Bible Thread

What parts of the Holy Scripture have you enjoyed lately, Bible frens?

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What's the difference between God and Christ? Some people say "I love Christ" or "Christ is the most beautiful being" while others mostly direct their love towards God. I know they're the same being, but people still make a choice regarding what name to use. So what are the differences? Is Christ closer to use because he was human flesh and died like us? Is God too abstract and nondeterminate? What about the Holy Spirit?

Also what would happen if we found out aliens exist? How would theology handle it?

What name you use is inconsequential since your worship is directed towards the same being. There really isn't a differance. Christ is God and also intermediary between man and God.

Humanity would have to decide if aliens should be considered fellow man, being made in Gods image, or if they are beasts, not receiving salvation.

Holy Trinity or the One Godhead Doctrine?
Six languages are not enough.
Any suggestions?

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But will they explain why aliens were not mentioned in the Bible?

>he thinks they arent


>implying God wasn't made in man's image

>And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Revelation chapter 16

Tell me, what kind of animal do these so called sighted aliens took like?

summarize both.

>alien theorist
come on lads.

Hey look im not an alien fag or anything but as the user asked, if ayys were to show up, im on the side of calling them the antichrist personally speaking. Tell me im wrong for suggesting this sound approach

you're taking the idea of aliens at least semi-seriously, so kinda.

He's not the only one. It's a serious question according to many people.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it was similar to the Covenant from Halo, where it was OUR existence that contradicted their religion, so they waged a holy war to eradicate us.

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The sermon on the mount

Well, they would probably wipe us out if they had the technology to discover us first. Our best bet is to negotiate then maybe we can subvert them like jews did to Western society. Maybe jews are here to teach us how to deal with stronger races in the future.

As lonely as the Fermi Paradox is, I'd prefer the loneliness to the constant existential dread of other sapient beings being just as warmongering as we.

God wouldn't have made someone else. it's an asinine theory, honestly.

la illah ila allah muhammad rasul allah

la illah ila allah muhammad rasul allah

la illah ila allah muhammad rasul allah

Then why did he made so many planets?

well, i don't know His reasons, but it sure wasn't for making aliens.
Maybe for us to mess around with. see in the sky and stuff.

Do you think Nietzsche is in hell now?

Not being a Christian, likely going down.
>search and find out the fedora arguments and hateful stuff are actually Nietzschean philosophy
quite sure.

There's no way to know how he was judged and what was in his heart at the time of his death.

Ezekiel and also:
>I have other sheep that are not of this fold

>at the time of his death.
Is that the only thing that matters?

Well what matters is repentance and after you die the possibility for that is rather limited.

So why not live a godless life, repent on the deathbed, and get a ticket to heaven?

Because God knows it's not sincere.

To be fair I wouldn't do it anyway. At the moment all I want is not to ever lose the faith that God kindly gave me.

What you lads up to?

What am I in for?

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good question. hopefully not someone trying to sell you lies. let's see if anyone's read it here to give a proper idea

>For Christian readers The Jewish Annotated New Testament offers a window into the first-century world of Judaism from which the New Testament springs. There are explanations of Jewish concepts such as food laws and rabbinic argumentation. It also provides a much-needed corrective to many centuries of Christian misunderstandings of the Jewish religion.
Sounds like you're in for some chutzpah

For me it's the KJV, ESV, and NIV (1984).

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Out of the Silent Planet, Clive Staples Lewis, 1938

any germans here that can recommend the translation i should read?

Every day I live further solidifies my faith in the Lord.


havent been reading scripture enough lately, this Lent was supposed to be so much more LOL school has got me down and shit, and i have summer classes too. Im burning out, Christ be with me lmfao.

Opinions on the audio Bible?
Entire KJV version is on youtube for free. I'm enjoying it. Voice actors are solid, background music is pleasant, even adds some sound effects for dramatizing (birds chirping, horses galloping, etc.)

>sant, even adds some sound effects for dramatizing (birds chirping, horses galloping, etc.)
Were these in the Bible?

>he never figured out how to turn on the sound on his bible

I did, but it's all Greek to me.


Strive to have the same confidence in life as Abraham did as he haggled the divine nuclear annihilation of a city of sodomites to the person with their finger on the button

To declare his glory to all who look upon it. God isn’t bound by our notions of efficiency or pragmatism

>tfw can't sing the Gloria at Lent
Some Hungarian woman on /pol/ told me aliens are demons, nephilim specifically.
Yes, and where is predestination mentioned in the Gospels?
Anyway, the Psalms on the Sabbath are the closest equivalent. It it can save even one sould without diluting the Doctrine, who can complain?

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> aliens are demons
That is my takeaway from reading what the church fathers wrote about the atmospheric realm of spirits. I’ve seen a UFO before too. It had a demonic vibe

Book of Common Prayer gang where you at

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>God wouldn't
Lmao you don't know jack shit about what God would or wouldn't do.

Jeremy spoke in class today.

I tried so hard to love the BCP because I like all the great things J.C. Ryle said about it.

Now I'm back to Scottish Psalter gang

No problem. If you lose your faith, you can fake it, is'nt? After all is a... faith.

>needing something other than the Bible
>prescribed prayers other than the one given by Christ
Y'all might as well go be Catholics or "Orthodox™".

Yeah, but there's like a ridiculous amount out there. You ever open up Space Engine and roam around? Takes more than 8 minutes just to get to the sun if you try getting there at the speed of light. There's a fuckton of universe out there, so it is hard to fathom that a God just did it all for the lulz. The more likely scenario is that we just happened for form an unlikely bit of order and complexity in an otherwise chaotic and uniform universe. Once you start looking on the scales of 300 million lightyears and beyond, the universe looks homogeneous and isotropic.

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>the Psalms aren't in the Bible

Well it won't happen because aliens dont exist.
>muh big universe

Has it ever occurred to you that life outside earth is as rare or rarer than the expansiveness of the universe?

We have no proof of aliens, it's all just speculation so I dont entertain the thought of it somehow being real and disproving christianity.

you make me sick

Would like to read and buy myself a non jewified bible. A few months ago some people taught me about how Jewish publishers were putting out bibles that went against god etc. Is there any like normal bible that isn’t tainted by (((them)))

>That's just a book of Psalms and nothing more
Good, the Lord came to save the sick, not the well. You're welcome.

King James Bible

Has any quote ever been as powerful as this?

>Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

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Douay Rheims

The daily office is like 90% scripture.

> There's a fuckton of universe out there, so it is hard to fathom that a God just did it all for the lulz
It’s completely effortless for God. What better way to display his power?

>>That's just a book of Psalms and nothing more
Well, actually, yes.

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But in all the universe, why would we be special? Why do you presume that the Creator would be fixated on us to begin with? For all we know, we could be some background species for the chosen ayys ten galaxy clusters over?

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Aliens don’t exist. Humans are special because we were created in the image and likeness of God. God created this entire vast universe as a gift to mankind because He loves us. He told Adam to have dominion and to rule over

It's not like I haven't seen it. It prescribes specific things to pray each day, every day, and for specific events. All of those prescriptions were formulated by men, their ideas of what you should be thinking/praying over and over and during those events. It's far better to let the Spirit lead you dynamically and pulling from your own internalized well of Scripture.

We're talking about two different things at this point.

How do you know God communicated with mankind at all? There's been people all throughout history claiming to have a hotline to the divine, but nobody's got anything to show for it outside of their edition of "the infallible word of the divine"

Read prayer is how Christian’s have been praying for millennia. Spontaneous prayer is fairly new.

God is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. He is known as the Holy Trinity.
Depends was he Catholic and living in a state of grace? Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
No that is protestant heresy, faith alone will not save you but faith, works, and living in a state of grace.
This is unironically what jews tricked protestants into believing because Jews are trying to will it into existence so they can do that "loophole". But it is not a loophole.
kjv is a heresy, try this instead since you want audio bibles
There is plenty to show traditional Catholicism is the one true faith

>> let the devil lead you


Paul said to pray without ceasing, and talks often about having groups of people in his prayers and such. Sounds pretty spontaneous. There are several recorded examples of Christ free forming to the Father. Read prayer seems to have developed from the later institutionalized Christianity.


t. heretic scum

>How do you know God communicated with mankind at all?
Biblical prophecies have been historically fulfilled by the person of Jesus Christ. One can experience God in this present life as well and know the truth.

Both were present. We know from Acts that some of the disciples went to the Temple at the hours of prayer to worship, and Paul and Barnabas iirc are said to be doing liturgical worship at one point in the same book (usually obscured in English translations). Traditional Christian liturgical practices and prayers developed out of synagogue worship in the late 2nd temple period. Alongside that though free-form prayer has always existed.

>non jewified bible
>non jewified

>Biblical prophecies have been historically fulfilled by the person of Jesus Christ
According to a book, written by a bunch of people that weren't around to see Jesus, curated over and over throughout the centuries, and in direct defiance to what we see in our observable universe. I understand it's great literature, I'm a sucker for mythology, but it's just folk tales meant to teach lessons. Maybe there was a real life Jesus that formed quite the cult following that grew long after his martyrdom. Doesn't mean that the guy was actually magicked into Mary's womb, then he literally rose from the dead after being crucified and stabbed in the chest. If we consider such a possibility, then why wouldn't Greek mythology be just as accurate in its depiction of our creation?

u ever try eating out your mummy or ur puppy?

The Gospels were written by eyewitnesses. I trust the Church Fathers who actually knew the apostles or disciples of the apostles directly over atheist higher critical scholars. We also have more manuscripts, fragments and extensive quotations than basically any other ancient book. There is good reason to be confident in the Biblical canon. Again, Bible prophecies have become true in history, and one can experience this truth in this very life now. The miracles of the saints have never stopped either. Greek mythology is just the worship of fallen angels. We see Zeus impregnating women and abducting humans. Sounds like Genesis 6 to me. We also see a flood story in the Bible with Deucalion. Again sounds like Genesis. They had distorted versions of the truth, as did Mesopotamians and Sumerians


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"The universe is so big and just because we haven't found even the semblance of life on other planets just means that it's probably out there"
"We know the universe is so big because people who have seen it have written it down for other people to read, no not me of course I just saved this jpeg from a Yea Forums thread"
"I believe baseless scientific claims that have no real methodology of being proven because it's written down"
"Even if 95% of fossil data magically appeared in a small window of time and since then we don't have any transitionary fossils that's because stuff stopped evolving 300 million years ago"
"A being of infinite power would not be able to create the universe because it would be really hard"
"The Greeks believed in a bajillion gods so how come yours is real no dont show me historical and archeological data coinciding with Biblical events show me on Yea Forums how your god is real"
"Ummm I suddenly believe in the historical citations in the Bible and according to Doctor Professor Goldberg this passage was actually written 3 months after Jesus was resurrected so you're all wrong"
"Napoleon existed because people claimed to have seen him and books were written about him and he impacted several events in history not Jesus though"

and my favorite:
"I come onto specific Bible threads on a specific board on 4channel because I am intellectually superior to Bible larpers and have so many better things to do besides debate basic reality you guys are delusional and I don't even think about you"

>"We know the universe is so big because people who have seen it have written it down for other people to read, no not me of course I just saved this jpeg from a Yea Forums thread"
There's nothing stopping you from buying a telescope and brushing up on grade school math.

Could you link me to a website where I can buy a telescope that lets me see 6 gorillion lightyears to prove that the universe is as large as you claim
Also feel free to write out the mathematical equation you are personally versed in (second hand expertise is not sufficient for scientific proof) that explains the universe being as large as it is

If you want the strong stuff, you could always try renting out the Hubble or James Webb telescopes :^)

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I thought as much, you have a good rest of your night and remember Christ loves you even as you rebel against him

This audio version is complete faggotry. I prefer the Max Mclean series. Listened to 1 Samuel and first half of 2 Samuel while at work today.

Abraham must have had the biggest balls. I can read why he was chosen among all the gentiles of the earth

i use this one when passing trough the shady places down here in brazil

Hey I’m opening a prayer request. Reply to me and I’ll pray for you to YHWH through Jesus Christ. You can give me a specific request or you can just reply-leave a name or initial or something and I will let you know when I see it I’m praying. As soon as I see it I’ll pray for you (unless I’m at work, I’ll have to go to the water closet)

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You too, mate. I don't subscribe to tulpas, but I can appreciate the aesthetic.You lads need more video games.

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Seems dangerous to allow other men's ideas of what you should be praying every day, which also means focused on/oriented towards, to have so much influence. Each man's life is unique and will have its own functional relations between Spirit and the world. If you are getting yourself clogged up with the prescriptions of others then you might not be receiving what God needs you to hear and do for Him. You could be making yourself a less effective member of His Body, being limited to frameworks prescribed by other mere men.

I recommend nothing but Scripture, and allowing your own unique life circumstances/events to reflect throughout your own internalized well of Scripture. This can lead you into more sure footing onto the path God is laying in front of you and you alone and minimizes the distractive pollutions from others.

That's not to say not to explore and consider the views of others, including preachers and such, but to take on a repetitive daily prescription from any of them is without a doubt placing you within something of a fence built by others with their own personal limitations of understanding. It's no different than the Catholics/"Orthodox™" tendencies to focus on prescription frameworks devised by random humans who came to be known as "fathers" and "saints".

The Holy Bible has anything and everything you need in it, aside from commentaries explaining certain symbolisms and historical/cultural contexts.

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I'll just pray for (You) that your prayers will be powerful and effective.

Same I'm in Georgia

The country or state?



Thank you I’ll praise God for putting that on your heart.

Anyone here speak tongues?

Aliens are demons according to seraphim rose

This is just my connotative anecdotes but I seem to feel people think of "God" specifically as the omniscient creator who plans lives and is in control of everything whereas invoking "Jesus" in particular feels a lot more human, direct and compassionate. "God" evokes a sense of awe whereas "Jesus" evokes a sense of compassion.

Has anyone given the Word on Fire Bible a look?
Aesthetically I think it’s great, but I don’t have much space so I wouldn’t want to get multiple volumes for Gospels, Acts, Revelation, etc.
I just wish it wasn’t the NRSV version they used, but it’s something I could overlook, personally.

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whats so important about rachel

>[Read: Theosophians]

Only the Gospels? Must be a pictoral Bible.
I just hope she isn't vaccinated.

I have it. It's a very nice Bible, designed primarily for aesthetics. The paper is VERY thick, much thicker than even high end premium Bibles, it's full color and filled with illustrations and features from various Church Fathers and Catholic theologians.

His boldest is even more interesting when paired with his humility that he demonstrates in the same section

Catholic, so Satanic, avoid.

I don't wanna skip ahead in the Bible but I also don't wanna read thousands of pages of Israel history.

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In my humble opinion I find it better to read the NT and then the OT. The OT is one giant prophetical prelude to Christ and understanding the nuance and implications from the NT will make the OT so much more palatable.

And in my situation when I was struggling with my faith the Gospels were so poignant in helping me return to Christ.

>real Christian
You'll rot in hell

Yes, I have both NT volumes. It's the only NRSV I own--and technically, if it bothers you that much, nothing's stopping you from reading the WOF commentary along with any other translation of the text itself. It looks and reads great, but you should know it really is designed as babby's first nice Bible. In reading it, it assumes you've never read the Bible in your life and holds your hand throughout. The commentary selection, especially in Vol. 2, is great, though. Really makes you want to look up the fuller works by the commentators. To your space comment, that'll be an issue for you, since they intend it to be, I believe, a 7-volume series. All told, you should just treat it as a multi-volume commentary series like any other commentary series. Consider the hardcover edition if you're unsure.

Do you like Edwards? I've been meaning to pick up the 2 volume set of his works but I don't know how difficult he is to understand.

I’ve been studying for years, across dozens of translations and original languages. Still haven’t read most of the OT.

What are your favorite funny moments in the Bible? For me it's 2 Kings 2:23-24. Heh..

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2 Kings 10:27

>call prophet a dickhead
>God sends bears to kick your ass

"Aliens" are actually demons. Just look at "Lam" who Crowley summoned. DMT takers see so-called aliens too. Demonic entities is what they are

1 Kings 18:27
I wonder, are we allowed to do such mockery of pagans?

I was telepathically tortured by greys it was not very pleasant. I might be vulnerable to alot of.. "supernatural things" we could say.

I do seriously mean that by the way I saw them hovering over me with the typical frisbee spacecraft, purple gas emitting from it, 3 lights on the bottom.. Come to think of it I had actually asked them to pick me up and take me away from this gay world some months earlier.

I think upon refusing them they became enraged or something.

How would one uhh.. deal with this or other such things that I wouldn't typically notice in our material realm.. Do I read the psalms?

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best part about this one is the original Hebrew is close to "going to the bathroom", and how most translations euphemise it.

>23All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify. 24Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor.
1 Cor - 10
I wouldn’t. Not gonna judge whatever you choose to do for the same reason.

Maybe there is a demon that has taken up lodgings in your head. Consider prayer and fasting to excise it.

depends. maybe you get someone away from a lie by pointing at it and laughing.

They were literally hovering above me at night near my house and I became nervous over this I just retreated back inside, locked the doors, and ran around screaming at the top of my lungs. It was a very peculiar day, 'twas.

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>Do I read the psalms?
Absolutely yes. Psalmody and prayer and is the greatest weapon against the demons. At the monastery you often are are required to memorize the Psalter because you will be singing virtually non stop. What you have entered is spiritual combat. Wanna defeat the demons? The demon of pride, gluttony, wrath, fornication, anxiety, indecisiveness, lethargy? Well you can’t, only Jesus can. Pray to God.

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I'm a Protestant but could I get a Catholic priest to bless my motorcycles so I can stay safe? I've seen them bless cars before.


Yes they will do that.

Probably. Whenever you want serious shit done, you always go to a Catholic priest. Think about it, when's the last time you saw someone go to a nondenominational pastor when they needed an exorcism performed to rid a place of demons?

So reading about the parable of the Unjust Judge. It's really funny how the judge considers the petition of the widow just because she's being annoying. Such a relatable story, I hope I'm annoying enough to God so he hears my prayers.

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and before a fedora comes in, i might as well add a little explanation for better context:
If a reader of this parable is not careful, he could judge God as being comparable to the unjust judge, that is, that He will not answer our requests promptly unless we bother Him with constant pleas for help. Actually, Jesus is contrasting the faithfulness of our loving God to the cynical, self-serving, unrighteous judge. The latter is not in any way a good man, but a godless one who is just trying to shield himself from being annoyed.

Jesus is trying to get us to realize God's never-ending love and faithfulness to His children. We are to see that all that God is, the judge is not. God is always willing to hear us and to answer our prayers if according to His will. He always hears the cries of His own elect or chosen ones. Indeed, God will avenge or vindicate His people.
The point is that, if the unjust judge—who could not have cared less for the widow—at length responded to her cry merely to rid himself of her aggravating requests, then shall not God—who loves His chosen people and gave His Son for us—answer our prayers when we are under trial or in need?

You have faith that the blessing from a priest will keep you safe while riding? In that case go ahead I suppose.

Asking God to bless them makes more sense. Christ is the only mediator between us and God.

Brothers, It's time for me to say goodbye.
This is my last day in Yea Forums(nel). I appreciated all of the informative posts my fellow catholic brothers shared with me here; along with all the flow of fascinating and useful information about Christianity these threads revealed to me.
Unfortunately I'm not inmune to corruption and my sinful past still haunts me. I decide to embrace Christ completely along with the Holy Catholic Church, and now I must reject and leave everything that can induce me and indulge me in sin (including sinful thoughts), which means I must also stop browsing Yea Forums.

My only request before I leave is about recommendations on books with heavy emphasis in Christianity and Catholicism: these books can be fictional (like LOTR) or non-fictional ( for example Panegyric of St Paul by St John Chrysostom)

Thank you for all and thank all of you in advance.

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Stop praying to anyone or anything other than God.

shut the fuck up kike, no one here is doing that, Catholicism is the way and no amount of foul jews, protestant pieces of garbage, filthy mohomedans, faggots or atheists alike, could ever take that away from it. You will attack my language because it is unbecoming, but nothing is more unbecoming than attacking the One True Church. Disgusting kikes all over these threads.

>Catholicism is the way

You are the KJB-only guy right?
I'm a Catholic person and that will not change, the Catholic Church is the One True Church. I will not comment on your stubborn position because better men than me have debated this with you in previous threads.

I'm asking for recommendations and I will not reply to any other post after this one.

Baptismal waters save you and the Eucharist is the true presence of Christ and not a symbol. Reminder that neither of these facts were ever disputed by the people who were taught by the Apostles until people decided to invent their own religion.

God bless you, I hope He guides you true on your journey, wherever that may lead you.
It’s very difficult to leave this place, Lord knows I’ve tried many times but one day I will have to leave for good so I can spend my time more productively.
As for books; I am getting through a lot of the books on this list myself. G.K. Chesterton has proved a favourite with his apologetics.
May the Lord give you the strength to go forward, and the church the nurturing and knowledge to spread the word to others and learn from them.

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>You are the KJB-only guy right?
Suit yourself, but trying to escape corruption while being in a false church is nonsensical.
>until people decided to invent their own religion
Exactly, the Roman state with Catholicism.

As usual scum like you cant even read properly or understand what they are reading.
Fuck prots
fuck atheists
fuck mohamedfags
fuck jews
fuck jannys
fuck you, you fucking scum.

god is not real

I appreciate your zeal and passion for the Catholic Church, but cursing and raging at another brother in Christ makes you look much worse.
Do I think he’s wrong? Yes. I would hope he has an open mind to look into why he believes the Catholic Church is “false” and to see and analyse evidence on the contrary. That’s what I had to do, I didn’t have all the answers and I used to think exactly the same as he did. We all have to be taught what we know, we were all clueless at somepoint.
We can have discussions about these things, and we should. It doesn’t have to be in hateful rhetoric, but nor should we waste our time on those that will not listen. It’s about choosing battles.

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OK Legion.

Which version of the Bible should I read as an atheist? For context, I've been an atheist for all of my life, my family isn't religious, I've never been to church. I'm not planning to read the Bible with the intention of converting, nor am I planning to read it as a way to better "debunk" or debate Christians (I'm sure I find the kinds of people who enjoy spending time on that just as obnoxious as you do). I do believe that there is a sense of beauty in religion, and the Bible is also objectively one of, if not the most historically important documents in human history. That's why I'd like to read it. I'm aware that the King James Version is the most common version, but I'm not sure if it'd be the best one for someone such as myself to read front to back.

do explain to me about the numerous incidents, up to the pope praying to a literal idol, and about the "domain of saints" system that is basically paganism.
asking in earnest, but i'd rather not beat around the bush.
Kindly don't use buzzwords like saying it's just "reverence" or just spouting out "donatism".

KJV is to many a divinely inspired translation and while the language flows much easier after you start 'getting it', it can be a bit difficult for someone not familiar with thee thou and verily.
ESV is 'better' in that regard, but often times when someone translates downwards they are forced to assign values to make sentences work in our language that they may not have in another.
There are many others but I would actively caution reading International nonsense versions as they are intentionally worded to reduce offensive language and statements and in my opinion, reduce the overall quality of the Word by large margins.

I do it to expose these scum bags for what they are, see this post for instance, As I said above the only response that foul disgusting prots have to any Catholic dogma is to insult me for my intense language. They are the scum of the earth, worse than atheists. Protestants will find themselves the furthest from God when in hell, for they attack his Church with their very existence.

I ask in good faith; is not Christ and his sacrifice the only path to salvation for mankind? I understand the significance of the eucharist and do not attack the Catholic Church in any capacity but it does feel odd at times to me, that someone may say Christ alone saves from eternal damnation also it has to be a Priest and in Confession.

I am open to being convinced otherwise and abhor these schisms between the faithful but is not the simple act of accepting Christ as Lord, Savior, Redeemer, and King enough?

I have not yet found a denomination and ask in total sincerity, I have issues with Protestantism too.

finally a proper KJV argument. makes nice sense. What do you think of the NIV? I've found it quite proper as it is what shows up when i look for verses.

Really struggling in school right now grade wise and need to get good grades in hopes of going to a rigorous seminary. Prayers would be much appreciated.

We are to do communion though. Catholicism removes the wine, which is the issue.
Luke 22:19-20
>And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

>In the same way, after the supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

Will be charitable prevent me from going to hell?

I have yet to read the NIV with enough confidence to recommend or not recommend it, I had a bizarre journey in reading the Bible where I went from not understanding the KJV and thinking it was antiquated (and I started at Genesis, do not start at Genesis unless you are the 1% of people who enjoy reading Terms & Conditions on websites recreationally) but after swapping to ESV for a period into the New Testament, I actually returned to the KJV since it felt....'realer', if I might use that word, it felt more sincere and powerful.

I would go New Testament and then read the OT with the knowledge that you should look for symbolism in the prophetic nature of the text that predicts the coming Christ. It is masterfully written even for a nonbeliever in 'how to foreshadow your hero 10,000 years in advance' class.

Christ alone is the only way to find salvation.

that aside, yes, Christ is the truth, the way and the life. nobody reaches the Father except through Him.
It is to be done as He ordered, in remembrance of His sacrifice.
want to find a proper church and denomination? Compare its practices to Scripture, and remember it isn't 'subject to any private interpretation'

I have always wondered if any religion could reach to a genuinely true and correct religion with no flaws. There's no reason for any other person not to convert to that religion that is wholly correct. So why, until now, we as humans couldn't narrow it down into one entirely correct religion. A right religion will have no faults. But, I don't think we have ever reached this point or will ever reach this point. Because if a religion with no flaws truly existed, then there would be no reason for any other variants...

And here's the part that breaks them:
Christ is not what the jews expected, but instead exactly what Scripture says.

The Church doesnt know whos in hell,

we can say who IS a Roman Catholic, but we cant exactly say who isnt.

in the Old Testament Israel is clearly the people of God, and they are a visible people, tribes, families, boundaries
youd think that it would be easy to tell them apart. BUT lets look at Psalm 87 and look

He has founded his city on the holy mountain.
2 The Lord loves the gates of Zion
more than all the other dwellings of Jacob.

3 Glorious things are said of you,
city of God:[a]
4 “I will record Rahab[b] and Babylon
among those who acknowledge me—
Philistia too, and Tyre, along with Cush[c]—
and will say, ‘This one was born in Zion.’”[d]
5 Indeed, of Zion it will be said,
“This one and that one were born in her,
and the Most High himself will establish her.”
6 The Lord will write in the register of the peoples:
“This one was born in Zion.”

7 As they make music they will sing,
“All my fountains are in you.”

Look at all these people that are even the enemies of Israel at that time, they are included in ZION. Israelites wouldnt
have said "those people are a part of us" we can say who IS in Israel, we cant say who isnt. The same goes for Salvation.
Or First Corinthians 12, St. Paul talks of the Body of Christ, it is possible for actual members of the Body of Christ
who are actually saying they are not a part of the body. There are literal Roman Catholics out there in spite of themselves.
St. Justin Martyr makes an argument that Socrates was actually a Christian because he followed the logos, he believed in
a God that he didnt know, and rejected the greek gods he did know. WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO SAY WHO IS AND WHO ISNT OUTSIDE

Basically we as Catholics cannot say who is in Hell. This is important to remember. From very early on in our history this has been the case. So in the early Church there was a Catechumen period of 3 years, so these people wanted to be baptised and occasionally they may die before baptism. In cases like this people like St. Ambrose would make it very clear, it would be legalistic to say that because they didnt live long enough to receive the sacrament, they have to spend all eternity in hell.

I do spit a lot of venom honestly, i am a sinner and I would ask for your prayers and Christ's mercy. I just cant stand protestants attacking Christs Church.

Christianity is. here's the issue: people don't want to accept it because it would mean changing their ways. out of pride, or other temptations of sin, they choose not to.
so, to close that 'what if' hole, they make up strawmen of it to criticize, and steer clear from Scripture.

there are no flaws, but you don't realize that until you look at the real thing, and stop covering your eyes.

oh, or even worse, they make idols in their image, so that they can be just as sinful as they are, while fooling themselves with something they've made.

Alright so communion is important no matter what denomination you adhere to, so long as you have knelt and asked forgiveness through the sacrifice of Christ?
I suppose my fear lies in the splitting of hairs between the 3 major denominations of Christianity.
According to some Catholics, all Prots are burning in Hell because they tried to cut away anything that wasn't Jesus (I think)
According to some Protestants, all Catholics are burning in Hell because they worship idols and put salvation behind a checkpoint (I think)
According to some Orthodox.....I don't actually know what those guys do honestly they seem chill, are they damned by either group?

I simply want to honor and worship the Lord as is most pleasing to Him, and if He so desires help bridge the gaps between our precious faith which will be yet needed by so many in the coming years.

what do you mean with "so long as"?

It genuinely sounds like (to me) that you are a Catholic, in spite of yourself basically. It sounds to me like you do love Jesus and that you are probably going to attain salvation. What exactly is keeping you from just joining your local Catholic parish?

Prot idea is kinda right; orthos and caths usually disagree in more theological matters than anything.
I don't get why having anything other than Christ could be right; and i don't get why they pray to someone other than God either.

Try coming out of Satanic Babylonian paganism. Become Christian and do not pray to demons disguised as "Mary" and "saints". Satan loves that you pray to Ishtar and succumb to her energies of lust. Read the Holy Bible constantly, it will tell you everything you need to know.

What checkpoint?

Dont listen to scum like this, attacking the One True Church of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church, is the work of scum. protestants are walking puss bubbles filled with satanic bile, ready to burst and spew over everyone.

>I'm a Catholic person and that will not change
Oh well, so much for . You are choosing to be in a Satanic snare it seems. Peter and Paul warned against the likes of those who would build an institution like Catholicism. You should listen to them.

>what Bible should I read?
>I'm aware of the one that is the Bible but I should probably read a "bible" instead.