old loser nerd religion where literal.beta males (Cain, Jacob) btto chads Abel, Esau, even God himself by being gay and sneaky. I am not joking I am being fr rn
>If you're referring to Jewish overrepresentation in American politics, business, media, and so on, that's evidence in favor of integration and against the existence of a parallel society.
if that was the case, then the jews would not be over-represented in those fields, the first place
Guénon was quick to recognize Jewish Kabbalah to bear the quality of genuine esotericism which, in his opinion, is distinguished by universalism and is beyond any particularisms. But in fact, Kabbalah insists on the ethnic specialness of Jews, the uniqueness of their fate, and their metaphysical opposition to all other peoples and religions no less (if not more) than the Talmud and exoteric Judaism. This clearly contradicts Guénon’s definition of esotericism, according to which principles of universal unity and the merging of all spiritual and religious forms into a common concept should predominate. Even in its most transcendental aspects, Kabbalah affirms not unity, but a radical and indelible metaphysical-ethnic dualism.
From the point of view of Orthodox esotericism, Judaism and Kabbalah are undoubtedly counter-initiatic. From the Zohar’s point of view, the esotericism of the Goyim, especially the “descendants of Ishmael and Esau” (Muslims and Christians), is “the false teaching of the demon Samael” who “leaps on the serpent Lilith.”
The activities of a Kabbalist Jew within, say, the Islamic tradition or a Christian country, would bear the same counter-initiatic character, and the (negative) efficiency of such would be higher in relation to the depth and sophistication with which the Kabbalist understands the metaphysics of his own tradition (and vice versa).[9] Strictly speaking, an Orthodox metaphysician who is perfectly conscious of all the metaphysical implications of the dogma of the Trinity and who understands the whole depth of the contradictions between the Christian Gospel and the alienated creationism of Judaism and Islam, would by the will of fate become involved in the most important cultural-religious questions in the countries and cultures associated with the strict Abrahamic tradition, and could all together deal irreparable damage to their official ideology (and its limits in culture and politics) – naturally, this would be “damage” from the point of view of the stability and preservation of Abrahamic creativity in its older form. In practice, the presence of such overt or covert religious (and esoteric) groups in different states is an obvious fact, while the “snake-worshipers” are either completely unknown or are extravagant marginal oddities.
[9] This is the case with the Dönmeh, the followers of the Jewish pseudo-messiah Sabbatai Zevi, who outwardly followed their leader in adopting Islam, but who, when heading the Turkish state in the 20th century, immediately abolished Islam as the state religion and proclaimed the creation of a “civilization of the Western type” in Turkey. Even though they were absolutely traditional with regards to their esoteric Kabbalist community and loyal to the general context of the Jewish Diaspora, the Dönmeh carried out what is from a purely Islamic perspective an anti-Islamic, profane mission.
The second in command of the Stasi for most of East German history was a Jew - Markus Wolf. Not terribly anti-Semitic of them.
>Guénon was quick to recognize Jewish Kabbalah to bear the quality of genuine esotericism which, in his opinion, is distinguished by universalism and is beyond any particularisms. But in fact, Kabbalah insists on the ethnic specialness of Jews, the uniqueness of their fate, and their metaphysical opposition to all other peoples and religions no less (if not more) than the Talmud and exoteric Judaism.
I'd say that Marxism, if there's any relation, contains a dialectic between the universal and the particular -- that we all have something in common but we all have our particularities and differences that interact together and develop -- whereas Christianity is universalist, metaphysical, isolated, static, and mechanical. Liberal democracy in this sense is updated Christianity like "old wine in a new bottle" which is universal on the outside but reflects a particular Western particularism. It will try, like medieval-era Christianity, to borrow from pagan religions in order to artistically and philosophically level up, but at the end of the day monotheism is still monotheism than polytheism. It's a fake sense of inclusion because inclusion is only the mask of the exclusion.
>Comparisons between Politics and the relative exoteric face of a religion, denial that metaphysics itself is universal and supra-theological, that religion itself is but a particularisation or relativisation of the domain of universal manifestation, all these misinterpretations laden with historicist speculations...
Stopped Reading right there.
Whites were happy with slavery and feudalism. Jews (and masons) invented - or implemented - everything else.
Jews were among the most hardcore communists and among the most active anticommunists - to the point of suicidal assassinations of commies in public places.
Whites are just mental peasants observing the world from their basements and seething if the system doesn't deliver.
>but he also made /pol/ types seethe because he showed the connection between jews and bolshevism
so what is the real connection
Communism predates the Stalinist era. You can cope as much as you like, but bolshevism was mainly a Jewish endeavour, in that it was mainly jews doing it.
The fact Stalin came along and killed a bunch of Jews doesn't mean bolshevism wasn't Jewish.
>Incidentally, that's one reason why Jews often didn't resist during the Holocaust, as their historical tradition was to comply with the authorities until the "whole thing blew over."
They were responsible for the biggest and bloodiest rebellions of antiquity, this is complete bullshit. The only reason they didn't do so again during the middle ages was that they lacked the geographic concentration and demographic pull they had during roman times.
>pogroms and such, better for the peasants to take their ire out on the Jews than the king
Peasants had every reason to be upset with them when they almost exclusively knew them as the collaborators of nobles in their exploitation as tax collectors, usurers, and slave traders. Nobles also had every reason to not trust them and toss them to the peasantry once they outlived their usefulness because historically jewish minorities were always among the first ones to switch sides when a foreign army invaded, as it happened with the byzantines and the visigoths.
>for a country full of Jews they've produced few great artists or poets.
Jews in fact overall produced very few great artists or poets. Just because (((institutions))) and (((media))) tell you that a bunch of middling 20th and 19th century jews were great it does not make them in fact great.
People underestimate just how ridiculously inbred modern academia and the arts are, especially the post-WW2 scene.
>Jews did not have a great time in the Soviet Union, at least after Stalin took power.
Even before Stalin. See the anti-jewish soviet institution, created in 1918, the Yevsektsiya.
Jews really are G-d's chosen and the protagonists of history. They are responsible for literally everything.
>but it was better for Jews politically until Stalin. They certainly got a better deal with Lenin who was against the Orthodox Christian ruling class
Not even.
"In 1924, the unemployment rate among Jews exceeded 30%, partially as a result of pogroms[22] but also as a result of the policies of the USSR, which prohibited them from being craftspeople and small businessmen."
everything bad
>Joseph Stalin, supported giving Soviet Jews their own homeland. The Jewish Autonomous Region.
Birobidjan was a mosquito infested land, on the far east of Russia. Jews felt that such a poor given land was an offense to them. Was Birobidjan to please the jews, or to get rid of them? Nobody wanted Birobidjan anyway.
Stalin killed many jews, by sending jewish soviet leader in the gulags. He didn't seem to differentiate people between jews or not jews, when sending them to the gulag. As to their religion, those jews might have had jewish ancestry, but a really doubt that they were practizing judaism (going to a jewish religious celebration, even clandestine), as it would probably be a reason for Stalin to send them to the gulag.
Every communist is practicing judaism
You cannot, like internet nazis pretend, be bolshevik, be a multimillenarian jewish conspiracy, and soon after taking over, create anti-jews institution (yevskekstiya), purge jewish soviet (as did Stalin, who killed almost all the old bolsheviks, some of them being jews), putting into place anti-jews laws (see previous post, but i'll copy this):
"In 1924, the unemployment rate among Jews exceeded 30%, partially as a result of pogroms[22] but also as a result of the policies of the USSR, which prohibited them from being craftspeople and small businessmen."
If the bolsheviks were a jewish conspiracy, then, no Yevskektsiya, no anti-jewish policies against jewish craftspeople and small businessman, and especially, no purge against jewish leaders.
The thing is, Lenin himself wasn't a jew. Stalin did 4 years at the christian orthodox seminary. Among the most famous bolsheviks, only Trotsky was truly jewish.
The fact that Stalin, by the end of his life went anti-jewish, and even before dying wanted to genocide the jews, prove that he wasn't a jewish agent. I mean, you don't need to be IQ 150 to understand that someone, Stalin, who literally wanted to genocide jews, couldn't possibly have been... Well, a jew. I mean, did internet nazis IQ fall into the negative?
According to Louis Rapoport, the genocide was planned to start with the public execution of the imprisoned doctors, and then the "following incidents would follow", such as "attacks on Jews orchestrated by the secret police, the publication of the statement by the prominent Jews, and a flood of other letters demanding that action be taken. A three-stage program of genocide would be followed. First, almost all Soviet Jews ... would be shipped to camps east of the Urals ... Second, the authorities would set Jewish leaders at all levels against one another ... Also the MGB [Secret Police] would start killing the elites in the camps, just as they had killed the Yiddish writers ... the previous year. The ... final stage would be to 'get rid of the rest.'"[44]
Are Jesus apostles jewish?
"The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common.
With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all.
There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale,
and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need. "
New Testament, Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 4.
"The chimeral nationality of the jew is the nationality of the merchant, the money-man". Karl Marx
Jews are not a race. As Kazahr are not even jewish coming from palestine in the first place. And sepharadic jews, are genetically pretty different from ashkenazis jews.
Jews are glued together by one thing: they are merchants. Abolish huckstering and money, and you'll abolish the jew.
It's awesome the capacity of internet nazi, like you, to put the entire blame of an entire societal movment, the bolsheviks, on a category of people, the jews, which were like 4.5% in russia early 20th century.
No, according to you bolshevism didn't rise due to the disastrous tsaric management of russia during the early 20th century. The bad economy. Nor the popular aspirations for socialism (august 1917, with great bolshevik success during the election). No. It's The JEWS.
You internet nazi practice pure blame shifting. 100% the jews. Never you. Never your own shortcomings. The shortcoming of your own society. No. The jews. The jews.
It's like everything bad that happen is due to the jews.
Of course, your management of things would be totally different, and glorious. For sure.
It looks like a feminine psyche. Blame shifting. unacountability.
Mussolini had jews gravitating around him as well. But i guess Italian fascism wasn't a jewish plot.
Hitler himself had jewish ancestry (more like Kazahr ancestry, see the Maria Schicklegruber), but i guess nazi germany (national zionism?) wasn't a jewish plot.
user, check out Freemasonry and Judaism Secret Powers Behind Revolution by Leon de Poncins. Ties in quite heavily to what you are asking for.....
Is conspiracies making history, or the necessities of historical evolution making conspiracies, in order for the evolution to happen?
Nope, there's a bunch of people itt that are obviously Jewish cultural chauvinists. That's the default position of Jewish atheists and liberals
>we are cool because we survived the holocaust!
>my uncle died in the holocaust, therefore my opinion on this topic is better than yours
>we are gonna teach the goyim about progress and equality, that's our mission
>muh nobel prizes
>we are the protagonists of history!
>there can be no poetry after Auschwitz!
A group would never ever give up this accumulated cultural capital. American Ashkenazim show zero evidence of "forgetting" or "moving beyond" their history, after all, even suggesting that they do this is tantamount to a call for genocide in our typical discourse
Wasn't Marx a jew?
This mans writings had much to say about the Judaeo-Bolisvism link. A most impassioned writer.
Jews use whatever system they can to promote Jewish supremacy. Communism was the most convenient in the early 21st century, now it is neoliberalism. That is why the number of Jews in communist nations dropped later in the century.
Okay retard.
No. He's jewish.
When you have one of these endless, disingenuous, circular arguments about jews on Yea Forums, you're talking to one.
I assume he might mean some Spanish or portuguese territories. Hes probably esl since he didnt say Americas if this is true.
That imagine looks anime as fuck, some badass skeleton communist wizard anti-hero out to wreck some shit
Yes. You're a retard.
When you have one of these endless, hardheaded, schizo arguments about jews are behind everything on Yea Forums, you're talking to someone with below 70 IQ.
I think the more appropriate connection is that Jews=materialism and atheism.
The foremost atheists, physicalists, and materialists of the last two or three centuries were and are Jews. Almost all of the philosophers of mind that I know of that a priori deny the soul are kikes. As in, they presuppose rather than argue there is only the material world. This is naturally a very materialistic and atheistic mindset that's equally at home with capitalists and communists.
yeah the merchants need this philosophical background to push for more mercantilism. Any other philosophy will put constrains on commerce and for the jews, this will pass as a threat to their century-old lifestyle
>Up to 60 million people were killed under the Bolsheviks.
Hitler can't even compete. Jews stay rocking
How can we hasten the demise of the world bank?
>Even God Himself
There is a reason faith exists, if God was to show the tiniest bit of His Majesty and Beauty, everyone would worship Him without a doubt. You actually think God came into human form and was subject to what Jesus was subject to? Indeed, Jesus is one of the absolute best of Mankind but he is not God nor does God have any family or gender. Nothing will save you on the Last Day from Him, no saint or human, it is only His Mercy that can save you from His Wrath and His Displeasure (in the case that He is displeased with you). Thinking otherwise is a result of erosion applied to what was originally pure monotheism, something destined and present in all religions.
For the last time, no.
Since most of you cannot fetch a basic information properly, i'll help you.
"Marx apparently was born Jewish — in 1818. His father had converted to Lutheranism in 1816 or 1817; his mother converted when Karl was 7, in 1825. Karl was baptized when he was 6, in 1824. The home he grew up in was non-religious."
That's Jewish blood.
>Jewish supremacy
I see we have an other bright boy here.
>When you have one of these endless, disingenuous, circular arguments about jews on Yea Forums, you're talking to one.
>He doesn't agree with me
>He is a jew.
>Jesus is not God
That is, for once, true. The thing is, jew don't have the monopoly on huckstering and money anymore.
If you analyze the current world economic situation, asia is clearly overtaking the jews. See Singapore, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, China, Seoul.
>That's Jewish blood.
So like Hitler? Hitler and Karl Marx were distant cousins. Hitler's grandfather is a Rothschild (Maria Schilcklegruber connection). Karl Marx was cousin with Rothschild, that not even a secret.
But for internet nazis, and even real life nazi, if HItler has ashkenazi blood, it doesn't matter, as he proved that he was against judaism. (Not the point, but not even true, indeed reminder that Hitler was a great Zionist, see the Haavara agreements).
On the other hand, for nazis, if Karl Marx had ashkenazi blood, that is proof that he was part of a grand multimillenarian jewish conspiracy to destroy christianity and the white race. Even if Karl Marx explicitly advocated for abolishing judaism (see On the jewish question, Karl Marx). And was explicitly anti-jewish (see New-York Daily Tribune on January 4, 1856, interview of Karl Marx).
You can't convert your ethnicity newfriend.
Critical thinking is not genetic.
>Mussolini had jews gravitating around him as well. But i guess Italian fascism wasn't a jewish plot.
>Hitler himself had jewish ancestry (more like Kazahr ancestry, see the Maria Schicklegruber), but i guess nazi germany (national zionism?) wasn't a jewish plot.
Yes, it's almost like a pattern. Jews lead most destructive movements in the world. Probably a cohencidence
>It's awesome the capacity of internet nazi, like you, to put the entire blame of an entire societal movment, the bolsheviks, on a category of people, the jews, which were like 4.5% in russia early 20th century.
>No, according to you bolshevism didn't rise due to the disastrous tsaric management of russia during the early 20th century. The bad economy. Nor the popular aspirations for socialism (august 1917, with great bolshevik success during the election). No. It's The JEWS.
Well I'm not denying it makes sense for the Jews to support a revolutionary movement, it is in their ethnic interest to weaken the traditional values of their host nation, or overthrow its governemtn. That only lends credence to the fact bolshevism was mostly Jewish, so it strengthens my point.
>Well I'm not denying it makes sense for the Jews to support a revolutionary movement, it is in their ethnic interest to weaken the traditional values of their host nation, or overthrow its governemtn. That only lends credence to the fact bolshevism was mostly Jewish, so it strengthens my point.
I made a mistake, I thought you mentioned Russian antisemitism as a reason for Jews to get involved in bolshevism. They thought antisemitism was closely tied to the czar and the Orthodox church, so they thought they had to overthrow those institutes.
It makes sense from their ethnic perspective, however it did kill like 50 million Russians
Read the whole thing. Churchill goes on to explain why this is so. He doesn’t think it’s some kind of Jewish communist conspiracy against Aryans or whatever, but is the result of Jews being mistreated and driven to support communism due to their mistreatment by nationalists and nationalist governments.
>Jews lead most destructive movements in the world.
The chimeral nationality of the jew, is the nationality of the merchant.
There is no jews. It's not even a race. Sepharadic are very different from ashkenazis.
Jews are merchants, who created a religion, the religion of the money god: judaism.
>it is in their ethnic interest to weaken the traditional values of their host nation,
It's in the interest of merchants (jews) to weaken the traditional values of their host nations.
About the bolshevik being jewish, it's like you internet nazis are in denial. Once again. Let me do the work for you. Only 11.4% of all the bolsheviks were jews. On the 1917 Concil of People's commisars (first soviet governement, there was on ly ONE (1) jew. His was was the known Leon Trotsky. Who by the way was elected in the August 1917 democratic elections. The national composition of the communist party of the soviet union, from 1922 to 1927, was made of 5.2% jews in 1922, and 4.3 jews in 1927. When there was around 1.8 jews in the population at that time. The first central committee of the USSR of may 1924, had 42 members, but only 7 jews.
Conditions in Russia : speech of Hon. William H. King, a senator from the state of Utah, delivered in the Senate, January 22 and April 24, 1924: according to this american Senator, in 1924, the composition of the communist party of the soviet union, was 5.20% jewish.
Sources: Jeffrey Herf: the jewish enemy: nazi propaganda during world war II and the holocause, Harvard university press, 2008
T.H Rigby: communist party membership in the u.s.s.r. 1917-1967, Princeton university press, 1968
David Lane: the roots of russian communism, pennsylvania State university press, 1975
And so? 90% of India’s rulers in the 1910s were British yet I don’t see you making conspiracies about the British.
Jews are overrepresented in everything from science to chess. They would have probably been overrepresented in the Nazi party too if they were welcomed and allowed to join. Overrepresentation isn’t proof of anything.
>Jews are overrepresented in everything from science to chess. They would have probably been overrepresented in the Nazi party too if they were welcomed and allowed to join.
Well Adolf Schicklegruber...
Ashkenazis Kazahrs weren't member of the nazi party, but they financed it (bank of england, I.G farben owned by american jewish billionaires, AEG (same). General electrics (owning the german telecoms at the time).
I've read the entire article. Churchill exhorted what he calls the British national jews, jews being patriotic, to fight the bolsheviks. He also blamed the bolsheviks for not being zionists, especially Trotsky. So no, Churchill wasn't anti-jewish in this article. Only against the jewish bolsheviks, who he classified as terrorist jews. Interestingly, he classified Karl Marx, not as a terrorist jew, but an international jew.
>it was revealed by Lenin's Mother after his death that he was in fact of 1/4 Jewish ancestry.
That's it. Absolute proof that bolshevism was a multimillenarian jewish conspiracy :s
There's nothing based about being part jewish you retard
It is an actual proof once you consider jews as a marginalized group and not a conqueror/imperialistic one. It's obvious India's rulers would be mostly british when the british were colonizing India but why is a group of cultural/religious outcasts so overepresented? Why are they holding so much power?
Obviously the whole "worldwide jewish conspiracy" is bullshit but there are some odd factors here and ignoring that for the sake of being anti-nazi is dumb. This book looks interesting if it digs on this matter.
More based than being an antisemite
Essential to Nazi mythology is this Wagnerian zero-sum notion that there are dragons in the mountains hoarding all the gold that need to be slayed. If your enemy is the Jews (or whatever group fills that part of the social imaginary in your head) genocide sooner or later becomes a logical necessity because there is no real way to separate the people in the hated group from their ontological status as antagonists. So it's like a monster hunt against the Jews (or the WASPs or the boomers or whoever) while the bonds of capital are perpetuated in an all the more naked form because we have grown accustomed to viewing certain neighbors as subhuman.
For me, the problem with the idea of Jews as bankers isn't that the far right believes it but that the anti-Semitic far right is allied with the Zionist far right in promoting it. That's why it's become a casual thing for liberals to believe, including many American Jews who want to write self-help books about how to make money with the ancient wisdom of the Jews, without even having to commit to fascism.
Jews were some of the most consistent supporters of socialism and then communism in Russia and the United States until Israel came into being, but the Jews of Europe were also overwhelmingly poor peasants or super-exploited workers. That whole history has been lost, leading to the offensive accusation that the USSR was anti-Semitic when in reality Jews were some of the fiercest fighters in the Soviet partisans and the USSR literally saved the Jews from annihilation as a people while WASP anti-Semites like Churchill and Roosevelt looked the other way.
yes alot of jews were Bolsheviks fdr and the media at the time said not a peep when they were killing 2 million farmers in the ukraine because its not a holocaust if the chosen do it
thats becuase if he didnt suck kokser kock jews like bernard baruch and henry morgenthau wouldnt keep funding his littlegp8va war
>Why are they holding so much power?
"The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews." Karl Marx, on the jewish question
they declared a holy war before any such "discrimination though...........
ask them why they dont support open borders for israel and youll see how assimilated they are lol
bullshit im willing to wager 99% of US jews would lose their shit if u told them ok so now israel has open borders for diversity
Imagine thinking Stalin was jewish. Reminder that holodomor happened in 1932-1933, so almost a decade after Stalin acquired absolute power.
Do you even go look if someone is jewish anymore, or do you simply presume he is, if it suits your narrative?
does that include the racist motherfucking ethnostate in israel that your tax money subsidizes????????????????????
yes if you dont agree jews can do no wrong then youre a nazi
>Anyone know any books that documents some hard proof of so-called Judeo-Bolshevism
The Hebrew Bible. I agree with you OP, it is an oversimplification, just like the Christianity=Communism retards. The roots of the Judaic urge to revolution (and contrarily to living peaceably in captivity and even making your adopted home better) are evident in the Tanakh. Read, nigga, read.
Israelian got the vax. Yes, pzifer, moderna
Why do you have to say about this? This totally contradicts your narrative of a chosen people, because they got vaxxed like the goyim cattle.
>99% of US jews would lose their shit if u told them ok so now israel has open borders for diversity
Also, reminder that israel is 17.8% muslim. It is not the 100% jews ethnostate you pretend it is.
im not saying stalin was a jew but he had jews doing the killing in ukraine
israel doesnt allow mixed marriages israel does dna tests for purity israel has segregated housing schools hospitals roads yes lets talk about that 17.8% muslim population
>yes if you dont agree jews can do no wrong then youre a nazi
Reminds me that if you don't agree with a nazi, you are a jew or a rabbi.
Never said that the jews never do wrong by the way. Only they are not the cause of a multimillenarian shadow conspiracy, solely responsible for the destruction of the world.
>The roots of the Judaic urge to revolution
Yes whenever proles go on strike, or want an other more egalitarian organisation of society, it's a jewish plot for people like you.
Paris commune (1871), revolutionary Catalonia (1936), recently occupy wall street, the spanish indignados, the yellow vests.
All a grand, hidden, mysterious, evil jewish conspiracy to control the world, to instal a dictatorial communist new world order. :s
It's simple for you. Proletarian rise: the jews are pulling some strings :s
no im not saying every single jew is this or that im saying a good percentage of jews clique and use countries or movements to further either jewish or outright israeli interests. ........some examples aipac ...they have almost a 100% stranglehold on congress another is the media ever notice how almost like clockwork if israel hates a leader of a country youll get a blitzkrieg of media "facts" about how said leader is a threat to democracy and the war drum start beating ..yet another example is how jews use movements to their end the most amusing example is ukraine the adl literally is going to bat for um nazis to further jewish interests fell free to refute any of this
Well i've been to Israel. And i've seen more arabs on the beaches than in the UK.
Not the ethnostate you fantasize about.
>im not saying stalin was a jew but he had jews doing the killing in ukraine
Most of the leading architects of the Holodomor were not Jewish (with the exceptions of Lazar KaganovichWikipedia and possibly Mendel KhateyvichWikipedia). Grigory PetrovskyWikipedia and Vlas ChubarWikipedia were ethnic Ukrainians (also ironic, given that the Holodomor targeted Ukrainians), Pavel PostyshevWikipedia and Vyacheslav MolotovWikipedia were ethnic Russians, Stanislav KosiorWikipedia was ethnic Polish, and of course the big man himself Joseph Stalin was of Georgian descent. All of these mentioned individuals would be charged for committing the Holodomor by a Ukrainian court in 2010.
Ukraine has nothing to do with Israel. It's a geostrategic american move to weaken europe, by rendering a possible euro-russian alliance impossible.
It's literally written in the great chessboard, by Zbigniew Brzezinski.
>Jews did not have a great time in the Soviet Union, at least after Stalin took power.
Stalin was a filosemite who created an autonomous oblast' just for the Jews (basically giving them land 15 years before the creation of the state of Israel. (btw, it still exists to this day, picrel is its flag).
he also literally banned (sic!) usage of the word "Jew" because it tended to be used pejoratively.
quote from Stalin, 1931: "In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty."
If Jews suffered under Stalin it's not because of their nationality and they're no different from all the other nations living there (vide e.g the grear terror of 1937)
>The Soviets did not trust Israel
the Soviets literally founded Israel together with the USA and only after the cold war tensions were getting stronger did they resort to supporting Palestine. Also why would they "trust" (tf does it even mean) Israel if it had its spy network all around the world? Not even their allies "trusted" them.
By bringing up the above I'm not trying to prove the hypothesis of judeo-bolshevism but merely stating that you have no idea what you're talking about and would be better off reading on the subject than posting useless, lit-unrelated threads on here.
forgot about the pic
There are two citation sources appended to your copied Wiki text. The first one is from the Encyclopedia Judaica, and their website link seems to have been deleted. The second one is from a published interview throughout which the interviewee cites no sources supporting her claims. Not only that, but the interviewee doesn't seem among the most credible sources to draw historical facts and conclusions from:
>Masha Gessen is a Russian-American journalist, author, translator and activist who has been an outspoken critic of the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the former president of the United States, Donald Trump. Gessen is nonbinary and trans and uses they/them pronouns.
>So like Hitler? Hitler and Karl Marx were distant cousins. Hitler's grandfather is a Rothschild (Maria Schilcklegruber connection).
>source: my ass
Have you heard of niggers?
ITT: JIDF shills in full damage control
Heck yes!
Sure they feel affiliation to a country. I dont see how it's different from immigrants caring about the country they left behind.
Also Americans in general are very pro-Israel not just Jews.
>There's nothing more based about being part jewish you retard
There, fixed it for you.
>because there is no real way to separate the people in the hated group from their ontological status as antagonists. So it's like a monster hunt against the Jews
Nice post. Reminds me of how Germans in the 3rd reich were often surprised when they met Jews irl because they looked nothing like the caricatures they read in newspapers. Often, funnily enough, they would refuse to believe the person was actually Jewish.
23 January
The RSFSR Council of Ministers issues a decree "On the Separation of Church from State and School from Church". The decree deprives religious communities of the status of juridical persons, the right to own property and the right to enter into contracts. The property of religious communities is nationalized; religious tuition in educational establishments is banned; religion can now be taught or studied only in private (Soviet Jewish Affairs Autumn-Winter 1990, 27).
1 February
The Commissariat for Jewish National Affairs is established as a subsection of the Commissariat for Nationality Affairs. It is mandated to establish the "dictatorship of the proletariat in the Jewish streets" and attract the Jewish masses to the regime while advising local and central institutions on Jewish issues. The Commissariat is also expected to fight the influence of Zionist and Jewish-Socialist Parties (Korey 1978, 79; Pinkus 1988, 58-59).
27 July
20 October
The Jewish section of the CPSU (Evsektsia) is established for the Party's Jewish members; its goals are similar to those of the Jewish Commissariat. The Evsektsia is at the forefront of the anti-religious campaigns of the 1920s that lead to the closing of religious institutions, the break-up of religious communities and the further restriction of access to religious education (Survey Jan. 1968, 77-81). To that end a series of "community trials" against the Jewish religion are held. The last known such trial, on the subject of circumcision, is held in 1928 in Kharkov (Rothenberg 1978, 172-73; Levin 1988, 78-80). At the same time, the body also works to establish a secular identity for the Jewish community (Pinkus 1988, 62).
The Central Jewish Commissariat dissolves the kehilahs (Jewish Communal Councils). The kehilahs had provided a number of social services to the Jewish community (Levin 1988, 81).
Jewish parties and Zionist organizations are driven underground as the Communist government seeks to abolish all potential opposition (Schechtman 1978, 113; Levin 1988, 90-91).
For a jewish conspiracy, being a rabbi would have sucked in early bolshevism (1917-1925).
Then Stalin purged the old bolsheviks.
Then Stalin went full genocidal on the jews by the end of his life (doctor's plot).
Second half of the USSR (1945-1991) was characterized, regarding the jews, by soft persecution of them.
>It looks like a feminine psyche. Blame shifting. unacountability.
Midwit detected!
The Omnipotent Sovereign, in none of His attributes is there any mention or implication of Him having a family, gender, getting tired, getting hurt etc. If you claim that a human was God then tell me how anyone could have opposed Jesus (I believe in Jesus's virtue)? Let's not talk in terms of Omnipotence, in terms of pure beauty, God's Beauty and Face is such that everyone would worship Him without a doubt, it would be "natural". His Face and His Beauty is such that it cannot be described but by Him. Who is it that has seen God in this life? Seeing God Himself is the greatest gift in heaven. So how is it that you will convince someone who believes in God's Highness, Omnipotence, Beauty, Lordship, and Uniqueness to take a deity other than Him? This makes no sense to me, I don't think any monotheist who hasn't had contact with organized religion will think that God, The Supremely Exalted, took any kind of loss ever. You have deviated from pure monotheism.