Sexy Female Authors

Who are the best girls writers to masturbate to? For me it's Patricia Highsmith. She was really hot before she got old. She also hated perverts which just makes me want to perv on her more.

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Before we get on to sexualizing women, can we admit how shitty this is: I mean recognizing smart women, but not for their intellect, for their looks, which they probably would've hated, because that's what women always get recognized for and which eclipses their achievements?

Cry about it more, faggot. Patricia was one hot piece of ass.

That's why you're a sad incel, and no smart woman will ever get on with you.

Anyway, ofc Plath should be somewhere on the list.

Stop gaslighting me. I'm a sad incel because I'm bald and ugly. Nothing can change that. There is no alternative.

>smart women

That french canadian bitch who wrote whore (putain)

Consent is a spook. Its not physically tangible so therefore its not real

>Oh, user, I love ze thought of you stroking it to me. Vould you liek to join me for a cigarette?

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Oh man, who is this babe? Is she single and into NEETs?

No woman is into NEETs. Get a fucking job and also learn to use reverse search, retard

She is! She's waiting for you to rescue her from heartbreak, go for it. However, first you should send an email to her editor asking to check a picture of her feet, to make sure she's worthy of your love.

>No woman is into NEETs
Why would I believe this? Even if it were true it would mean only one thing, and what it would mean is that no woman is worth a damn.

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mommy lispector

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poopy rupi of course

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She's particularly into neets! Any man who has job straight rejection

Her pupil is not normal

Her. She's not a writer though.

What a slut.

Her threehead freaks me out

Do you personally know her? kek

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I'd bang JK Rowling. I know I'm gonna catch shit for this but I don't give a fuck

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Rand gets me bricked up

she's a fujo obsessed with writing fantasy about gay men
based and smug

>she's a fujo obsessed with writing fantasy about gay men
was she the author who got in controversy because she compared a character's skin tone to freshly pressed olive oil, or am I mistaken?

Do you know what website you're on? We jerk it to anything here.

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nah shes like a 10/10 milf

What a fucking caked-up liberal whore. Stinks to the high heavens in an all-of-sensory manner. The fact that she is paraded out as the pet ethnic is an insult and disgrace to every non-white both here and abroad. Every day she is allowed to exist as a component of the American zeitgeist is another day the rest of the world is robbed of agency.

Don't pretend women don't love it

I think the simpler point is that there is much better fapping material than some fully clothed 6/10s who happened to be authoresses. Just watch porn you fucking losers.

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a 10/10 in bongland

>She also hated perverts which just makes me want to perv on her more.
user she stuck large snails to her tits. She showed up at ex's houses unannounced and drunk, sometimes decades after the ex had escaped. She questioned the parents of a teenaged murder victim about how much blood there was and if they could tell if their daughter was raped on live TV while getting drunk.
You are not a better perv than her. You're not even in her league.

I heart the Tartt

That's why it's based

Does Yea Forums have the worst waifus in Yea Forums? I can think of another board that lusts after so many sub average females

The UFC/MMA general on Yea Forums.

Are they looking for polio victims of the Catholic persuasion too?

If you mean Flannery O'Connor, she had lupus, not polio.

k user whatevs
i still want to cum on her feet though

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there is exactly one nude pic of her btw:


>hates perverts
>has nudes taken

sexy? I don't know.
cute? probably.

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God dammit

oh yeah

Holy based! (I've masturbated to this hundreds of times over the years.)

When she moved to france she smuggled her pet snails into the country by hiding them under her tits, I’m not lying look it up. She was very autistic and also a lesbian.

She was also based.

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This story alone is more arousing than 95% of the content posted in this fucking thread

It's a dead dog, don't click.

Women exist to fuck and have babies. Their other achievements are irrelevant.

Nō, not the hacking doggone Reno!

Ayn Rand, hands down.
I want her to objectively judge how my penis makes her feel inside.

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Sexton and Highsmith are the perverted twisted sociopaths making money off their illnesses through literature that your standard Yea Forumstard wishes he could be.

>the semicaust

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>She called the Holocaust “Holocaust Inc” in front of them, as if it were a successful industry that later benefited Jews.