Books about being normal?

I abused my brain with poltard-isms and "red pills" all my teenage years, now I'm an adult and I realized that I relate to no one and I have no interesting teenage memories other than shitposting and seething on threads.

Please recommend books about normal people having fun and doing normal things.

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Nice try tranny

I also spent a lot of time calling others trannies.

time better spent than dilating every day

Elliot Rodger's My Twisted World, comedy to remind the soul on how not to live.

So true, I also spent many times telling others to dilate, cope, and seethe.

Why are chuds so terrified of women? I thought they were courageous trad-warriors?

We are courageous trad-warriors, but we understand the power contaminated within that vagina, it can corrupts the most strong of crusaders.

I just look up "worst bedrooms of Yea Forums" and it inspires a fear within me to be better. I love this site, but I would not want to end up like terminally online freaks.
Anyway a book to help:

I’ll bet that the second you got offered even the most mediocre bit of pussy, you would drop all of this “trad-warrior incel redpill shit” instantly.

>worst bedrooms of Yea Forums
Post some.

You can't pursue 'normalism' directly and get results. You've gotten used to the practice of being really overt and declarative in everything you do through these internet ideologies, but that's not how real life works. In real life, you just live. There are many more undeclared passive principles in effect than active ones.

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make a twitter account, castrate yourself, post on reddit, eat fastfood, obtain debt and post a ukranian flag on every social media profile pic

I love this site too because its anonymous, but I feel like it degenerates me more than it make me better, also half of it is shitposts and I used to take them seriously, I didn't watch movies like others and I didn't do normie stuff because its blue pilled and not based, I know I'm to blame but I don't want other gullible teenagers to end up like me. Thanks for the book recommendation.

Cope. You're just talking to terminally online retards on a slightly different platform, with a different ideology. The healthy normal person is out there living life, and that makes people like you and people like you mention seethe endlessly

Get'em discordsister :3

I understand what you mean, I went out more and found out the people just live and let live, for the most part, but there is still some principles and norms, sometimes I feel like an outsider but I hope it gets better.

i enjoy the anonymity as well, but i keep in mind that real life separates the freaks from those who can function in society. in real life, weirdos screaming on the street corner get ignored by the average person but not online. notice how much of a gang following the reddit r/antiwork tranny mod got online, but when he appeared on fox news on live television, everyone quickly ridiculed him. apply that to everyone you 'meet' online. you don't know the people who are speaking or what kind of shithole lives they're living. assume the worst and think for yourself.

>he disagreed therefore he is the other tribe
Discourse with you retards is so tiring. Thank God I can leave the house and never meet any of you there.

This, they will grow up and realize they are not better than tumblr, twitter or reddit, they are just seething over nothing.

Just leave the echo chambers in general, they are bad for the mind because the are feedback loops in which individuals who share similar distortions of perception fall in together and amplify their distortions; once the group is large enough there start to form smaller groups within the group that hyperspecialize in the discussion of incredibly specific distortions of perception – it is at this level where you can discover abject nonsense like "i'm still mad thigh high socks cottage core aesthetic got taken over by fash"

Runaway feedback loops are at the core of most modern dysfunctional arguments.

stop being ableist you fuckin chud

>i'm still mad thigh high socks cottage core aesthetic got taken over by fash
My fried brain understands this statement

the average person out there is a depressed childless loser on meds
we shouldn't overreact to internet politics and take the opposite extreme of pretending everyone is normal and happy and only freaks have problems with their ailing society right now

how to be normal: stop caring about politics, stop thinking about politics, NEVER vote, move out of the city to avoid dark energies vibrations

william faulkner

I think a general piece of advice that will help you is "when in doubt, say nothing"

Yea Forums will always be better than reddit. Yea Forums is built in a way that exposes people to genuine ideas, while reddit is (almost openly) a propaganda website.

nice try british robber, rebuild atlantis now or go to prison

Attached: no i didn't sink atlan—ACK!.gif (500x281, 914.17K)

I'll never stop chudding.

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Yeah but we shouldn't listen to political losers on the internet that makes us more depressed and childless.

leave the city

This. No one is really 'normal' in the way we think, anymore. Healthy, adjusted people may as well be just another weird subculture at this point, given how rare they are.

>Yea Forums is built in a way that exposes people to genuine ideas
More like a circle jerk of meme ideas that will make your life worst.

You're wrong, Yea Forums is the opposite of a circle jerk. Anything you say will get people aggressively disagreeing with you.

You must be a tourist.

He's right though. More people live in cities than outside of them, making them the majority and thus most aptly named 'normal'. 'Normalcy' is thus, nothing to strive for.

>Anything you say will get people aggressively disagreeing with you.
If its not part of the circle jerk, yeah... you will get people aggressively calling you a troon and seething endlessly until the thread gets archived.

You'll get the same reaction with "incel" instead of "troon" if you post things from the other side. Go to /adv/ some time, it's the most extreme example and you'll see what I mean in 10 seconds.

Doesn't apply to most people in the cities either, they're just more common there. Non whites are breeding just fine.

I'm literally a married man and gather and have had conversations with my boss about Hitler being a reincarnation of Wotan. None of this bullshit exists outside of twitter. To be """""""normal""""""" just fucking go outside.

So its not different that tumblr, reddit, and twitter, you just proofed my point.

what's with the /trannypol/ concern trolls lately?

/lit & /his/ are now designated zones to seethe about /pol/ being right about everything all the time

Wrong. Lots of those places literally ban disagreement. Yea Forums will always show you the other side, and not a censored version of it, either.

Yes, nobody could actually think those thoughts, they must be the other tribe trying to sooobvert you.

I take offence to this, I am a regular Yea Forums and /his/ poster and despite /pol/ being crass and filled with retarded boomers and zoomers I perfectly well acknowledge they are right about everything.

> /pol/ being right about everything all the time
What do you even mean by this?

You're either a low ranking fed or a 50 year old online communist who does it for free

Even 30ish leftist programmer trannies fit in better than this

>Lots of those places literally ban disagreement.
people get banned for posting disagreeable stuff here, its common.

You must be a tourist.

>Non-whites aren't miserable
What the absolute fuck am I reading. Most blacks and arabs in the city are living just as miserably as their white counterpart, you just never hear from them because they either don't speak the language or they never talk to your pasty ass.

-Jews are ethnic collectivists whose strategy is preventing anybody else from also being ethnic collectivists.
-Genes largely dictate intelligence and are distributed unevenly geographically.
-Libertarianism is a non-ideology.

The usual shit that makes midwits seethe.

Yea Forums is de facto free speech even if it is de iure antiracism or whatever the fuck the gay rules from 20 years ago say.

>Even 30ish leftist programmer trannies fit in better than this
>fit in
lmao. Why do you retards always try to make some kind of exclusive high school club where only people with the right thoughts get to participate? Am I invading your little safe space? Feeling nervous when you can't angrily downdoot dissent?

>-Jews are ethnic collectivists whose strategy is preventing anybody else from also being ethnic collectivists.
>-Genes largely dictate intelligence and are distributed unevenly geographically.
Why do they never connect these two? Genes largely dictate intelligence, and jews are disproportionately smarter than goyim.

I'm sorry to break it to you but its just shitposts, not even the posters agree with what they are saying or even acting it out, people who take it seriously are gullible idiots and they will realize it after wasting their time.

Now you're just lying. People get banned for off-topic posting (and cunny, etc.), there has never been a situation of an issue being open for discussion but only one side of that issue. If you're allowed to discuss an issue on a board, all views on it are allowed. The reason people get banned is they don't want endless discussion of /pol/ issues on Yea Forums.

I would know, I've been here for a long time and have defended many different opinions at different times. I have also been banned many times, but they had nothing to do with the opinion I was expressing (and I usually deserved them).

Leaning back toward guessing you're a tranny now but I'm going to stick with my bet that you're an old forum communist who comes here to "troll" because he has nowhere else to go. Are you the Nazi tranny guy?

Nobody denies Jews are smart. They still gotta go.

Yeah and I agree with all that, most people here do. There is a lot more to /pol/ism than that though, the OP image makes it pretty clear that the complaint is more to do with the people themselves than their stated views on these issues.

Guess harder. Dig deep into your made up enemy pouch.

>(and I usually deserved them).
Just like other sites then, they get banned for off-topic posting and spamming shit, if you have to follow rules here, you should follow rules in other sites too.

You keep changing your position. You just said that on all of these sites, people get banned over their opinions.

I think the guesses and digging people have been doing so far have been plenty considering they've forced you to change your posting repeatedly. I don't care if you do this to yourself every day, I just think it's funny how obvious you are even when you're not trying to be.

You are a living testament to the incorrectness of your worldview, since it clearly produces unhappy people.