What moment did you realize Elden Ring was shit?

It's the worst Souls game
But the worst Souls game is still miles better than anything on the market right now

Millicents death broke me, couldn't even bring myself to kill her for the good talisman. My character remains by her side for all eternity.

wow its just like dmc

lmao even

WRONG. the final version neuters i frames on jumps

I loved it. Thought it was a great dungeon. Then it occured to me that I was feeling what I felt after beating ornstein and smough, and then I remembered what came after O&S. It took a while but eventually it became as bad as post-lordvessal dark souls, with only brief rises in quality here and there.

that's not how it works fromfaggot. NuGOW ragnarok will shit on Dark Soÿs 3 DLC. Japan just can't compete with their tranime garbage.

I was having my doubts in Altus but the second I got to Consecrated Snowfields I knew the game was shit.

>The moment I learned it was a Fromsoft game.
Exactly. Studio full of interns who can't into physics or reasonable AI.

user, NuGOW is a tranny game...