Any good books on how to climb in the social hierarchy or social class?

Any good books on how to climb in the social hierarchy or social class?

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how about we put our class on the top instead of trying to boot lick our way up?

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If only it were so easy

Arsene Lupin

No thanks, the lower class will always be full of people without etiquette, manners or ability to think. I don't want to keep having to associate with lower class scum, I want to associate with other sophisticated people.

>What Makes Sammy Run?

if it were easy there would be no prize in doing it but history has proven it is possible, the current ruling class was once relegated to our position and fought their way up against the feudal order

>aspiring to have sophisticated etiquette, manners
>talking about lower class scum
I can smell your poorfag ass from over here, you will never be able to become one of them, all you are a self hating member of "the lower class"

the bourgeoisie was once considered crude and unsophisticated by the aristocrats but history has left them in the dust and implemented the bourgeois as the peak of culture and power
soon the time of proletarian will come

>aspiring to have sophisticated etiquette, manners
I'm not aspiring to have it, I already have. I come from a rather modest family, we own land, have a family company etc but we don't have any good social network, all the people "we" know are regular lower class people. We are "better" off than them socially, intellectually and economically etc, we are just not in the same league when it comes to interests, opinions, talking points or anything which makes me uncomfortable and I feel like I don't fit in. I just want to associate with people who are more similar to me.

I find it amusing that, by all accounts, even the proletariat of the 19th century was more thoughtful, more rational, more socially conscious, and much more spiritually fulfilled than most middle class wastrels of today.
Your problem is one shared by many, and is not at all relegated to the lower classes. It seems that there are few among our fellow creatures who have a genuine desire to raise themselves above their baser natures, and fewer still who have the willpower to follow through.
You may be disappointed to find that even among the upper orders of society there are many who fit your description. This being despite the trappings of wealth and its edifying qualities. Although I will admit that at least they have the manners and good sense to mask their baseness in polite company.

>I find it amusing that, by all accounts, even the proletariat of the 19th century was more thoughtful, more rational, more socially conscious, and much more spiritually fulfilled than most middle class wastrels of today.
what are you even talking about? most of the 19th century proletariat could not even read

This is because of the democratization and proletarianization of society.
Don’t be fooled, even the bourgeois, the rich, are vulgar.
You think Zucc and Bezos are spending their weekends at the opera? No, they spend it getting black out drunk at the club, just like the plebs.
Only difference is the exclusivity of the club and the much more expensive tab.
You are right, the proletarians will have their day, but that’s not a good thing.

Why not just abolish the whole system and do away with classes? I guarantee if you put your class ok top, it will get replaced again

>bro just sacrifice every shred of your humanity and become an empty charactiture of your class
I make over $150k and moved out to the country because of how much I hate faggots like you. You just mold your appearances to trendy styles and a material image by hollowing out everything that is human within you.

yeah, at some point in the future there will be a classless society but first we have to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and go from there

That step never seems to lead to another one. The dictatorship of the proletariat remains just that, a dictatorship. In order to have this, you have to have a centralized power. Why would this group ever give up their power? Just destroy civilization itself and your bonds will be free

Zuckerberg and Bezos might be wealthy but that doesn't mean they are "upper class" in the social hierarchy, although money certainly helps and they might go to the same events they would NEVER be a part of more the more refined circles.

>I make over $150k and moved out to the country because of how much I hate faggots like you.
You are part of the unsophisticated lowlifes that I don't want to associate with. You are bragging about something as asinine as your income as if it makes any kind of difference in this conversation just shows how much of a fool you actually are. The amount of money you make doesn't give you any status except for in lower class circles such as yours which is why you were so quick to use it as some kind of defense.

>bro just sacrifice every shred of your humanity and become an empty charactiture of your class
I'm not sacrificing anything, I was brought up this way, it is who I am. "Empty caricature"? Hm, I wonder who is empty when I am not contempt with the simple life you want to live, I want more, I want intellectual conversations and discussions, proper manners and etiquette and not just chronic masturbation while my limited days drift away. It's evident that your parents never fostered you properly with a thought of a timeline bigger than your own, which has turned you into an animal that follows nothing other than its innate impulses and emotions rather than to be what you could be, a human that values more than masturbating and simple entertainment.

The paycheck is meant to show that I can easily ingratiate myself with the upper classes but choose not to because it turns people into self absorbed assholes like yourself. These "intellectual" conversations and "proper" etiquette is nothing but hollow window dressing to cover up the fact that you have no real bond with anyone. Appearances are all you have, beneath this skin deep mirage is nothing. There is no person. You only seek to be an image of something artificial and not of your own making.
I moved out here because I don't want to form myself into something I'm not. My parents taught me how to work hard and be proud of who I am. I am not some banal intellectual discussion about the latest political event or what I wear or the car I drive. I am an individual with my own tastes and desires. I prefer to be around people who are genuine and caring instead of people who only act this way to impress others, but are really just a sophisticatedly molded piece of shit. You have none of this. All those people you try to impress will turn on you if you ever express any individuality, while I have a solid group of friends that accepts me and a community of support. This is something you will never understand which is why you hate and fear it.

>petit bougie loser thinks because he's not like the rest of the riff raff, he can hang with the elites
tale as old as time. you're not one of them and you never will be

>i was brought up just like them!
nah, you weren't. you've got no idea. you'll never be truly comfortable outside of the class you were born into, and no amount of aspirations, delusions and self-hatred can make you fluent in mannerisms and ways of thought you weren't taught from birth. your middle class parents attempts to transfer their crude, second hand knowledge elite behavior is does not count.

by the way
>how to climb in the social hierarchy
you've already lost. elite/tastemaker signals are fleeting by definition - they trickle down to the middle classes who quickly ape them, and those above immediately disown them the instant those trends get traction outside the brooklyn/berlin/whatever bubble and move onto something else. unless you move in these circles, the moment you find out about a possible signifier, the only thing you're doing by appropriating it is playing dress-up, possibly wowing a few other losers who don't know better, but signalling that you're a gauche hanger-on to anyone in the know

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Martin Eden

Imagine saying all this on fucking Yea Forums. It's like talking about how you only look for smart, intelligent women in a whorehouse

>ways of thought you weren't taught from birth.
Like what???

So, middle class is the best?

Depends on one's perspective. Middle class has just enough money and education to lead a decent life and pursue reading as hobby, but even their level is burdened by the need to imitate upper class and the fear they will end up lower.

Why don't the workers just construct some pillars or something to hold up the hierarchy? They're meant to be workers after all

Budget cuts so upper levels could afford all that fancy stuff.

why do you need a book. literally just marry an old, dying, lonely rich person. nothing wrong with it morally. god knows that their rotten grandchildren fucked off years ago and haven't seen them since. best part is, the elderly know it's not because you like them for their personality or anything so you're not tricking them. they have one foot in the grave and the other in a roller skate, so they just won't give a fuck. probably won't even have to sleep with them since nothing works down there anymore, just keep them company. in 5-10 years, they will leave everything to you and buy your way up the social ladder.

Rotten grandchildren may have fucked off years ago, but they will fuck back to claim the inheritance the moment the old fart breathes his last. Many such cases, one of the most famous ones included late Anna Nicole Smith, who probably spent more time in court with his kids than married.

Alright. Op should marry an old, lonely rich person who has no heirs.

You've clearly never experienced the crab bucket that is life among the lower classes. People who will eat you alive if you show the least bit of ambition or enthusiasm about anything. The poster above never talked about material objects, you are the one bragging about your income and projecting.
I don't like the asperant class either, but at least they have some elan vital. Maybe you found a nice community of yuppies within a small town, they seem to be popping up everywhere these days, but they're just another scene among so many scenes, and they are far less forgiving towards difference than any upper class snob (who can usually at least grasp the appeal of novelty). You're just chasing another image, trying to find some authenticity in the dredges of humanity, but if you really knew the people you're fetishizing you'd hate them.

>but if you really knew the people you're fetishizing
not that guy but it sounds like you never talk to people at all or interacted with them much at all. or you were bullied by them if you think they "eat you alive." if you're just a complete sperg, you're not going to make connections with anyone. good luck though.

>no real argument
kys nigger

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Aint it a bit obvious?

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>but if you really knew the people you're fetishizing you'd hate them.
This except the complete opposite. I've made friends with intelligent upper middle class and people in a small rural town. I'm not going to act like everyone in the upper classes are dicks, I've made some lasting friendships with good people who I would say are "authentic", as you put it. However the one thing I never really got from them was a sense of community. I currently live in a town of 1600 and people here are very warm and inviting. I knew no one when I moved and in the course of a year made a solid group of friends. They have been incredibly supportive since I've moved. The main difference between these friends and the ones I made in the upper classes is that the ones in town are physically closer. Since they are not scattered in a city or in different suburban developments, it is easier for all of us to hang out and there is a richer bond between the community as a whole.

Could be done in a week; Catalonia showed us.

>Just destroy civilization itself and your bonds will be free
Classless society will probably be some federation of communes. Nothing like the megacities mess we are living with currently.
>Why would this group ever give up their power?
Because of commodity abolition, and because of direct democracy.
Dictatorship of the proletariat, as was an embrionary dictatorship of the proletariat in paris commune (1871), was way more democratic than the bolsheviks every was, and way more democratic than the representative democracy we have today.

Le Rougue et le Noir

gossip girl

>Just destroy civilization itself and your bonds will be free
Yes, exactly and unironically this. Civilization is an autonomous entity that doesn't give a flying fuck about your ideology. It will take portions of it that benefit its domain and wipe its ass with the rest. It's the reason your precious commune failed. It's why capitalist countries are implementing certain socialist reforms and why communist countries are adopting capitalist policies. Classes don't exist because of capitalism, they exist because of civilization. Taking a half measure and trying to control civilization will not solve the fundamental problems with it.

Get better at being born with DNA that engenders high IQ and symmetry so you're physically attractive too. Or, just realize it's all vanity and then you can not put up with it.

Now post the edit

I bet you Zucc is a CryptoBuddhist Jew who is trying to get psychic nonself asian powers by wearing the same shirt everyday. He has abandoned humanity for robot lizard ascesis.
Bezos likes ugly Latinas no score for him.

Very well written post

Kleider machen Leute by Gottfried Keller
In general the romantics will be your best friend.
For nonfiction a biography of Norma Jean or Arnold Schwarzenegger.
For guides stuff like Htwfaip Knigge

read Nick Land
embrace accelerationism

The Art of Prudence by Baltasar Gracian
Heres my strategy:
Humbly speak for wise friendships that could be and mildly recuse yourself from foolish conversations, mildly and prudently enough that your contentions are dissimulated to allow you space but not conflict. I dont think our current elites (bought men) can be sweet talked. I dont think their handlers and dark money movers and shakers can either but these truly powerful invisible hands are amenable to ground truth proclamations that are irreducibly humble yet noble. You must make it mild how noble it is because they will call you an evil nazi because they are neurotic. Like a Nazi in NASA or Ivan Drago in USSR movie Russia or Thor in Hollywood I see no other way to stay afloat and abreast.

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>Classes don't exist because of capitalism, they exist because of civilization.
The roots of the problem are indeed deeper than wage labor/private ownership of the means of production. It's exploitation itself that is the problem. Before Capitalism, exploitation was done through serfdom, and before, slavery.

I was about to explain to this loser what an incredible faggot he is but namefags cannot be cured. Only exterminated.

Can you give me a quick rundown on this?

>I don't want to be ruled by the people who make decisions
>Okay so lets take over
>Now we took over, how do we decide what to do
>Well we'll need some decision makers, but they'll be /our/ decision makers so it will be okay

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my friend who grew up in the north of england came down to hang out when i was visiting london got incredibly vibed out and basically expressed this exact sentiment to me

It really do be like that, (((their guy)))/)))nobody(((

I hate the ruling classes so much it is unreal

>Dictatorship of the proletariat, as was an embrionary dictatorship of the proletariat in paris commune (1871), was way more democratic than the bolsheviks every was, and way more democratic than the representative democracy we have today.
They also got bent.

Class war is a war, you can't win a damn war without an army, you can't have an army without an assfuck harsh and centralized hierarchy.

>t. everyone who's not the ruling class ever in any possible society that ever has or will exist

Thanks user for summing up every ruler and ideology ever

TL;DR neo-reactionary movement arguing that we can't go back and we can't overcome ourselves so we should overclock 'progress' such that the current mode of production literally implodes and we may finally awake to a new dawn. Hence its name: accelerationism. Whatever the fuck the new system is cannot be worse than this lifeless age of decline.

Ehh I kind of see the logic of it, but I can also see how this can make everything worse. Looked Land online and it says he's some alt right boogeyman. Is this true or just media bs? What should I read by him?

start with this essay