This book redpilled my boomer dad, who was formerly a centrist with moderate fiscal conservative leanings and liberal social values. Especially when he learned it was banned from amazon. Now he is "redpilling" others when talking about politics, and my extended family has all been influenced. Don't buy this book and let others borrow it. Are there other books like this? I am literally shaking rn, I thought hate and bigotry were behind us.
Dangerous books for normalfags
I'd be embarrassed to have a dad that impressionable, regardless of which side of the spectrum one book swung him toward.
The first thing I did after being jewpilled was to go to my local synagogue. They assured me that the ZOG really was real and that I could work for them. I became jewish and they gave me work and wife for my cooperation. Love them.
no he didn't
Anything author the wikijews call "a right-wing extremist"; it's commie speak for "correct"
I read about 25% of this then gave up. Like I think I get it, it's the jews. Not all jews, but all these movements have heavy jewish over-representation. Does it move beyond that? It's gotten stale.
it's not a fiction book dumbass, nor is it a philosophy book. why would it move on? it documents whats there to document and besides his main goal was to talk about their influence in American non white immigration but he uses the others as supplementary evidence which is incredibly compelling. it's an academic work of sociology not an adventure book
Fuck you, your stupid dad, and your shitty thread. I'm tired of these garbage threads from 2016.
Then leave crybaby
Ok direction-brain
But you've never read the book. It proves a lot about what is said about jews from an academic perspective, how they are two-faced and subversive. It isn't about being "impressionable", it is more that the book is very good. Perhaps most importantly it talks about ingroup preference as well, something which most white westerners have been conditioned against, yet the book shows how jews use this to their advantage to achieve great success. This concept alone is extremely important for white people to understand. If the book didn't change your opinion or perspective then you didn't get it.
I swear that he did. I would rant about these sorts of things and he wouldn't really get it, now he gets it, at least for a boomer.
Or better yet you leave this board and stop lowering its quality with your boring threads.
Poor little triggered snowflake. Go read harry potter.
Why is it on page one if the thread is boring? Sounds more like the subject makes you uncomfortable. You should confront your biases first.
He's right tbqh
Not that guy.
Threads about meme books are boring.
>Sounds more like the subject makes you uncomfortable.
Sounds like it doesn't.
>You should confront your biases first.
Oh you have no idea.
Ok direction-brain
fun fact: I'm much smarter than you
probably have a better education too, but university is a meme now anyway.
It didn't change my perspective because I was already redpilled on the JQ. It's still a good book and most importantly unrefuted. So you just children crying in every thread and helped jannies deleting CofC threads.
How is it a meme book? Demonstrate your point using argumentation and reasoning with references to the content of the book.
There are many threads about meme books up at all times, but we both know you're only going to complain about this one because it confronts your biases and makes you uncomfortable (a sign of low IQ)
>Not that guy.
you obviously are since you felt the need to say it
Culture of Critique is a masterclass in how to discuss contentious subjects in a manner that is respectful and therefore difficult to dismiss
banned from amazon? hmm, they didn't even ban mein kampf, must be a dirty book. i'll give it a read.
Redpilling your family either will get you ostracized or put your family in danger
Gonna hook you up with a bump OP. Enjoy.
Kevin McDonald’s book is incredibly well researched, his sources are numerous and most importantly reliable.
And even it caused his career and life to be destroyed (which just further radicalized him)
There are multiple lessons to be learned here
Just stopping by to say I hope everyone has a great day!
When in the history of the world has genocide actually worked?
The point is to redpill.
If you already know that the world is kiked, then good. But it's to arm you with the necessary substantial knowledge to mass redpill normalfags and other lemmings.
One example is the the Yamnaya settlement onto the British Isles. Every single inhabitant was killed, and every trace of their history and art was destroyed.
Common British W
will this book try to shill me some other bullshit monotheistic abrahamic religion at the end? or is it purely analytical and historical in it's research? i don't blame the baker if i slice myself cutting a bagel.
In "kikes are the problem" books, what is ever the proposed solution lol?
People who hate the kike supremacy reveal their own inferiority. They may be in a lot of high places, but it doesn't affect me. If you're a poorfag you deserve to be where you're at. It's just retarded to keep crying jew no wonder you're under their boot.
Which is the funniest thing, he was not antisemitic at all before the backlash happened.
It's working pretty well on western Europeans right now
I really hope this post is bait.
>In "kikes are the problem" books, what is ever the proposed solution lol?
Make it okay to openly talk about the issue without losing your livelihood would be a a decent start. Then addressing the issue of jewish nepotism.
>People who hate the kike supremacy reveal their own inferiority.
Not really, I wouldn't mind kike supremacy if they did good things with that supremacy. Instead, they want to destroy everything beautiful. They do not deserve their supremacy.
>They may be in a lot of high places, but it doesn't affect me.
It does, unless you're one yourself. Are you? Otherwise, they are trying to take your culture and identity from you and turn you into a rootless consoomer.
>If you're a poorfag you deserve to be where you're at.
Fair enough, but that doesn't have anything to do with the topic.
>It's just retarded to keep crying jew no wonder you're under their boot.
What are you suggesting instead, cheering them on? Retard.
>turn you into a rootless consoomer.
You're only a plebbit fag if you want to be. Jew supremacy only affects poorfags. My own culture is not being destroyed. I'm not cheering them on nor am I one of them. I'm a chink, but those who get sucked in deserve to rot under their boot simple as. Might makes right. Sometimes I wish I was a kike though since every time people make posts on them it sounds like they're getting assraped kek
>You're only a plebbit fag if you want to be. Jew supremacy only affects poorfags
You have no idea what you're talking about, Chang. You're ignorant and lack historical and cultural awareness.
>My own culture is not being destroyed.
That's true, it already happened a few decades ago by your own people adopting jewish ideology. Thanks for proving my point.
>I'm a chink
>Sometimes I wish I was a kike though
Don't worry, chinks are the jews of Asia. You're nearly there already.
He definitely was when he wrote his third book and even the second. Why wouldn't be be? Do you think he was happy to have his home destroyed?
>actually believing the jew that he's Chinese
You read all these books for nothing
Most people don't realise it's satirical
Macdonald's wikipedia reads like a literal polemic. To be expected I guess, but is there any truth in it and does it affect his analysis? I'm redpilled on jews but against white supremacy, so I'm really interested in his book. But if it's all about saving the Anglo/Nordic race then there's better books on Jews
Get your dad to read Guénon
Dugin, Evola, Olavo de Carvalho
You haven't been around either much have you?
No, it's an academic book, and the refutations cited on wikipedia are laughable. MacDonald is not a white supremacist if you mean he thinks white people should rule the world/genocide all other peoples. He just wants white peoples in control of their own countries. Although I fail to see why the labels our enemies created matter in any way.
Where do i start if i want to read Kevin Macdonalds works, just this book or are there other preliminary texts to read?
Newfoundland, Argentina, Chile. Successful genocide has worked every time it's been tried. The trick is to actually finish them off.
Not to mention the Eastern Seaboard, the Carribbean, perhaps you could describe the Ainu as a successful genocide. The removal of Poles from Ukraine, the removal of Germans from Eastern Europe, the expulsion of Jews from most middle eastern countries, the Armenian genocide was successful as were all of the Turkish genocides.
The only genocide that didn't work was the Holocaust, which leads me to believe they weren't actually trying.
CoC is a decent starting point, you can read the other books in the trilogy after. Reading them in order works as well though. His other book (Individualism & Western Liberal Tradition) is also excellent and can be read first as well.
Dzungaria, the Emperor Qiang Long killed them all. The Uighurs are not the original inhabitants of Xinjiang. Qianglong let them live there, along with Han settlers after the Mongolian Dzungars were killed.
Well I began reading it and he definitely has some oversimplistic views on politics, but I'll ignore that since he's only a psychologist after all, and this is only the preface. I think I will enjoy reading what he writes when he's in his field of expertise
Racial supremacist ethno-religious groups tend not to work like that, particularly if they regard racial aliens as cattle
Yes it's not perfect but regarding its main thesis a solidly argued book. I'm sure someone could produce a legitimate criticism of it, but so far it has almost exclusively been strawmanning and adhoms.
Ever heard of Khazaria? Exterminated by the mongols. The jews exterminated several other people before they could lay claim to Israel in ancient times
This was the most surprising thing to me about it, you'd expect it to be really emotional and vitriolic but it's very cool and measured with its approach, much more so than most works of sociology these days which make it feel as if a tone of righteous indignation is a must when purportedly writing a work of "social science".
kek good one
>wahh wahh debate me and argue blah blah
Nah I don't think I will lol
>he definitely has some oversimplistic views on politics
What are you thinking of in particular?
Also it's pretty hard to BTFO because as far as I read it he's just presenting data others (non-badthinky authors) already presented elsewhere, but read against the grain, so to speak. He's just a mirror image of your average academic who believes jews can only ever be saintly victims and goyim can only ever be irrationally hateful retards and that jews have de facto monopoly on the interpretation of their eventful history among other nations. He didn't seem like a David Irving-esque figure at all from what I've read.
Over a third of children being born in most western European countries are non-native. In France, it's almost 50%. Immigration still keeps gradually increasing, and on average immigrants have more children than natives. Add to this that living childfree or gay lifestyles is much more common among natives than immigrants. Then we have the issue of miscegenation, where due to an overabundance of immigrant men, interracial couples are becoming more and more common, producing rootless offspring.
These are all the intentional results or the unintentional byproducts of policy throughout all western (supra-)governments, and nothing is done to stop it, quite the opposite. Attempting to do something about it is met with censorship and depersoning. At the end of this century, western Europeans will be tiny minorities in their home countries, if they are not gone completely.
If that isn't slow passive genocide happening, I don't know what is.
So how is it a meme book? I though it was very reasonable.
>Over a third of children being born in most western European countries are non-native. In France, it's almost 50%.
It's probably significantly worse than that because so many immigrants exist outside the system, as completely paperless people who are not accounted for anywhere, in any way in the system. There's also the issue of them reporting themselves as french even when they're fresh off the boat congolese negroes.
it didnt worked in south america
It also will only ever get worse. Due to climate change hundreds of millions, if not billions of people living near the equator will migrate northward in this century alone. It will never, ever get better.
Jews, in relation to the size of their population, have made a greater contribution to the arts and humanities than any other ethnicity. It's a fact that white supremacists simply cannot handle, because it doesn't fit into their world view of white people being the most superior race. So they have to invent nonsense about the Jews all being secret psychopaths.
Yes I already adjusted for those since most countries have stopped recording/reporting, or started using pilpul to have immigrants only mean first or second generation. But you might be right, it could already be worse.
Not due to climate change, that's what they want you to think by presenting it as inevitable, don't fall for it.
The real reason is exponentionally increased survival rates in third world countries due to the combination of western medicine and prohibition on contraceptives (due to religion), which has resulted in exponentially more people overall, but nothing to do for them since they can't build civilizations. Obstacles to mass migration like Khadaffi are taken out by "rebels." Then add wars and supply chain disruptions (such as the current Ukraine war), and you have all you need.