Why have there been so few great women writers in history? This comes from a femanon herself.
Why have there been so few great women writers in history? This comes from a femanon herself
Female humans don't devote their time and energy as obsessively on a single purpose as males do. This is the simple reason.
“There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.” - Camille Paglia
Wasn't until the last 70 years that it was easier for a woman to be a writer. Read Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own to understand why. Pretty much pre-20th century, the only way to be a woman writer was to be wealthy. You were also seen as less credible so it would've been harder to find a publisher. If you did get published under a female name, people would probably expect a woman's novel like 50 Shades of Grey for the time period. But if you look throughout history, every century you can find multiple female writers who are considered canonical or literary. They weren't necesarrily writing fiction. I think her name is Madame Séville? She is a well known French writer from the 17th or 18th century, famous for her letters/diaries.
>Madame Seville
I could've googled before posting this, but her name is Madame Sevigny, and she is a 17th century writer, still read today.
Because women are untalented and have no hobbies?
>“There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.”
What does it mean?
Are men extremists by nature?
This one is all we need
Women weren't educated. They were literally illiterate.
The way I would interpret this is that women are more so congregated on the mean while men on the extremes.
Because Academia is a boy's club.
What does Academia has to do with being a great writer?
Women have been oppressed throughout history by men. Women were thought of as lesser and it was ludicrous to even entertain the idea that they were anything more than holes that belonged to their husbands and existed for the pleasure of men. People today have the unbelievable privilege of *wondering* why women were oppressed, instead of it being instilled in them from the moment of birth.
I am a violent misogynist who exults in the fact that women get abused and raped so much. Doesn't make what I said above any less true desu.
Women are midwits and conformist by nature. They’re driven to seek sexual attention, social approval and material security. Meaningful art requires introspective and explorative mind, one willing to suffer.
theyre passionate and they get out there and actually do shit. ive never met a women with ANY passion for creating art in my personal life, which is not the case with men.
considering ive never met a women with consistent or thought out taste, it should probably stay a boys club until women deserve their spot
>10+ posts
>no "tits or GTFO"
Yea Forums is dead and reddit tourist killed it
>female Jack the Ripper
Paglia doesn't know about Aileen Wuornos.
academia largely decides what gets perpetuated, especially at a time when the only people that really read were academics. For hundreds/thousands of years only the rich could even afford or even had time required to even be literate, let alone afford books. It was and still is a pretty exclusive club.
It's an undeniable fact that all posters are males always so what's the point.
Only reddit tourist I see is you. You know kind of like how American tourists go to Italy and shout "ITSA MEEEUH MARIOOO" or they go to France and say "WEE WEE HON HON HON I AM ZE FRENCHMAN AND I MAKE THE SEX WEETH YOUR UNDERAGE DAUGHTER HON HON".
>”You need only look at the way in which she is formed to see that women is not meant to undergo great labor, whether of the mind or of the body. She pays the debt of life not by what she does but what she suffers; by the pains of childbearing and care for the child, and by submission to her husband, to whom she should be a patient and cheering companion.”
Men literally are extremists by nature, this has been documented and discussed at length. It's because a single man is capable of having a virtually unlimited number of offspring and thus men don't all have to spread their genes to make the next generation, you'd be fine with just a few particularly fit specimens each making an army of babies. We are a much more viable source of diversity for natural selection than women, so we are set up in a way that produces more extreme results on both sides of any category while women gravitate towards the middle.
Evolution is throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, this is present in other species as well.
Why would anyone say that? No one is claiming to be a woman
>there is no female Jack the Ripper
>This comes from a femanon herself
>you didn't repost the same edgy 12 year old-tier joke therefore you are reddit
I think you'll find you're the only redditfag here
Guess I don't read wojak posts closely
Aileen got caught.
>Why have there been so few great women writers in history?
Because 'greatness' is all about establishing dominance.
Women’s main problem solving skill is complaining until a man fixes what’s irritating them.
Hildegard Von Bingen was and is far more popular than you can ever hope to be, especially among the literate.
lol same
you can't post tits or gtfo on a blue board
Because women confuse literature with belles-lettres. Literature is meant to scar you permanently, making you unable to unsee it.
Women’s inability to entertain themselves is not men’s fucking problem
Can someone edit this to make it just "not my problem" so it's a based littering meme instead of cringey facebook boomer philosophy?
Have sex
Mozart's Jack the Ripper confirmed?
Is cropping really that hard for you nigger
That's not what I asked for. I wanted it to be "... three words", "not my problem"
Why would I ever do that?
Then do it yourself with a marker and a editor.
What is the point mate?
After posting this for hours in every thread you must have realized this gave nothing to the discussion at all.
You're barely even reading the responses:
That one wasn't in anyway against you
okay I will
>Why have there been so few great women writers in history?
Women can't write. Simple as.
bro there are literally hundreds of them
Solipsism. They simply aren't interested in anything other than themselves.
>Pretty much pre-20th century, the only way to be a woman writer was to be wealthy.
As opposed to the male serfs, chimney sweeps, longshoremen etc.who could take a few years off to write.
You seem to be agreeing with my statement. Not sure what your point is.
You could also interpret it to mean women seek both brutality and genius in men.
evolution nowadays is the government scraping away the shit from the wall that actually stuck and taping the shit that doesn't stick in its place.
because most women just want to have baby or chase cock. And so do most men also so don’t take this as a slight against your sex. Women in the west are the most “free” but chose to be tiktok girlboss moms anyway.
>t. femanon
are you retarded or just pretending
It doesn't even imply that, though.
Men are more motivated to create and achieve.
Think about it, if you're a woman you basically have life on easy mode. All you really need to do is be pretty and some man will take care of you for the rest of your life in exchange for semi-regular use of your vagina and womb. All you need to do to be supported for the rest of your life is look pretty and lie on your back with your legs in the air.
Meanwhile a man has to toil just to keep a roof over his head. If he wants more than that, if he wants riches, fame and women, then he has to really achieve something above the ordinary. Most great art is created by men who desperately want to get laid and/or get rich. They're hungry for success. Women aren't.
Aren't most popular writers at the moment women? As for why there are fewer female writers throughout history I would have thought the answer was pretty obvious.
Are you retarded or just pretending? You haven't made a point. Whatever point you think you're making is easily refuted by thinking for 5 seconds and it's already refuted in the original post.