Where did you "study literature"
Did you get your degree?
Where did you "study literature"
Did you get your degree?
Yes Yea Forums, where did you learn to be a Marxist revolutionary?
community college
no degree yet
tucker carlson went to my school
university in the center of Germany
And I dropped academia after that because reading for enjoyment is more fun than reading for academia.
Junior here. It fucking sucks.
is emory woke now or does the traditional southern element still dominate the campus culture
it does, you need to get out and see atlanta more
t. eagle row user
you can find both if you look hard enough. but nothing is really dominant. i think the stem route is a nice balance.
OP here. It's really woke. The newspapers are all about feminism and racial crap.
What should I see?
>study literature
No thanks.
t. stemfag
inman park, old fourth ward, even east atlanta has some cool spots
midtown, buckhead, little 5 points too. i got a gf at tech and go over to midtown a lot, it's not the be-all end-all, but it's a nice change of scenery. i'd pick up hobby too (not necessarily joining a club) if you have the time/energy/resources. i golf every weekend but i used to just take a bottle of wine and a cigar to lullwater and draw or watercolor a couple times a week.
t. deciding between IDS/NBB/3+2
Did anyone else have a similar experience in college?
>Show up to a rhetoric/writing class.
>Professor wastes the whole class asking "interactive questions" and doesn't do anything.
>Assigns a writing task to complete.
>Pour your heart and soul into your paper.
>Turn it in.
>Receive the paper which has been given an F.
>There are no rhetorical or grammatical errors.
>Everything circled and struck out, all of the comments are about how the professor doesn't agree with your point of view or philosophy.
>Feel a sense of dread that the college system is about forcing you to conform to something.
What did you write about?
one time i took a creative writing class and the professor was named professor pope so i wrote a story about how he went home to a family of popes and he was the runt of the group because he taught liberal arts creative writing and he spent an entire class making everyone read it and tell me how retarded it was and how bad of an effort it was lol
I would love to go back to school for English, or philosophy, or something along those lines but America is so shit and I don't wanna go into debt. Europe gets to have all the free learning while america is the bulldog of the world and spending everything on weapons.
College: Yes.
University: Hell no.
Teachers are just the bottom of the barrel which barely got through uni.
what would you gain by doing this user
I'm going to go to Evergreen in a bid to unironically learn to be a marxist revolutionary.
go to reed or oberlin user
i went to reed, it was full of libs
you can do all those things in your own free time.
damn, who would have thought
based STEMchads always winning
I wrote about a political scandal which was receiving heavy attention at the time. In my late teens I started out as a contrarian who would just take the less popular opinion to improve my skills of argument and persuasion. This had a tendency to expose an inherent bias embedded within the fabric of our current educational system.
This is a good type of test too but will not lead to a surprising conclusion when you realize that your professor is biased in favor of themself.
How much capitalist student loan debt do you think you'll accrue before you're a fully functional Marxist? Do you not see any irony in this?
i feel the need to clarify, liberals as opposed to leftists. reed wasn't leftist enough, at least it wasn't 7 years ago
True but a regimented college experience does offer some benefits. And I get to socialize more, also the credential is still somewhat useful though I guess not nearly as much these days. I've applied like 4 times in the past couple years but never sign up for classes just because it's not worth it.
i mean its cornell, not columbia lol
I’m a nursing student at my local community college
this is genuinely awesome user. you are providing material help to other people, i wish i had that type of skill.
im proud of you man
Thank you fren
Honestly that's one of the best paths. The university system and studying liberal arts is all a joke. Here's my tier list of post high school education.
STEM, Business, Law
Medicine, Nursing
Sports (if you're /fit/ and want an easy ride)
Foreign Language
Writing, Journalism, Arts, Psychology, anything not listed
psychology is probably C tier. demand for that job will go up.
t. biotech patent lawfag
I'll believe it when I see it. Psychology as a practice doesn't seem to exist anymore. It's been determined to instead have doctors cycle through a Rolodex of prescription medicine until their patients say they like one.
i love that every psychologist i have ever had has told me i should pursue psychology and do it myself lol
that being said, i do ketamine assisted psychotherapy and while maybe the therapy aspect doesnt work, the ketamine shots drastically reduce suicidality
I find myself appreciating Carl Jung and his methods. I also find that the cold and methodical practice of Psychology in the US is pretty lacking. It seems to be a futile exercise in figuring out which string of words best categorize an individual and then it just kind of stops.
I have never heard of ketamine assisted psychotherapy and it sounds fascinating. How does it work? A few huge treatments and they're over the hump? Or do you basically have to keep them in a drug induced haze their entire lives.
Based, this thread is just propaganda for liberal brainwashing, "BRO YOU GOTTA GET LE EPIC DEGREE OR ELSE YOUR OPINION IS ALL WRONG... And also the professor's a marxist and will refuse to pass you unless you adhere to his ideology..."
They should just admit that they don't want to argue with anyone who isn't already in their lefty echochamber, at least that would be honest and less pretentious.
LMAO chad teacher bullying his students.
Well universities do openly admit this now. It's quite hilarious...college debate is no longer about arguing two sides of an issue. It is now about how far to the left people should lean on any given issue.
For example:
Debate topic - How do we fix white privilege?
Party A - Cancel/remove all white people
Party B - Cancel/remove some white people
I read the library while “pursuing” a social science degree. I never went to class. I graduated with a 2.3.
psychologists aren't physicians you mong. them and psychiatrists also are maybe the only professions that won't get replaced by computers
I didn't go to literature school
I went to literature
Not really. I disagreed with my professor on just about every single issue and he still gave me high marks.
Most professors are happy to chat with people from all over the political spectrum. It's more about your attitude than your beliefs. It's just rare that the type of person who insists all professors are biased Marxists is also interested in engaging with them on a deeper level and reaching some kind of collective understanding.
I never failed a paper, but I went to a shitty school with low standards.
surprised to see this
I'm a UGAfag but I want to escape, this place is filled with normalfags
my therapist told me to try it for years but i have done drugs/psychadelics before so i didnt think it would help but eventually i got so close to suicide i just tried it
its really expensive but i came in and got three intramuscular shots of ketamine, one at each session, over like a week and a half. the first one was rough (nausea, tried to get up too quickly and got super dizzy) but after the second one i had adjusted and it wasnt as bad. a day or two after the third shot i had this moment of walking down the street and for the first time the constant thought of "you need to kill yourself this second" just wasnt there.
they give you lozenges to do the treatments at home and they help a little but those shots really do wonders. the experience itself is pretty funny too, its basically like the most sophisticated virtual reality simulation possible. your brain just goes apeshit while you are lying there with a blindfold on having visuals, but its not scary really, just a bit confusing at times. They do want you to come back for maintenance shots every so often, I think i have done like 4 in 2.5 years. I am still suicidal but it definitely helped immensely when i was at my lowest.
not advocating going to college for such a frivolous thing, just wanted to see if/where people on here went to get indoctrinated lol. relax user.
law at university of michigan (philosophy undergrad and grad degree, though)
praying for your debt user, i bet you are very smart and nice though
What’s up, brainlet
I study economics but my interests are far more in the realm of political philosophy
What’s up, Chang. How’s your day going?
I have almost a full ride and very minimal debt (plus umich pays your loans after graduation if you don’t go to a big firm, which I’m not)
> I have almost a full ride and very minimal debt (plus umich pays your loans after graduation if you don’t go to a big firm, which I’m not
Unsurprising coming from a Michigan law faggot.
I study architecture at university of Arkansas but literature is heavily involved even though it is considered stem.
thats awesome man, i bet you will do great things :)
>Where did you "study literature"
I studied it myself on my own time. I didn't go to school for it, other than for electives.
neat, I thought about becoming an architect in high school but changed my mind after shadowing one for a day lol
Do they teach you dishonesty at UMich? Why do you lie on the internet? Seems your posts contravene the spirit of Rules 3.3, 4.1, and 8.4.
thanks man I appreciate it
what am I lying about? why are you acting like a schizo?
Because (1) Mich doesn’t offer anything close to a full-ride; and (2) Mich doesn’t exactly pay your loans if you don’t go Big Law or Clerkship route. That’s not how it works. You’re either a moronic AA matriculation or just genuinely stupid and probably a legacy.
I'm white
that’s just not true. there’s the darrow scholarship, and I personally have 3/4 ride. and of course I over simplified how the LRAP works—because nobody on Yea Forums knows that is or how it works.
you sound exactly like the kind of law student and lawyer I try to avoid lol, you need to relax
Or perhaps people avoid you specifically for you being disingenuous. I bet you hide supplements in the library so your peers can’t use them for studying, but when you get called out, you emphatically cry out in pain: “what? They never left the library, I just misplaced them.” You sound like an insufferable loser, the exact person I expect to be at Michigan. Also, I don’t need to relax because I’m having an excellent and fine Saturday:)