Post your Dad's favourite book
Post your Dad's favourite book
Exact same book. What the fuck bro are you here?
Nihonjin-ron nonsense, so desperate to "prove" how different Japan is.
Dads don't read
catcher in the rye
my parents are idiots who haven't touched a book since they were in college decades ago
Mein Kampf
I don’t know, it’s probably either m the Penseés or something like this
He loves Cussler
Lord of the Rings
My parents are barely literate immigrants but my Dad always reads the bible every day (but I'm pretty sure he's a schizo or something so I don't know if that's entirely a good thing).
Is your dad a grumpy old Japanese man?
Dad's (I think)
i don't even know if my dad reads. he once took my copy of Faust to read it but gave it back to me after having read two pages because he didn't understand anything.
then he went back to chopping wood
My dad a factory wage slave he can't read
My mom liked Stephen King when she was younger. My dad only ever read magazines.
If it came out as a revelation that my father never knew how to read I'd be inclined to believe it.
Either this or the Amber series by Zelazny
Just a weeb
I asked him what his favorite is but he won't give me a straight answer, says it's too hard to choose. He's been talking a lot about Stephen Crane lately though, so maybe The Red Badge of Courage
>his dad reads
What's it like being gay?
>Dad's favourite book
You having a laugh?
my dad likes murakami and tom robbins. couldn't tell you what his favorites were out of them
Dad's favorite
Mom's favorite
My dad doesn't read, last book be read was decades ago he told me
My father was literally illiterate.
I reiterate it makes me irate he was literally illiterate
Don't berate invertebrate profligates at the gates of Bill Gates' most intimate confederate mates
Sorry about your blackness, user.
The Road
Probably the Kybalion or something.
Some Lee CHild Book I think.
I always ask him and he never tells me shit
Japan IS different lmao. The problem is when these whale-hunting slopes try to demonstrate it's 'uniqueness', as though it wasn't influenced by the same forces of globalism. 'Four seasons-syndrome' is a very real thing in Japan. It's weird, because Tanizaki was an Ameriboo.
>'Four seasons-syndrome' is a very real thing in Japan.
>be me
>Be Irish
>Also an archipelago which believes in its uniqueness
>Four seasons is boring, everyone does that
>No meteorological seasons, just configurations of weather without sun
>Insist instead on astronomical seasons
>Call everyone else wrong about seasons because these plebs don't know solstices happen even if it's raining
You don't know what living on an island does to you, user. You have to make your own fun by starting to treat the northern half as possible subhumans, and making up stories about fresh water sources.
>You don't know what living on an island does to you, user.
I do know, user - I live on the blighted island just east of yours.
All cultures are different. Only most places are trying to obliterate theirs instead of making a virtue out of it. And the trad LARP'ers like ISIS or MAGA are doing as much of it as the McDonalds/Wallmart everything is profit crowd
Japan is largely a carbon copy of China, yet Japan fostered their culture, while China nuked theirs and replaced it with a Disneyworld version of it, all cheap knock-offs of the shit they destroyed
The bible
>Japan is largely a carbon copy of China, yet Japan fostered their culture, while China nuked theirs and replaced it with a Disneyworld version of it, all cheap knock-offs of the shit they destroyed
Every culture is a a Disneyworld version of the culture of the past, which in turn is a Disneyworld version of another Disneyworld version.
Weebs unironically need to be killed.
Read more
ask your son
pic rel, but my dad rarely reads these days apart from blogs and hobby related stuff
this or The Crossing
You dad is based
Your dad is insufferable
Same. Peak /dadlit/core
I guess this from my talks with him. have no idea what my mom likes.
It’s the book he tells me to read the most anyway, but I just find it boring for the most part.
I can see the allure for him though when this first came out. Must have been mind blowing
Your dad is a closeted homosexual. He also hates women and knows nothing about aesthetics.
The Holy Bible.
your dad's read? fags
Perhaps mine as well, but he's passed away so I can't ask him. But I remember sharing the books with him when I was first reading them quite fondly.
Not sure which one
I've never asked him outright but I'm pretty sure it's Slaughterhouse 5
Dads fucking love cussler
the only book he ever read cover to cover was allen carr's EASYWAY to stop smoking seven years ago and he went from 40 cigarettes per day to 0 the day after he finished it and has never smoked again since
since then he sometimes (about once a month) goes up to random people he sees smoking in the street, gives them 10€ and orders the book from amazon with them kek
based dad
for anglotards
I asked my father. The book is The Blind Watchmaker.
Pic rel or Gravity's Rainbow
You're Manx? Oh then you do know.
cannery row by john steinbeck
Probably the Bible
Or some boring book about the importance of civility.
1001 Nights
my dad likes to read short stories and brings up this book as his childhood favorite
My dad was a forest ranger and a hiker.