Black people don't read b-

>Black people don't read b-

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Other urls found in this thread: to most recent available,nearly 99 percent in 2015.

I think this caricature of black people as subhuman idiots really weird. They had the first university and lots of black Africans had their own oral traditions that were then put into print (like the Sundiata).

>yeah, that's right. niggers don't read bo-

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Even if they were smart in the past a live dog is better than a dead lion, user.

I'll never get the fascination with white people cheerleading black people like they are watching the special Olympics. It seems far more racist to me than being an actual racist. "Wow! Look at this black guy (perhaps a black guy) he's maybe read a book! Good for him!"


>the stormlight threads were black shonenshitters all along


Its just funny watching coastal black guys fawn over Sanderson and Jordan because that's not a stereotypical thing.
Its like all those movies about white rappers or basketball players or Chet Hanks

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i'm a covert-overt non-racist racist. i set my expectations for Blacks to be very low and 'cheerlead' them, as you say. i do this because i hate them and want to keep them down with my low expectations.

>peak fiction

Can the West be saved?

They did not have the first university, how do people even believe this shit? The university is by definition a European construct, are you talking about some kind of Islamic monastery started by arabs in africa?

>The oldest existing, and continually operating educational institution in the world is the University of Karueein, founded in 859 AD in Fez, Morocco. The University of Bologna, Italy, was founded in 1088 and is the oldest one in Europe.


So yeah, exactly what I said, an Arab Islamic monastery. Lol

Moroccons are not niggers you fucking retard. North Africa is its own entity.

>shitskins are all the same ethnicity to you.


haha you're so stupid I love it


They lied to you mate

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This is what I'm talking about. "Aren't they amazing? Some religious guys taught some people how to read religious texts at the absolute North of the continent. They weren't even black but we'll go ahead and lie to show how smart black people really are." Concentrated racism.

There's no way you actually read anything and should be on this board. How do you not know that Morocco was Arab at that time, are you insane?

>t. Nigerian

This is based but moors are not black.

I remember when people just said "this is my favorite thing" instead of retarded statements like that

Based African Americans reading Joe Abercrombie's masterpieces, better taste than 99% of Yea Forums

black africans are like the opposite of america africans, the problem is that the all blacks started to larp as the later, as whites become degenerate, so do blacks, no one is winning, we are all becoming more and more like subhumans

It’s called the bigotry of low expectations. You adapt all the principles of the racist (inferiority of other races/cultures etc.) but twist them into a saviour complex that has to elevate your inferior other by fixing them. It’s a modern version of the improvement rhetoric of imperialism where you justified colonialism by arguing it made others better through your benevolent influence.

classic blerd

>The oldest existing
>not first
reading comprehension of a monkey, you can read but you don't understand shit of what you read nigger.

So Shakespeare too lied to us?

I know they are massive fans of Bakker due to all the impromptu second apocalypse rap lyrics posted in /sffg/

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The University of Timbuktu is considered the first institution of higher learning. They were black muslims and even the islamic scholars and surrounding communities wrote in arabic script.

Name one before 859 AD then. Surely the onus is on you to provide a counterexample. Plato's Academy and the Peripatetic school don't really count as "university" is anachronistic for them.

Here is a Niger man who saved 350,000 ancient manuscripts from ISIS in 2012. He is coal-black and this manuscripts were preserved and passed down by Niger families.

>coal black
hardly. but yes he is black.

Your quote says "educational istitution" not university, by these terms the greek lyceum does predate it.

The University of Karueein does not really count as "university" is anachronistic for them

Perhaps if you took a cursory look at the link, you'd also see it said higher educational institution. Plato's philosophy doesn't even allow for higher education as such, at least not how we understand it. In «La République» Plato does not outline degrees nor forms of transformational citizenry (which is what a University's stated mission is); instead, he seeks to allot people into certain classes to be given a certain amount of education according to their social function. It is antithetical to higher learning in the universalising and critical sense. Plato only wanted a philosopher-king and a group of guardians, but these are not students who learn from a professor.

people usually refer to American blacks when they say this, which is very much true, they are actual jew-lead cattle and take pride in the stupidity. Most Aftican Immigrants that come here tend to do well for themselves.

African Americans have nothing to do with africa

whom are you quoting?


How do we know they are black?
Boondocks + aave = wigger most of the time

North Africans are meds.

African Americans still share genetics with Africans in Africa and they all have similarly low IQs. African countries are full of corruption and murder. An alarming percentage of South African 10 year olds can’t read or write in ANY language. African immigrants in Europe are committing rape and murder all over the place. Stop trying to cope by distancing other niggers from American niggers. They’re dysfunctional everywhere because their dysfunction is not due to socioeconomic or cultural factors but due to genetics. Rare niggers who can read are outliers. Pointing out someone on the far right side of the bell curve doesn’t disprove that the middle of the bell curve is low.

It's always because colonialism and capitalism.

>African immigrants in Europe are committing rape and murder all over the place.
Post statistics based retard

>An alarming percentage of South African 10 year olds can’t read or write in ANY language.
What do they do in school the whole day?

Yeah, I remember hearing that blacks had the first [thing] also. Very astute.

A lot of Africans in Africa are in fact worse than Africans in America. Niggers gonna nig. Always.

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> Most Aftican Immigrants that come here tend to do well for themselves.

There's a massive selection bias there and that doesn't change the fact that Africa is absolutely full of the dumbest people on the planet.



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>The Economist
Ah yes, such a reputable and good source.


Which country are you from? Take a stroll at the enriched zones of your favourite European city at night.

dude. there's plenty of nerdy black guys. look at the top post of any hobby subreddit and it's always a nerdy black dude partaking.

South Africa has a 95% adolescent literacy rate. Don't know where the stat that 80% of kids in the country don't know how to read or write comes from. to most recent available,nearly 99 percent in 2015.

>They had the first university
This is "we was kangz" bullshit at the level of "blacks invented the lightbulb/elevator". No, they didn't have the first university.

Black people are often considered lesser because they never developed a civilization with artistic/philosophical traditions worthy of mention. Shit, when european colonizers discovered them, they hadn't even invented the fucking wheel. We're not talking of a 100 year tech gap here, we're talking of a 30,000 year gap at least. Even though they got a massive headstart.

>Shit, when european colonizers discovered them
I guess stuff doesn’t exist till Europeans discover it

As opposed to your orange man and Russia propaganda

>They had the first university

black people are some of the nerdiest idiots i've had the pleasure to meet.

Niggers on the other hand...