>Billions of native speaker
>Only literary classics was written by a Jew in the 16th century
>Virtually non-existent philosophy
Billions of native speaker
Only literary classic *that you know.*
If it hasn't been translated into English it's not even close to being a classic, that's the most basic test for even minimal literary relevance.
I assume you mean Don Quixote, which is great but hardly the only literary classic is Spanish language. Cervantes isn't a Jew in any sense. His family is shrouded in mystery and probably always will, the only clearly proven thing is that several of his close ancestors were not marranos, though his mother probably had partial Jewish ancestry.
As for philosophy you could claim it's largely all written in Latin but is that really what you are implying? Even then there are a few in Spanish language like Gracian, Donoso Cortes, Xubiri, etc.
Read Lorca, retard.
So you complain about a language you don't even know and only read translations? This has to be bait.
>probably had partial Jewish ancestry
So a jew basically
monolingual anglo primate
I know more than you, but English is the first language any literary work of note is translated into, if it hasn't passed this bar then it's some parochial scribblings that would be forgotten were it not for nationalist reasons.
It’s a very shallow mind that thinks good art = popular art. This clearly doesn’t apply to films or music so why would it apply to books? I bet there’s so many great books out there forgotten and unknown.
Try harder next time, languagelet
not true
>only literary classic...
that you know about in your narrow mind
>virtually non....
wrong too. They're just not mainstream like the usual "philosopers" you've read
whats the big deal, philosophy/literature is not the prerogative of every civilization
spaniards were a martial race
>warm weather
>lots of sunlight
>hot warm-blooded women who want to fuck
You have to understand that almost all philosophy and great literature is the fruit of a root called being-without-pussy, a neurosis of the northern temperament.
Think about german and anglo literature and philosohpy - top notch tier. Now think about what german and anglo women look like.
There you have it.
No thanks, I think I would prefer to finish writing Process and Reality
See what I mean?
>Think about german and anglo literature and philosohpy - top notch tier. Now think about what german and anglo women look like.
yet greek philosophy and women mog them both
how does that work out?
Are you serious, OP?
this, philosophy are nothing but a cope
Get your anglocentric ass outta this board cracka
>warm weather
>lots of sunlight
>hot warm-blooded women who want to fuck
None of those assumptions are a constant across Latin America or Spain, not even within tropical regions
This. Literature is an extension of a mental condition called rumination.
The pinnacle of human linguistics, according to this retard.
you can shove your bait right up your rectum
>first *nglo is fifth
Oh no no no no
>spaniards were a martial race
That lost every war. Lmao.
Literally no French book lmao
Even Astérix was written by a jew and an Italian
So much for the country of letters and laws.
>literally no french book
>second book is french
popularity =/= translation, nigger. It takes ONE person to recognize that something is good and translate it into english (by far the most popular western laguage).
You're retarded. There isn't even a lack of translations. If it's not a lit meme or on an entry level university reading list, it mustn't be any good eh?
Children literature don't count.
Yes user you're right, really what philosophy has ever come out of the south of Europe?
>south of Europe
Only North Italy which is nordic in race
Name me one Iberberians or Greek philosopher born after 1000
>Muh this area is le Nordic (source: the deep recesses of my anus)
>After 1000
What is the relevance of the year? You have already btfo'd yourself because you can only maintain your retardation by placing some arbitrary year boundary
Why don't you just stop posting
Ortega y Gasset
most sephardic jews were conversos so...
>It takes ONE person to recognize that something is good and translate it into english
Do you even speak another language? This has to be bait.
I think there are some more obvious examples than that
This has to be bait. No way someone is this retarded.
Linguistic determinism exists. Each language has major differences in information density and frequency. English and German happen to be the most information dense which is why all philosophy of note comes from them. All extant romance languages have undergone regression from Latin. Another failure of low information density langauges is their simplicity which fails to stimulate the linguistic faculties of the brain. English is derided by non native speakers for being illogical as is the customary measurement system but the idiosyncrasies inherent to the them lend themselves to more rigorous training of the brain during development. If I give a kid a 5 pound weight and I give another a 15 pound weight, the bigger weigh is going to do more for him by the time he matures. Its much easier to crunch metric, simply multiply or divide by 10, 100, virtually no though or mental arithmetic required. The complexities, the varying pronunciations of choice letters (eg, j,g) idioms, exceptions to nearly all rules and conventions of grammar are not faults but boons to the language. A bigger weight. A bigger muscle. English has the bulk of philosophies and classics to back it up. Spanish and Japanese haven't produced anything of value. We are what we speak as much as we are what we eat.
Most Spanish probably have some Sephardic ancestry if you trace back to medieval ages.
But has not French deteriorated and been simplified into just as vulgar and uncomplex a form of Latin as Spanish has? How do you explain it?
Your post has very high information density. It is very dense, so to speak.
>You share a board with retards like this
>isn't a Jew in any sense
>his mother probably had partial Jewish ancestry
What is wrong with you people?
Spanish and French are more complex than English. Get off your high horse.
>no retort reddit response
>low IQ reddit sarcasm.
Yeah this is the impression I got
People told me that Spanish was worth reading for literature but couldn't actually substantiate that claim relative to other languages, all they could do was act surprised that I even asked
I decided to learn French instead, at least I can see lists of books worth reading in that language
>Billions of native speaker
>implying Spanish is all one language
You're also missing half of America and the Philippines. I expect that's why your map is approaching Comic Sans and your knowledge of history and literature is limited to one Jew.
You can also see lists of books worth reading in Spanish. Not sure what is this meme
>Spanish and Japanese haven't produced anything of value.
Only a retarded pleb could make dismissive comments such as this. You're not as smart as you think you are. German is much more logical than English yet it has produce more philosophy which proves your whacko theory wrong.
Yeah Harold Bloom has a small list
It's just not a first class language to learn frankly
Says the retard with no reading comprehension.
>English and German happen to be the most information dense which is why all philosophy of note comes from them
What a 'first class' language is greatly depends on your interests. Italian and Spanish are first class for me and I have read literature than I couldn't have properly experienced otherwise.
But that's false. If being information-dense was the reason why a language produced quality philosophy then English would've produced greater philosophers than German as it's more information-dense. Also, the list of English philosophers pales in comparison to the list of French philosophers (yet French is less information heavy). Your amateurish theories are too imbecilic and oversimplified to be taken seriously. This is not the reason why.
weak bait
This is not how it works.
It does but thats not exclusively a children's book.
This but unironically.