Fuck off moron. There is no reason to stop playing if you're still having fun. If the other user really wasn't enjoying it, he wouldn't be in this thread. The game is unironically too long and it's only saved by its high quality.
What moment did you realize Elden Ring was shit?
that's from the network test you disingenuous nigger
Is playing a pure mage as frustrating as it looks? This makes it seem like its more trouble than it's worth.
the moment I saw this webm wtf i HATE elden ring now!!!
Yes, that's the purpose of an informative opinion piece / video essay. What the fuck else is it supposed to do? What's wrong with people watching a video, liking it, and using the information provided in the video to enhance their own opinions?
>listening to furfag with a gay ass dragon pic
The problem is the two snow areas. They're completely uninteresting filler with zero unique enemies so of course people are going to rush them. It has nothing to do with how quickly you played through the game.