Is she a good philosopher?

Is she a good philosopher?

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Need a gf like this

Not even a cute tranny.

I'd like to philosop her, if you know what I mean.

That’s a man. A good philosopher is not a nominalist. Transgenderism requires nominalism.

>post-op trans

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Seems like you're nommin'-all-dis dick

Seriously though, abstraction only exists within the perceptions of consciousnesses. To imply that our mental constructs are anything other than helpful models is not conducive to discovering truth and also is highly pretentious.

that's a man

>Blocks your path

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Though seriously "her" views on inceldom is misguided. No actual attempt to understand their worldview.

True, it's part of her culture-war blindspot

Nothing he does is philosophy, just agitprop. The realm he inhibits is purely political, not philosophical.

Their “worldview” is incoherent and no less retarded than any other self-defined minority group with a victimhood complex. Can you honestly say you’ve fully engaged with the tranny worldview?

do you think his psychologist mk ultra dad made him into a faggot?

Why are all lefty tubers with a weird background of literal satan worshipping relatives, mk ultra types and the like?


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>women bad because...... because they won't fuck me!!!!!

What's the view?

>thinks experience is material

No, "she" is not.

>being paid by the UK gov to shill their views

It’s a hodge-podge mixture of dominance hierarchies, phrenology and statistics about tinder that they’ve extrapolated to describe the entirety of male-female relations. It’s less a worldview than it is a cultish myth that absolves them of any responsibility or agency over their own sex life.

Lol, you definitely haven't taken the black pill, nor browsed /r9k/. Watch this, normalcunt.

>you definitely haven't taken the black pill, nor browsed /r9k/
Browsing r9k is not a badge of honour lol
And also I've had sex before and have good social relationships with others. Of course I haven't subscrubed to self-defeatist ideologies

So don't talk about things you know nothing about, sex-having normalcunt.

His analysis is really surface level. It's better than how most people think about any given topics, but far from noteworthy.

Not that user, but maybe you're just upset at "normalcunts" because their lives are fulfilling in comparison to seething at others online
Maybe read literature

>"look how normal I am"
>"I had sex"
>"I have good relations with people"

yet here you are faggot

>Just take a shower while lifting weights while reading literature, BRO

>you don’t and can’t understand because you’re not seeing it from the inside!!
Quite. I’m not mentally ill enough to fall for your bullshit cult. The second I start talking in a way that makes you think I “understand” the black pill is the second I give up my critical reasoning skills.

Yea Forums hasn't been an internet-weirdo exclusive club for over a decade, retard. It's barely more "underground" than reddit
Any of those will do you more good than seething online at people you'll ever meet, no?

>abloo bloo I can't get laid
Even fat, ugly shits get laid. You literally just don't try. No incel does.

>Critical reasoning skills
Whatever, you stupid normalcunt faggot. You wouldn't last a day in KL, HHL permavirginity.

>you'll ever meet
English not your first language, Juan?

there are universalist trannies that believe they have female souls though

Your impression that it must be permavorginity is what perpetuates your virginity
Nice gets though. Shame they went to a faggot

Typing a little too hurriedly there? Did I rustle some normalfag jimmies?

How can I be a permavirgin AND a normie, retard? Also I don’t know what any of these abbreviations mean. You’re so brainwashed by the incel cult that you’ve even been conditioned into using newspeak. For the love of God take a look at yourself, this is pathetic.

>missed a letter? Better talk about that instead of what he actually said!
Again, seething online at others isn't healthy.
You only perpetuate your own hate of others, which then isolates you further, which then makes you hate everyone more because you feel isolated.
Not that I expect you to stop. The Underground Man said it best - people like continuing their own misery and you are no exception.

Do you lack reading comprehension, beaner? I said you wouldn't last a day in the life of a permavirgin. But you're too busy giving Stacy the cock carousel that you cannot read properly.

Normalfag jimmies are impossible to rustle because normalfags are too busy having sex to seethe about something somebody said online lmao

>good philosopher?
He's the greatest philosopher of all time.

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> I said you wouldn't last a day in the life of a permavirgin.
No you didn’t, you said, and I quote directly:
>You wouldn't last a day in KL, HHL permavirginity
Stop phoneposting and aggressively rushing your replies like a faggot and maybe I’ll understand you better. Or not, I could never understand someone who languishes in their own misery rather than making the bare effort to do something about it.

This is a lost cause. You have so much seed being expelled in roasties who will hit the wall in a few years that you don't even know how to read.

Who's this ?

>haha you’re having so much sex, that’s why you don’t understand my illiterate posts!
I genuinely have no idea how to reply to your delusional ramblings anymore lmao just seek help dude

What's your native tongue, normalfaggot? It's certainly not English.

>You have so much seed being expelled in roasties
You're so obsessed with something you'll never have that you think everyone else is obsessed with it too
Once you lose your virginity you realize emotional connections are much more fulfilling than just sex (though sex with an emotional connection trumps all)
Hopefully you feel loved and can understand what I mean someday

some 3rd world roast

Fucking retards

I am a britbong. Your phone autocorrected your post to the point of unintelligibility, I am hardly to blame for your carelessness. Though it comes as no surprises that you blame everyone else for your problems, since that’s the cornerstone of the incel mentality.

For what, taking the bait?

>Though it comes as no surprises that you blame everyone else for your problems, since that’s the cornerstone of the incel mentality.
That's the cornerstone of modern ideology, whether it's feminists, BLM, incels, commies etc etc etc

what sort of help would you recommend

Yeah, I bet (you), Chadwick the second of his name, really cares about, and continues to read, literature. Meanwhile, Chadwick II is blowing the back out of Stacy in the shire and I'm here masturbating to my VR porn on my Oculus Rift whilst listening to an audiobook of Metamorphoses, hearing about Apollo blowing the back out of Daphne. But you know what? I'm glad. I'd never like to be a part of a system that is built to dehumanise and hate the "incel," which was already explored in The Sorrows of Young Werther many years ago.

Not him, but meditation, less time online (as little as possible is ideal), cultivate healthy habits with a goal of improving yourself instead of doing it to seem more desirable to others, and maybe a therapist if you (or your parents) have the funds

>I'd never like to be a part of a system that is built to dehumanise and hate the "incel,"
>he says while strapping himself to VR porn and forgoing genuine human connection in favor of hating everyone else through social media
Nigga you are the embodiment of the system

>he believes the therapy meme
im sorry but you are irredeemably libtarded. unfortunate! better luck in the next life!

Do the rest if you don't want a therapist.
Or post bait on an off-topic Yea Forums thread to temporarily distract yourself. Whichever works best

What the F is going on here? The level of horniness for a fag is incredible

>What the F is going on here? The level of horniness for a fag is incredible

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Contrapoints (tube channel)

And why all the cringe philosophers are into tranny shit? Most of them finally ACK themselves???

> I'd never like to be a part of a system that is built to dehumanise and hate the "incel,"
I don’t hate them, nor do I dehumanise them. I’m angry at them for refusing to take any agency over their own lives, and instead doing whatever they can to win over other sad, delusional people to their side. The worst thing you can possibly do for you fellow man is to crush his hopes and ambition for something better. The black pill leads nowhere except to a cliff edge.

>Is she a good philosopher?
does she have any actually interesting philosophical takes or is the usual "gender is a social construct" shit that you hear from literally every other progressive youtuber