Are there any mythologies/religions which truly show devotion to a dark subject matter...

Are there any mythologies/religions which truly show devotion to a dark subject matter? Like a religion that actually worships death, or the idea of evil.
Growing up I used to think Satanism was this, but it's actually more like a Batman LARP, which is very disappointing.
Likewise, it's a popular sentiment that Nietzsche puts forward a dark philosophy, but reading his works it's mostly about trying to derive meaning from the darkness of the modern world.

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the Booklet that accompanies the album Deathconsciousness by Have A Nice Life

>Like a religion that actually worships death, or the idea of evil.

A thread ruined. They won't stop now that they've gathered together.

Just look up random occult shit, maybe Crowley, maybe some old ass Grimoires. Or write your own JRPG tier mythology with just Demons and no Gods like SMT.

Surely there is some Wicca stuff that fits?

Talmudism, Nazism, Communism, LGBT, Feminism

Crowley's writings are certainly mysterious, but I wouldn't call them death worshipping.
Also old ass Grimoires are for the most part just lists of demons and spells, which for the most part are connected to Christian/Jewish mysticism, which once again, mysterious, but not death worshipping.
Wicca stuff tends to be tied to turn of the century mysticism. A lot of it isn't very mysterious, nor is it very dangerous, more hippyish really.
>Islamic Fundamentalism
Probably the closest things I've found to what I'm looking for, though even then the admiration of death is mostly the admiration of death as a tool, and the end game for these ideologues is a kind of heaven on earth, which isn't very dark and mysterious.

The ideology of Pro-abortion activists

Any religion that truly believed that...would literally not survive. So no.

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The sad part is, is that despite being so big on the idea of intellectual pursuits, materialism/scientism has no body of literature, it's mostly just a vague collection of vices that has always existed in the city dweller.

The Santa Muerte worshipped by Mexican narcos.

The problem, as demonstrates, is that an ideology that even slightly takes itself seriously, does not view itself as "evil". Everyone thinks that they're doing the right thing. Any "evil philosophy" is thus at its core just leeching off of one of these and saying WELL ACKTHYUALLY BEING EVIL IS BASED. Bataille's stuff is this

Wiccans absolutely do not see themselves as evil.

The never ending seethe of the philosophically illiterate Jew worshipper

Santa Muertistas do not see themselves as evil.

From OP:

>Are there any mythologies/religions which truly show devotion to a dark subject matter? Like a religion that actually worships death

>worshiping death: beaner
>worshiping death: slavic

Well if you're going to completely ignore the subtext of what he said and just be literal to the point of meaninglessness, then yeah of course, Christianity is he most obvious answer.

That makes sense. I find it curious that humanity has never worshipped a dark deity at any point though. It tends to always be something related to the sun, or crops. Would it be so strange for there to be a religion dedicated to the moon, or to the abyss of the sea? No less life affirming, but dark and gothic.

Any books on why this is the case? The answer I imagine is that it's because humans just as a baseline like to fill their days with things that make them happy, and a giant benevolent dagon-crab can never be nice enough to override the fact that crabs are not very comforting to think about.

Learn to read. OP asks for a religion that worships something dark "like death" OR evil. I gave him something with death. You are sperging about evil.

Scientism is such a massively overblown criticism. It's almost always used by bad faith actors that want to smuggle in justifications for their meme beliefs alongside legitimate criticisms of dogmatism.

Generally you're praying to keep things like Dagon-crabs as far away as possible.

I believe that in many cultures it was considered ill-fortune to pray to 'darker' entities (to use a clumsy phrase) so they could inflict suffering on others.

The end game of Talmudism isn't a heaven on earth you dumbfuck, it's pure and unadulterated evil

Santa Muertistas are so based, Mexicans are so fucking cool

No, fuck you, learn to read, that's not what he asked.

Is there any primary literature on Santa Muerte? I cannot imagine a narco writing a grocery list let alone an organized religion, or even cult.

>I find it curious that humanity has never worshipped a dark deity at any point though
That's absolutely not the case. Remember that most Christians today will happily tell you that the vast majority of humanity is doomed to eternal suffering of unimaginable intensity and that not only do they deserve if but that they, the Christians, are good people for taking delight in this prospect. Every religion has "dark" stuff in it, but it will always be interwoven into a far more complicated web.

Some Jews absolutely worship evil and know this

>Is there any primary literature on Santa Muerte?
Yeah, the hagiographies of the saints that Santa Muerte is. Santa Muerte is a Christian cult. All of the stuff about the candles is just fluff. This IS what traditionalismisticalist Latin BASED Cathodoxy looks like, crack open literally any book on pre-Modern Catholicism.

I don't think there's any holy text. It's just organic pagan shit.

They didn't invent or organize it, death worship is part of their Mesoamerican heritage. It's a syncretism


theres also like 4 saints and a bunch of angels involved that the jesuits patronized too

>is that an ideology that even slightly takes itself seriously, does not view itself as "evil"
Talmudists and Nazis definitely do. Feminists are good at public relations but often slip up that they worship abortion and child sacrifice. LGBT absolutely support pedophilia behind their public relations.

>Talmudists and Nazis definitely do.
No they don't.

>Feminists are good at public relations but often slip up that they worship abortion and child sacrifice.
Then they think that abortion and child sacrifice are good.

>LGBT absolutely support pedophilia behind their public relations.
No, they just do it openly. Because they think that it's good.

I don't get how this is a hard concept for you, after all you pretend to be the adherent of a cult of a demon that feeds on gentile blood and lives in a volcano.

>t. triple vaxxed masked up science truster
"Scientism" is absolutely a problem, and more for actual science than for whatever meme-belief you're complaining about. The last 2 years have been abortion on top of abortion of science made possible by people "believing" in science without bothering to actually perform any.

But is there any literature on Feminists or LGBT supporting those things? Is there a codex on abortion?

They do not believe what they are doing is morally just. They do it for personal pleasure and a feeling of power, therefore they worship evil.

You've already revealed yourself as an idiot who isn't interested in honest debate so I won't respond again.

>Remember that most Christians today will happily tell you that the vast majority of humanity is doomed to eternal suffering of unimaginable intensity and that not only do they deserve if but that they, the Christians, are good people for taking delight in this prospect.
Why is it that when some degenerate people use Christianity to justify their degenerate ways, it's all people can focus on? The notions of some bitter townie dregs does not a religion make.

Nazis DELIBERATELY went out of their way to look as evil as one could look and Neos made it into a tradition for fash faggots.

Ignoring modern occult shit, the Aghoris are a Hindu sect dedicated to inauspicious acts and substances. Dead bodies are ritually unclean so they carry skulls and rub cremation ash on their bodies. My understanding is that they believe in a type of monism whereby everything is actually Shiva, so by actively seeking out unclean things they are emphasising that apparent differences are illusory, in the most extreme way possible.

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>Everyone thinks that they're doing the right thing.
No they don't. They frame it that way to make it socially acceptable but many, many people outright worship evil in private. The internet and anonymity has proven this beyond all doubt.

>Remember that most Christians today will happily tell you that the vast majority of humanity is doomed to eternal suffering of unimaginable intensity
Yes. Have you met most people? Have you seen the world today? Would YOU want to share everlasting paradise with the horrifying degenerates that fill the earth? No you fucking wouldn't. They're getting what they deserve. Sorry sweety, I know it hurts your fee-fees. I know.

I think lot of people prayed to gods that would be considered dark or evil by today’s standards but would be considered a lesser evil by their standards at the time.
Like their warlord to protect them from other more malevolent warlords.

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Hedonism honestly. Unfortunately it's always a lonely enterpriseso it's not a real religion

>But is there any literature on Feminists or LGBT supporting those things?
Try Simone de Beauvoir. Utterly demonic.

The stoics had their memento mori
As did the Christian artists and monks alike
Not that they worshipped death but they contemplated death’s inevitability

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Mesopotamian guardian spirits like in your picture weren't a lesser evil, they were fearsome and scary but that was because they scared off the evil spirits. They weren't malevolent themselves. That said, in multiple cultures gods which caused disease and disaster were worshipped to placate their negative actions. Like you would sacrifice to Apollo to prevent him sending a disease against you. The same is true for the Old Testament God, if he wasn't worshipped correctly he sent diseases, natural disasters, and war. In fact in the New Testament, Paul says an outbreak of disease was caused by a Christian congregation consuming the bread and wine of Jesus in an unworthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:27-30)

Right, you're accurately describing most Christians, but I don't see what this has to do with whackadoos that cut their dicks off. You argument that these people are making a rational decision here is idiotic.

Morals are a spook and feelings are real. You're the one casting a judgment of evil and good onto the behavior. And you have the audacity to call the other user and idiot. Get out of here with your moralizing judgments.

A discussion on the idea of evil will by its very nature be moralistic. I will repeat: you are an idiot. Also your English is bad.

>idea of evil
No such thing. Consequences for actions are real though.

Seethe and cope harder

Why do you think mexicans are cool?

They make Amerifats seethe and have a unique culture and cuisine

a good contender would be La Santa Muerte cult, i visited one of her main altars, a real skeleton in a dress, behind a pane of glass. Devotees left half smoked joints, bottles of liquor and sweets.

No religion has ever worshiped death.

Fellow latinx I see

STFU George Lucas

Pazuzu and Lamashtu were both seen as plain evil, they just conveniently hated each other, so Pazuzu could be invoked to drive Lamashtu away.