What does Yea Forums think of Samuel Beckett's plays?

What does Yea Forums think of Samuel Beckett's plays?

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Just the typical 20th century satanic stuff. Godless people shepherding other lost souls towards nothingness. All thinking they're too smart, all being too proud, blind leading the blind. That's 20th century for you.

Waiting For Godot is amazing, so glad I got to see it live.

I actually missed a live showing of Endgame recently due to obligations. I'm glad you had a good time.


i really don't see beckett as satanic. could you help enlighten me?

It is the existential themes and rebuke of ontology making those most faithful defensive. In essence, this user was filtered.

that's a fair analysis, but i want user's reasoning. i know yeats was a faggot occultist dipshit, and joyce was a mason, but beckett seems strangely clean

>you're just being defensive!
Invoking Jewish psychoanalysis doesn't really help your point of rebuking satanic accusations

Schizo babble. Cope harder!

Memes don't make you sound smart either

Waiting for Godot is kino. I haven't read or seen anything else by him.

Meds, now.

Try Endgame. You'd like it if you liked Godot.

'Jewish psychoanalysis' is schizo babble, you're talking like a LARPer. This site would be better off without you, sincerely.

I really like his television and radio plays; Waiting for Godot is overrated though and there was already a similar premise done before. His idea that nothing should happen, and things ought to be reduced to their most basic narrative elements, is very interesting and it's refreshing in an age where everyone is obsessed with action.

Sounds like you're just uneducated

Probably. I just wish you and your kind would stop the role playing act, it gets old.

Well, we've been here long before you got here and we'll be here still once you return to r*ddit, so enjoy seething in every thread in the meantime

Who is the father of psychoanalysis and what was his ethnicity?

I've said it before on here but after reading Waiting for Godot I stopped reading for 3 years.

Freud did not invent the concept of defensiveness. /pol/ has melted your brain.



Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

Because he doesn't like reading, but he wanted to make a cool story out of not reading.

I love reading. But I read that book as an undergrad because I liked the cover and hated it. I'd no idea books like that even existed.

>I didn't like a book so I stopped reading for 3 years despite allegedly loving to read
Convincing story.

I was at college, I had coursework, exams, a social life, a weekend job. It's the easiest time to not read in your spare time.

So you just didn't like it? Can you explain why?


Ionesco is fat better

>he doesn’t know about Beckett’s appreciation for Quietism
Your Christlarpers don’t actually read, do you?

Well before then I was into regular teenage lit shit, all the novelists you discover via musicians, all the books about smoking dope and stuff. I can't remember how I came upon Beckett, but I assumed it was gonna be something like Kerouac or Hemingway. This was long before I read about lit online, so I'd little frame of reference. In fact, thinking back, it was Murakami that got me back into regular reading.
p.s. looking up the version I had, it seems to go for quite a lot online.

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You're just proving his point.

>a 17th century Christian doctrine is “satanic”
I take it you don’t read either

A 20th century writer showing "appreciation" for some heretic cult reeks of narcissism and attention-seeking. You can read as much as you want, it won't make up for being slow.

>an interest in Quietism is “attention-seeking”
>even though Beckett only expressed this interest in Private letters
>even though the entire point of Quietism is a silencing of the ego
Man, your autism really does deny you a sense of humour, doesn’t it? Let’s not even talk about the irony in a christlarper accusing a quietist of “shepharding” anyone. Who the hell needs a shephard to show them how to stand still anyway?

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Your blind faith to a rotten institution reeks of low self-worth and narrow mindedness. Find God.

>>an interest in Quietism is “attention-seeking”
Correct, but you're just as bad and egocentric, so you type long cope posts.

> you type long cope posts.
And you type short ones to avoid addressing any of the points made therein. Shitflinging is easy, friend, but clearly civil discourse is too difficult for you to participate in. Might I suggest a day care instead of a debating society?

I have The Unnamable in my Amazon cart is that a good one to start with Beckett?

If you’ve never had any exposure to Beckett whatsoever I would recommend starting with his plays, you can read alongside while watching adaptions on YouTube. The Unnameable is one of his later fictions and is incredibly challenging, and is also considered the third part in his “trilogy”. If you want to dive straight into his fiction, start with Watt or Molloy.

>please debate me
Your fragile ego and attention-seeking behavior just speak for themselves, so there's nothing for me to add.

I second the other user. Start with some of the plays.

mfw christian dogmatist seethes in my thread.

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his plays are wonderful...probably because I've studied and am comfortable in a language besides English that I have so much to interpret from his highly concentrated, distilled use of language...I read somewhere that writing the plays (in French) was like going out to dig into the soil with your bare hands for hours on end and then trying to explain to someone with only your hands what you found...to me he's probably the greatest writer of the 20th century....I really need to get round to reading his novels

It’s so easy to intentionally misinterpret a droll joke instead of using the time to have a discussion. Sad. You challenge everything I say but then refuse to say anything substantial yourself when pressed, coward. So then why even bother engaging? If you say there is nothing more to add, then why bother replying? If things can already “speak for themselves” then your posting about them is redundant. Whereof one cannot speak…

To me he's the greatest writer of the century, even greater than Joyce. It's so refreshing to read him after those centuries of characters, stories, melodrama, and useless sense (which is much worse than useless nonsense,).
The only problem is that it's hard to take many writers seriously after you've read Beckett...

He annihilates the history of literature, archetype and ontological meaning by exposing it as nothing more than a phase that has passed, or an object that can die. Finding it hard to come out of this way of thinking after reading him.

Im not the same guy but you sound like a fucking loser. Being on this board is not impressive in any way. You're basing your self worth in wasting time on a shitty anime board for nazi weeaboos. Sincerely, touch grass.

This tradlarping shit is honestly getting so gay, an utter mockery of the faith

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How does it mock the faith? What do you know about faith?

It falls me to inform you that have to go back.

>What do you know about faith?
That it involves more than masturbating to anime and trap porn all day while simultaneously bragging to other people on a Sri Lankan rice farming forum about how BASED you are for pretending to have read theology and putting a cross icon on your Twitter profile, despite the fact that you act like a holier-than-thou pompous hypocrite who giddily disrespects a dead man

If you actually want to follow Christ, maybe lay off the pharasaical sneering and condescension of everyone who doesn't think the way you do

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>adopts an extreme holier-than-thou attitude while accusing someone else of holier-than-thou attitude

He gave Andre the Giant a ride from school once.

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>if you are a christian you are not allowed to say bad things about dead people

I felt this way after reading The Wave by Woolf, not after Beckett...have you read Godot? the dead tree at the start of the play is growing leaves by the end...read Endgame? the whole play builds on the tension of Clov about to leave Hamm, but he never does....There is to me a palpable tenderness and compassion at the heart of everything the man produced...Woolf on the other hand, definitely filtered me to say the least :(

I did read Godot, and found it to be more uplifting in some respects, I do agree. However, I don't feel the same about Endgame. I don't know if it's exactly clear if Clov does stay after the curtain falls, but ina way, I feel like that would even be more depressing. I felt like that relationship was overly codependent and utterly full of hate. I will check Woolf out, thank you sincerely.

You sound like you were raised as an atheist and have trouble finding God so you overcompensate by acting like a zealot. Pray and meditate more, seethe less.

The Waves got as close to shattering everything that I held sacred about writing and self-development as anything has....so yeah make sure you've got time to try and discuss it with other people before reading it

You sound like you're projecting

Get out of my thread.

Or you'll start crying?

