I moved into a new place and finally I have enough space to put all my books into shelves - if I had enough of them...

I moved into a new place and finally I have enough space to put all my books into shelves - if I had enough of them. This will take a bit to sort out.
Anyways, post your shelves, anons. I wanna see some beautiful collections.

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>loads of massive arty books
>walter moers
>world atlas of jellyfish
man, that's a cosy fucking set of shelves

How many have you read (%)?

not many, it's the bookshelf of a man who doesn't read a lot (it's easy to spot the difference)

Probably 20% maybe? It's hard to say since I keep different editions of the same books by authors I collect. Other books are there to look up stuff. And I have hundreds of art books that I use for reference only and rarely ever read completely. And literature I have read and don't plan on reading I usually just sell. I've read probably 1500 books in my life.
There is also this shelf here. I think I need at least two more to fit everything in.

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not everyone is a hamfisted barbarian, user

Just as an example I marked the books which I can recall having read from this shelf right here since it contains mainly stuff that is actually for reading.

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>i just heckin love consoooooming

Moers himself was pretty jelly because he also wanted the World Atlas of Jellyfish but it was already sold out.
Once I got the missing shelves I will probably put in some carpets and reading chairs for maximum comfiness.

what device are you posting from, user?

It's alright, user. I'm not here to hurt you.
Also, you gotta consoom first to be able to write, draw, and paint.

Poorfag/illiterate cope.

I see

How come?

>Not exclusively posting from your local library's computers

I consider myself posting from my local library's computer.

t. OP

It's funny because it's actually easier to spot someone that doesn't read by posts like yours.

what an embarrassing post

This one and the one following it is from last year. I've gotten more since.

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My wife has two shelves in our office, too. But I've not take pictures of them yet. I really should, at least for insurance.

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proofreading is gay but proofreading after posting is even gayer.

>one eighth of the shelves is Evola
user, I think that's a bit too much Evola.
And I guess I still need to get me Men Among the Ruins. And then maybe read Evola one day, too.

>a bit too much Evola
To be fair, he does a lot of self referencing... And often times he does it without indicating where he is self references.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to acquire `Civiltà Americana` in English. Although, I recently saw that he was featured on a popular Italian television show so we may see another revival of interest.

Evola is definitely on my "I kinda want to read this but the fanbase is really turning me off" list. But I will read him once I'm through all the major philosophical writers that came before him.

Most of the "fanbase" hasn't even read a single line that isn't in an image containing a swastika or black sun. Not that I mind those images, of course. Cheers, user.

>It's hard to say since I keep different editions of the same books by authors I collect
You have a serious problem. I hope it is not putting you in financial straits. At some point you should ask yourself why you own these books. You may have already done that, and there isn't necesarrily a right answer, but you need to seriously think about that.

Woah, nice

Big view 1/a few

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Neat books, not beautiful, but great content

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3/ more

I helped edit a small bit of that french text as an undergrad, different edition

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Akihabara sucks!

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4/ of more

I like the books, shelves less, but still a very nice setup

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5/ of a couple

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Should I make knee braces with these timbers and lag them in with the timberloks? Or the 1/2 lag bolts?

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These are some of my favorites

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Impressive library and editions user. Leave them to me in your will, thanks.

This is an extremely based shelf user.
I'm proud of you.

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Thanks man, thinking about getting a custom ex libris stamp or sticker.

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One more after this one

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Looks comfy but also a bit cluttered. How does the entire room look?
I wish I had nicer shelves but for now these will have to suffice. It's mainly an upgrade from what I had before: Less shelves but two rows of books for the smaller ones. Lots of art books were scattered everywhere and I couldn't find or reach anything when I needed it. Once I have everything sorted it will be everything I ever dreamed of.

I have a job and I don't spend money on much else. I also write, draw, and paint. These books are what I use in those tasks.

Captcha: ggays

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When I see all these books in small spaces, especially stacked on the floor, I think fire hazard. Am I wrong about the fire hazard aspect? I think this might have gotten into my head after mentioned insurance.

>Thanks man, thinking about getting a custom ex libris stamp or sticker.
Same. Once you reach a certain point in library-building it becomes its own entity.

I fear fire like you wouldn't believe. Thankfully I don't smoke and this building only has water and electricity - no gas or ovens.

Last one

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You better be able to read the left side of those Loebs. If so, you have a patrician library.

How many books is that?

Agreed, it's cluttered, because I'm working on more shelves and the kids projects are draining all of my time, but I can't stop getting cheap and free books. Everyone is dying and retiring and I'm getting more books thrown at me than I can store.

The rest of the room has all the remodeling supplies and tools. There are a few saws, drills, air compressors, a King mattress against the wall, a few old consoles and games, a few antiques, and my old business clothes (Ties, suits, etc.) It's the guest room/storage room for things we don't want toddlers to touch. We also work in there.

I appreciate your concern, but these aren't old magazines/newspapers with mice living nearby in a hot atmosphere. This is actually the coldest room on the outside of the house beyond the cinderblock core. If the house caught fire it likely wouldn't burn well.

almost three hundred with the double stacked octavos at the bottom and hiding on the top shelves.

That isn't too many. But I gotta agree, the editions are quite nice in general. Two years ago I stopped buying cheap paperbacks and tried to get hardcovers whenever they were available. It's just so much nicer. I'm also starting to really like books printed over 100 years ago. Kindles are nice but holding and reading old paper is something else.

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No problem. You should go for it.

Not seen: several racks of audio CDs.

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Nice German books, when I lived there you could buy 19th century hardbacks for as little as 10 euros. I've been meaning to get some fontane, like wanderungen. I agree about hardcovers, I buy heritage folios for 1.50 at my used bookstore.

This stack was $19.00

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That's some odd stuff, I've been fucking with scientologists for two decades.

Have a dining area book nook.

I took two flanges, nipples, and caps, mounted them, and threw an offcut piece of walnut up. Minimal finishing to give it a rustic feel

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I can make out the Latin in the reds, POORLY, and the green is all Greek to me. I still don't get how two sentences in Latin becomes 4 in English. I do lots of German and French reading too.

These guys are a bit more digestible

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I'm seldom jealous of collections in threads like these as I have a nice one myself, but I am actually jealous of that hardcover Suttree. Not cheap these days.

What really creeps me out is the floor. Not very comfy

To be fair, a lot of the 19th century books are still crappy, especially more popular authors. For those I try to get more recent printings in historical-critical editions if possible.
But sometimes there are books that either have nice illustrations or books that literally haven't been reprinted for over 100 years apart from shitty POD """editions""".
A decade ago I hated old German books because they are usually printed in fraktur but nowadays I have gotten used to it.

I'm currently in the process of getting rid of my physical books. Also my cds and tapes. I do everything digital now and this is just too much.

The only thing I'm keeping is my toys because there is no way to digitally represent them.

I'm so sick of owning crap.

I got rid of my physical music stuff as well and would do the same with books if it wasn't so impractical to work with them digitally. I usually end up with half a dozen or more books opened up on my table whenever I am writing or drawing something.

It definitely meant something to me in my twenties to own physical. Now? I'm paying to heat and house redundant objects that I'll lose to death probably sooner than I imagine.

I value the open space these days.

>throw money at it and it'll work
This reminds me of the bit about paying people to read books for you

True and I can understand that. For me books are tools I use to create. Everything else I own are also just tools. I don't possess any keepsakes, souvenirs, or something like that.

I still read all of my books by myself but thank you for your concern.

You haven't paid me enough to go along with that lie, especially since I know how much you're willing to invest in it.

See for answers, my angry friend.

I'm not angry, I'm just not lying for you for free

Alright. Just don't always assume lots of books are nothing but vanity. I've been collecting and reading for three decades now. This progress is slow.