Your time is up, McCarthyfags.
Your time is up, McCarthyfags
Fucking sweet,
It's over
i bought blood meridian 2 years ago and i haven't read it yet
i was planning to read it on my commute in the near future, but now i can't anymore
pewdiepie is a great motivator for reading. you gotta read good stuff before he does so it doesn't look like you read it because he did
Thanks for keeping me updated anons!
I hate this faggot so much. He is like every fucking other faggot who starts reading and think their shallow surface level opinions on books are something new and groundbreaking the difference being he has an audience of millions and he gets paid to have his opinion.
You post an opinion on lit and get ridiculed and mocked
He posts his opinion to millions and get respected
I mean why not, if he wants to share his surface level takes and armies of 16 year olds like pretending they're intellectuals I don't see a problem with this. What I see a problem with is broccoli heads on medication making posts for every single video he makes
pewdiepie brought me to Yea Forums 2 years ago.
You sound mad, and you also sound like a dumb fucking faggot, who is mad at someone else's success btw. Mad fag.
Yes, and shitting on someone and reccording it then posting it online will arouse deviants. What is your point. That playing slender man at the right time at the right place is a signal of value in someone? Or having a strong online presence?Go subscribe to Jake paul then
>youre not allowed to criticize my favorite youtuber >:(
refer to yeah, im sure that wont cause issues
Glad I read it and talked about it like a schizo before he did so now others will start to treat me as a prescient oracle.
stay mad and also poor
the absolute state of lit
poorfag HAHAHAHA
ESL kids tv presenter reviewing books.
Looks shit
>he read the Peter Thiel book
The Thiel vortex grows brothers. Monarchy soon.
Pretty sure it was pewdiepie and /pol/cels that ruined Yea Forums.
Great job guys
Your fault lol. Hope you get a heartattack when he reviews nabokov or something
I'm so tired of not knowing the truth of this faggot's soul. If I had three wishes I would consider using one just to find out if he really is right wing and despises SJWs or if he was cowed into being an NPC by the whole nigger thing.
Im actually really glad its ruined for jewish faggots like you, fucking kike faggot. Fuck Yea Forums and fuck you.
Your brain is broken
>what a fucking nigger
>resorts to catchphrase
pewdiepie and evola
This faggot ruined so many lives
World would have been unironically better without him
By retards
hey user, stop pretending you aren't the exact same type of midwit as pewdiepie. It not really a bad thing. Just a guy who likes to read and isnt some academic fag.
if thats true then why wont the illuminati bring me in too
well, you are a vile kike scumbag, so we know they have brought you in.
Pewds is reading this thread, be on your best behaviour.
When are booktuber women starting to shill this book?
hopefully soon then we can get some McCarthy threads going
he already reviewed lolita, refused to kiss the book physically but he said he loved it
I have never and will never watch a pewdiepie video but I enjoy that he makes commie virgins seethe
stay mad lmao
Felix is a chill dude. No reason to hate him out of all the clowns in this world.
Pewds my mom says hi!
So what did he say about it user?
Do you have a single shred of self respect left in you, Felix?
I don't have a problem if it's popular, I have a problem that people will think I watch pewdiepie if I talk about it
pewds here, i hate niggers
gas the kikes
pewdiepie has reccomended Dostoevsky, Melville, Huxley, Kafka, Mishima, Homer, and Plato. I am doubtful that his reccomendation of Blood Meridian will affect the perception of the book too much. His redditor audience is too retarded to watch films not made by Disney, why would any of them read BM.
>Letting a youtuber dictate your life choices
unironically love pewdie book reviews
They also tend to be his least popular videos in terms of view count.
Thanks desu. Now I can use that wish to eradicate Albanians from the face of this earth.
Plz user, point me in the right direction to learn more about Theil’s monarchical leanings. And why is this book the Peter Theil book?
Based Felix
Yes, we could tell
>I bought blood meridian 2
Could be worse. I came here because of that Book Club guy.
Gave my Dad The Road and Blood Meridian in the last few years of his life.
I'm heading up to his old house tomorrow to clean up and finish emptying the house before the sale finalizes and the estate is settled.
Guess it's a good time for me to finally get into McCarthy.
Pic related: front page heebiejeebies.
You just know he checks this board to laugh at incels after the upload is complete
You sound hurt. Are you okay?