
Write what's on your mind
Galaxy cat edition

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I love women.

I hate women.

Day 17 since cooming - Purification is Strength

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I’m starting to wonder if the whole 500k remote Python developer, free-range chicken homesteader, sigma polygamous Aryan, nootropic esoteric hierophant, Hyperborean Druid lifestyle is even possible.

I'm so tired

I eat women.

so based it's unreal

wherever I am I also must raviogli

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How do I know at what point there ceases to be hope for me making it?

DUBS! Checked and fpbp.

I also approve of Galaxy Cat edition
t. Last thread OP

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I'm reading Bernardo Kastrup and Thomas Nagel

Feeling a little uneasy materialist bros

What are you making? Cookies?

Mmmmmm. cunninglingus

My sleep has been kinda awful lately. Could be because I have started exercising again but my muscles are sore as fuck when I wake up.

What is the literary equivalent of women hitting the wall? I think it might be when a writer starts producing shit work in their 50s and 60s; or, god forbid, even later than that.

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A man of my word
Seventy-two hours until the whole shit house goes up in flames
A man of words
A man of a million disguises
Thanks a million.
太感谢了 陈先生

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> only things worth doing seem impossible

I guess it depends what “making it” is.

That's the fun part, you don't know and that hope is cruel.

you ever think about the fact that being born human is just luck of the draw? it's far more likely to be born an insect or a plant or what have you, and yet here you are, reading and writing and thinking and shit. what are the odds? people talk about the "genetic lottery" but to be born human at all is already hitting the jackpot

I have to write an essay about why "heteronormativity" is wrong and how society wrongly insists that men and women are natural pairs in any way

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This whole talk of lottery is pointless, I am lucky to be born in a first world country, rich, white, human, WHATEVER. You are the results of actions, not luck, and your thoughts are a result of your state of being. Anyone born in a first world country might think hey, this is nice comparatively, how-- lucky. You jibe? Same reason people shouldnt be like wow how rare it is we live on a planet that supports life, if it didnt you would be here to think that. No one is rolling the dice at your birth.

what the fuck

i'm the product of actions, sure, but not MY actions. isn't that necessarily luck? if not what else would you call it?

I regret not asking this girl out, I haven't seen her at uni since the last time. My anxiety was fucking off the wall and I pussied out. The thoughts of cold approaching someone horrifies me but fuck she is so fuckin pretty, exactly my type. I'm hoping for another chance, maybe she's boring as shit but i would like to find out myself.

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i no longer possess the ability to read

After all these years I'm finally beginning to feel the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. I always hoped this would never happen but I guess it was going to have to catch up to me eventually. I've really been pushing it the last few months. Some mornings I wake up and my lungs hurt and some days my cardio is significantly weaker. The other day my mom commented on my teeth being pretty yellow. "I hope you don't smoke" she said. I blamed it on the coffee I had just drank but deep down I think she knows I've been smoking for the past 6 years. I think she's just too afraid to believe it since her father died of lung cancer. Anyways, I guess I have to decide if I'm quitting now. I don't really want to but it might be the right thing to do.


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Whenever I shit I usually have to wipe for about 10 minutes minimum.

There's shit all over my ass, sometimes it's runny and sometimes it's thicker. It tends to run down the back of my thighs and sometimes gets on the floor or toilet seat. I keep wiping until my anus bleeds but somehow there's always more. Then I have to wipe off my ass cheeks, my inner thighs, and usually wipe down the toilet seat and floor.

Sometimes I'll urinate when I shit as well, even though I hold a piece of toilet paper over my penis to prevent it from getting everywhere usually it drips down my thighs at the same time. Oftentimes both the shit and urine get all over my underwear and sometimes my shorts, which I have to then change.

I wipe until I see blood, then I keep wiping until it feels dry. By this time my anus is raw. I then cleanup the surrounding area, and I spray essential oils in the air to mask the smell. I then launder my underwear, shorts, and often shirt. I have to repeat this process usually 50% of the time when I shit, and even after I shit I often need to do it again in a 20 minute time span, where I usually urinate while doing it if I didn't urinate the previous time.

Lets say the king and queen of a nation bear an heir, is that heir, lucky? To have been born into such a privileged position? No, they were simply born as a result of their parents actions, there was no luck involved in the child being born or existing. So there is no reason for them to think they are lucky, there was ZERO chance they couldve been someone else at birth.

Steak tomorrow.

I missed out on a lot in my teens and twenties. I’m not resentful about it or despairing over it, but it would’ve been nice to have a good youth, to have not made so many mistakes. The feeling that really hurts isn’t how things were. It’s how things will be.

Put that poision down, brother. I smoked for 10 years, vaped for 1. Giving up nicotine was one of the best decisions I made. It'll be hell at first but you won't regret it.

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"Well, sir, that window up there can only be seen from the outside and they say the house doesn't have an attic. They also say the town farrier took a boat to America in the Spring, but that mare's shoes are still shining. Why would they remember when the farrier left if they knew how to change a horseshoe? I bet the rest of my Pervitin they're hiding the farrier in the attic."

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The duality of man

problem is im not even a real smoker. I exclusively smoke when im drunk. and when im drunk ill have like 10+ darts in just a few hours. so if the drinking gets out of hand than the smoking will.
i like smoking and i never really intended on stopping ever in my life due to my ability to only keep it to when i drink. its just so annoying to know now that ill probably have to.

It took me eighteen minutes and forty-seven seconds to reach Wal-Mart. It was smart to purchase the second bag of M&M's at a different store. Grant Reid is a rich man, but he was not richer than the Walton Family. The cameras that are watching me would not be under his control at Wal-Mart. It was dark, but the lights were still on inside the store. I stepped inside the blue and gray building. There wasn't a greeter at this hour. Perfect. Less witnesses and spies under control by Reid. I went to the candy isle, and found the section that held M&Ms. I found the red bag - caramel, the yellow bag - peanuts, the purple bag - caramel, but one color bag was missing. Brown. The bag I needed. What a peculiar coincidence. I purchased a bag of M&M's and found far too little orange ones, and there was no option to purchase a second bag. Grant Reid is watching my every move. Truly a mastermind, forcing me to return to the same store where I bought the first bag.

What do you think it means if a girl I've been flirting with says I talk cool and neutral? Neutral meaning I don't come across as desperate?

Should have asked her

going to be bivouacking for work, I will not be in service for cell, have running water, wtc for a week at a time.
what sort of books would you read in such a setting? I don't know what to get into, I have covered all of the Sci Fi greats I am sure.

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Stress is driving me mad. Can only hide my horrible past from my gf a little while longer.

How horrible can it be? You're not in prison.

would you help an injured person in the street?

injured how?

No. Fuck that injured piece of shit.

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If you're in college, don't you get to choose your topic?

My spirit is dead. Congratulations, God. You won.

Write about the opposite. Argue your case well, and if your teacher flunks you, contact right wing news outlets. If you need a good source on the subject to get inspiration or to plagiarize watch the Meaning of Life lecture series by Coroneus Phocis on youtube

When I was strung out on coke and oxy I sold my best friend of 12 years’ drum set. It was the final straw for him and he cut off all contact with me. This was 3 years ago, and was the final straw for me to get clean and I have been since. I miss him everyday.
His girlfriend is a bartender at a bar near me. I went in with a friend today, ordered an orange juice and she told me he misses me as much as I him. It’s just a matter of who reaches out to who first. I messaged him a year ago and laid it all out and told him if he didn’t reply I’d never try to contact him again.
He didn’t
But after talking to her, apparently he misses me too and I want to message him.
What should I say bros?

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>Hey, how have you been?

i'm going to turn 30 this year
this does not spark joy

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this is why you squat poop

me too user, me too

I know what you mean.
It’s never too late. You’re as young as you can convincingly tell people you are. I’ve been 25 for eight years.

No, no good deed goes unpunished and I hate humanity.

She’s probably lying. A druggie friend did something similar to me and while I miss him before drugs if I saw him again I’d have to physically remove myself to not cave his head in.

Yes, of course I would. I'm not a monster.


Sometimes i have such sickly obsessive fear and rage about simple things for weeks.

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>Free Association Thread

I'm going back to coffee. Life is just plain worse without it.

I have bad news for you, a woman will come back into your life. Who she is will seem obvious in retrospect but it's probably not going to be the one you're thinking about right now. That's because she'll only be a catalyst, some strange things are going to happen to you about a month from now. In over a years time you'll look back and see that it all seemed to change after you read this very post here. This woman is going to be the catalyst for a very odd chain of events, it'll effect your career, you'll have a deep and new found love for writers you have hereto never really taken seriously, there is going to be a slight change in your body in a very soft way. Worlds are going to open up for you. And at times it'll be invigorating, it will be even awe inspiring and just as quickly as it invigorates you'll wish it to end all the same. Be warned.

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When I write essays I am the most progressive and left-wing person ever because my professors love that shit. It’s just annoying to put up the act, I’m appalled by some of the stuff I’m taught

Is sex actually real? I've never had it, never seen anyone else having, never heard sex noises in real life. Judging solely by my experience, it's just a staged CGI fabrication for porn.

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