can someone post the "for this many pages you could have read" meme please
Can someone post the "for this many pages you could have read" meme please
No, I'm not going to help you try to show your friend how shitty game of thrones is and how he should read le totally epic shit you like. Let this be a lesson to you, disliking something isn't a personality trait, faggot.
But people shouldn't read this hack trash and should be reading classics.
they SHOULD. they OUGHT to.
most people, like this board, will have little ability to understand the classics
Maybe you SHOULD be reading Hume and get some perspective, pseud.
post this one with books
I tried with what I had.
>ild and blod
>I hate [popular thing], I'm so interesting!
Martin was literally foretelling a possible future with his novels.
A lot of Anons are just too stupid to realize this though.
Wasn't Schopenhauer an incel?
Literally just read grrm's books then read the other ones, it took me like 3 weeks to go through them all because they are very easy reads
>but muh quote
Don't care, grrm writes fun books
Why the fuck is Avatar in the list of films?
that just makes him doubly trustworthy
You should touch grass.
Half those books are garbage for psueds
i'd sooner touch grass than a w*man thanks
Because it's a great movie just like Citizen Bane.
I read Gilgamesh, Odyssey, Beowulf, Inferno, and The Canterbury Tales for English Lit in high school.
Is this not standard?
They're also overrated as works of art. Their value is in their influence IMO.
You're making the mistake that Yea Forums reads anything at all.
They don't?
Sorry, I'm new to Yea Forums.
Guess I should leave.
dont tell me you got filtered...
half of canterbury tales is straight up medieval toilet humour
>Yea Forums doesn't read
>Yea Forums doesn't play games
>Yea Forums doesn't watch films
Just how new are you?
g-guys why does quentin write like le bronze age pervert
Let me guess /fit/ doesn't lift?
Good of you to dislike OP's post and recommend he become le totally epic by not disliking things.
Now you get it.
God I can’t stand redditfags. The way you all type is so neurotic, infantile, and patronizing. Be an adult and come up with some kind of creative original critique instead of copy pasting the same rehashed neurotic shit for the hundredth time for your updoots. And after you’ve done so fucking kys you talentless hack
kek OP btfo
There's an actual reason why many people hate popular things and it's the unquestionable fact that most popular things infact are bad. I wonder why this truth is so hard to swallow for the majority of people.
Avatar is genius work of Maoist-Third Worldist cinema
>Citizen Bane
Every time I see someone say something like this I am entirely baffled by how much of a shit take it is. It's an obvious tactic at deflecting the fact that you are simply ignorant and don't actually understand why things have the draw that they do.
Pseuds like you have always got to run around trying to justify your unconventional tastes by gatekeeping entire forms of media, while the truly based understand that it's not even worth giving a shit.
Why are most fantasy books so damn long?
>muh gatekeeping
Here we go again. Not everything is objectively good or well-made.
That is true.
Another objective truth is that you're objectively too retarded to know what is objectively good or objectively well-made
You are a nigger.
and that's what makes it based
why are you even here if your reading comprehension is that shit?
Holy christ. I can smell the reddit from here. Go back you cry baby tourist
Based. The summer tourists came early this year.
fib pip bib pip
in this case popular thing is actually good though. Asoiaf are actually genuinely good books besides the fact that fat fuck author won't finish them.
>The Mahabarata
Absolutely no way, is that only counting some oldfag heavily abridged translation?
The one on my shelf is 6,371 pages long across 10 volumes, with much larger and more word-dense pages than ASoIaF.
This, I like Martin's series and think he's overall a good writer, but it is very easy to breeze through those books. 200 pages per day is a modest goal with his books, they really don't compare that simply with other books of similar length.