Books for someone who just got beaut up in front of his gf.
She will most likely leave me in the next weeks because it was ugly and i couldnt land a single punch.
Help me Yea Forums im enraged.
Books for someone who just got beaut up in front of his gf
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There is nothing to do but accept your fate. Just try to not get into any more fights in the future.
Dump her preemptively and take up boxing
Rape her, it'll prob keep her around for a little while longer.
It's over. Women are primitive and will never respect you again after this. Even if she doesn't dump you right away, she's already looking for more masculine cock.
Hit the weights hard, get a punching bag and train.
Theres no maturity to cope with being beat up in front of her by the guy catcalling her.
What makes it even worse is he was dumb as a rock, thus catcalling a girl with a boyfriend in public.
I wanna kill him.
Reminde me of this:
Nice try, satan!
Why would you even react? Catcallers are subhuman retards. It's like getting mad at a dog for barking at you. You're both animals with no impulse control, and your girlfriend probably is too if she expected you to fight this guy.
Read this, it's probably in your native language anyways.
>by the guy catcalling her.
oof that's even worse
>it’s probably in your native language anyways
That’s pretty unfortunate OP, I can’t even begin to imagine the humiliation. I guess if you’re actually living the kind of life that leads to getting into fights over your girl, then you may wanna take the advice of the other anons ITT and start working out/learning how to fight. Might be worth it.
How did this end up happening? If you were going to ghetto nightclubs and showing her off then you don't have a whole lot to complain about, getting into fights over whores is practically the intended purpose of those places.
If you just got jumped by a hobo, these things happen. I just hope you took it like a man.
>catcalling her
I'm assuming your gf is hot, and that is unironically the root of the problem. There's nothing wrong with fucking hot women, but don't ever date them in any kind of serious way. Whenever you're serious about settling down, get yourself a chubby little chick who will cook for you and keep your home tidy. She doesn't have to be busted or anything, just not a hottie. It will save yourself so many unnecessary problems in your life as well as remove other problems (cooking, cleaning, etc). If your gf is causing you to get into physical altercations, either directly or indirectly, then you are massively fucking up. I know this sounds like some mom shit, but you actually got off relatively easy. You could have gotten seriously fucked up beyond the humiliation you suffered. Like the guy catches you on the chin, knocks you out, you fall back and hit your head on the floor or asphalt and congratulations you're dead, or worse, a retard for the rest of your life. You could have gone to jail and ended up with a bunch of legal fees to deal with. You aren't a nigger. You aren't a redneck. You don't have time to deal with that kind of shit. You have more important things to do with your life than protecting your street honor or whatever the fuck stupid shit. I don't know exactly how old you are, but I can pretty much guarantee in a few years you will regret squandering so much time worrying about pussy.
Books won't help you, gym will help somewhat. If you think that she'll leave you, then just squeeze the genuine fun out of your last days together. Go hiking, go eat in a place you've never been before, try fucking in a public place, anything. Just try to have some fun experiences together.
>here's nothing wrong with fucking hot women, but don't ever date them in any kind of serious way. Whenever you're serious about settling down, get yourself a chubby little chick who will cook for you and keep your home tidy.
I agree with the general sentiment but I would encourage flexibility in practice. You have to remember that women get uglier and fatter as they age, so definitely don't get a wife now who just barely meets your standards. I would say just don't go after women who look like models, find women who are beautiful *to you*.
>if you think your gf is going to leave you for a petty and insulting reason then take her out to eat at an expensive place one last time
She is not the only one eating, he would be eating and having a good time too.
>get yourself a chubby little chick who will cook for you and keep your home tidy
this nigga gets it. There are some nice looking heavy girls out there too.
I really hope this is bait, for your sake.
Thick is okay, fat is not. Fat is indicative of actual problems that will get worse with age. Also, cooking is not hard and men have the potential to be better at it than women. It is certainly not worth getting an unattractive wife over.
Holy SHIT you are a pussy.
It's amazing to me how big of a limp wristed faggot you are—I mean, fuck, that's gotta be the pussiest statement any cowardly pussy has ever deemed to type in the history of pussies. You are living a life of perpetual cope, worse even, jumping at shadows that aren't even there, settling for the mediocre and the table scraps of society—all for what? A crippling fear of confrontation? Lack of fucking balls?
Take a look in the mirror right NOW and tell me you're satisfied with what you are, with the pants-pissing sissy staring back at you with the frightened gaze of a mouse, and a complete lack of self respect. You might as well kill yourself, living such a pathetic life of compromise.
You are an imbecile and he is right. Having a hot gf is just not worth it because the constant stream of attention and offers they get are not worth the maintenance. Its ok to fuck hot chicks but you gotta get a 6/10 gf.
You are pathetic and cannot physically call yourself a man.
Not him. I mildly agreed with the original statement but this is ridiculous cope.
You realize the average American woman weighs 170 pounds, right? 6/10 is a D-, notably below average. They are going to be ugly us fuck and get way fatter as the years go on, due to both genetic and personal traits.
Having an B-grade wife is not going to get you fighting off creeps every day, she's just not that special and the creeps will have plenty of other options. But even with actual 10/10s you'd just be dealing with this when you wave her around in public, and only for a few years until she gets old and stops being anyone's 10/10.
Whether you won or lost, a girl that leaves when you decide to stand up for her is not worth keeping around. You don't need a book to tell you this.
God, you guys are so cynical.
Last time I checked most girls are not darwinistic and if they do leave you because you lost a fight they never really loved you in the first place.
Everyone's darwinistic, it's in our blood. That's how darwinism works.
The whole "then they never really loved you" line is retarded. If you set the standard high enough, no one loves anyone. This only makes sense as a think to say in your head because you're in love with the idea of love and think this perfect version of it just *must* exist somewhere no matter what.
Where would such an incident even occur?
If it was a party, then you probably pissed off the wrong person and got your ass beaten in, and if you got in a fight it was probably your own fault and didn't try to either avoid it or come across some random unprovoked chimpanzee.
If it involved protecting m'lady, either you got completely cucked and never had a chance (in the short run or the long run), or you did you right thing and she should fall completely for you.
Everyone's darwinistic, yes, virtually any woman’s pussy would dry up at the sight of her man getting his ass beat, yes, but a worthwhile woman won’t leave you because you did one thing that turned her off especially if you did it in her defense
>calling someone else a pussy
>posting anime
What about it, faggot?
Shut the fuck up.
>posting tranime, NGMI user
Two black guys catcalled my wife as we were leaving the grocery store and I was too cowardly to do anything about it. Books for this feel? I feel like killing my worthless self
why would you be mad lmao? just give her a good fuck.
why would you ruin your life because some lowlife catcalled your wife? would you feel worthless and enraged if a hobo called you a bum?
oops, wrong skit
There's nothing you could do, user. You're not a coward or weak because you chose not to throw your wellbeing away in a pointless fight.
No amount of gymfaggotry or senseless masculinity worshipping, like people ITT are suggesting, will ever change that fact.
Dang, that guy with the hoodie would've been a prettyboy looker if it weren't for his nasal width. It only takes ONE feature to make a face ugly.
>has less hair than louis ck
stopped watching there
I can just imagine the Jews writing this
>oy vey then the evil goyim forces him to submit and the psychological pain is worse than even my hemorrhoids! gevalt! but make the kid ugly, that'll show Chadington from Fagville elementary, that'll show 'em his real face! Oh and oh and...make sure the bully is clearly white, ideally ginger, we don't want violence associated with the wrong color!
>thread is clearly fake and gay psychological manipulation porn
here have some more faggot
oh nuhh I mean..."it's over bro"
>my boyfriend has been seething
Yep, fake and gay
>pussy pussy pussy pussy
Man I remember being 16
You dont need more books, faggot, you need to put that rage and humiliation to good use in learning to act in the physical world.
Take anons advice, it is really good.
Me in the Adidas
Someone complimented your girl and you chimp out?
Very insecure behavior. You deserved the beatdown.
would you like it if i compliment your mom's ass whle she was on a jog with you, dont you say yes
If you're with a girl who would look down on you for getting hurt instead of being more concerned for you, and doting on you, don't worry. You're better off if she's gone.
D-d-did you just praise my mother's figure? That's not okay!
>by the guy catcalling her
Ouch. You got corrected and reassigned your place in the dominance hierarchy. You were above your league. In nature you would’ve been killed by the alpha and he would have killed your entire offspring and mated with your gf. Your gf knows that on an unconscious level, her genes know, she has landed with a beta. It’s over user. Sorry.
>which book
Probably some existentialist shit.
Grow up.
Women are Darwinists, Men are Lamarckian.
Nice bait, can't believe so many people are responding to your reddit-tier cuckold fantasy. Guess Yea Forums really is the stupidest board
meme demented faggot
I just really can't imagine how others are so stupid as to get into these situations. Like... Hahahahahahah you're so fucking pathetic. A dude catcalled your gf? And that actually caused a reaction inside you? So horribly insecure. And then you make the conscious choice for violence without being sure over whether or not you can actually take it? I can't even begin to empathise with how stupid you must be. Hahaha häh
Beta cuck loser. You shouldn't even try to read lmao, just go offer yourself up for manual labour or sth really laborious and slave-like. You're a slave-minded brainlet
I wanted to also say that the existence of retards like you and the problems you have is a good argument for forced feminisation of all males incapable of wielding any male energy whatsoever without being an insecure baboon retard hahahahah
Satanic trips of truth
I hope you realize that calling him pathetic and a cuck is exactly what he's looking for, this is post is a humiliation-kink creative writing exercise and you're feeding into it