What moment did you realize Elden Ring was shit?
What moment did you realize Elden Ring was shit?
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It's over
What is actually wrong with this? Should magic be somehow even easier than it is?
When one of those virgin things clipped through a wall AND a floor to kill me in volcano manor
When Malenia lifestealed from my 100% physical protection shield block
When there was no pvp based covenants
It isn't. It has flaws, but it's still 10 ten times better than any other open world game in the last 10 years.
Never because it isn't
>was shit
>was more boring than actually realized
my third playthrough, invading ended up being dogshit and the open world honestly gets kind of grating after you have been through it once
>This exact thread again
Alright everyone, take another shot
The moment I learned it was a Fromsoft game.
It's the worst Souls game
But the worst Souls game is still miles better than anything on the market right now
Millicents death broke me, couldn't even bring myself to kill her for the good talisman. My character remains by her side for all eternity.
wow its just like dmc
lmao even
WRONG. the final version neuters i frames on jumps
I loved it. Thought it was a great dungeon. Then it occured to me that I was feeling what I felt after beating ornstein and smough, and then I remembered what came after O&S. It took a while but eventually it became as bad as post-lordvessal dark souls, with only brief rises in quality here and there.
that's not how it works fromfaggot. NuGOW ragnarok will shit on Dark Soÿs 3 DLC. Japan just can't compete with their tranime garbage.
I was having my doubts in Altus but the second I got to Consecrated Snowfields I knew the game was shit.
>The moment I learned it was a Fromsoft game.
Exactly. Studio full of interns who can't into physics or reasonable AI.
user, NuGOW is a tranny game...
how so? maybe other snoy shit like Horizon but nugow is actually based and redpilled. I don't even like nugow for that matter but it's still leagues better than fromshit games
Will it have Body Types A and B?
Spells with delay still hit anyways. It just makes 90 percent of spells shit
when I found out the 5th (or is it 4th? who cares at this point) poison swamp in the depths of the world below a copypasted starry sky abandoned city
complete creative bankrupcy
when I discovered the dragon battles were worse than Skyrim's
This thread is here so I'll ask, are the non-bleed weapons worth using? I cannot rationalize at all not using the naginata, katana, etc. unless you're roleplaying.
Like after week 1
Lots of fun weapons. If you're trying to get into colossals, the Fallingstar Beast jaw is pretty good. Stagger potential feels like it falls off late game, but still hits hard and gives you a ranged option with its WA.
All the heavy thrusting swords are solid. Curved swords are worth a look, Astel and the Magma Blades in particular. And the great spears are all solid. The holy one falls off the most - and Mogh's rip the hardest - but good chunk damage to be had.
yes the game peaked in stormveil
The moment it was announced, because it was a Fromsoft game other than Metal Wolf Chaos
1.3 million have been influenced by this video and there's nothing Yea Forums can do about it
zoomers just repeat back what youtubers think -their like boomers and their legacy news media expect they think their superior
this has been the deathknell of discussion
When I played the network test and saw that the game was literally dark souls 3.2
I was still hopeful for the actual content of the game
but the more I played the final build the more I realized it just isn't very good
When I saw that poise was neutered yet again from Dark Souls 1.
>Woke storygame Ragnarok
Yeah after the last one I don't believe for a second it's going to make even a blip compared to Elden Ring.
When I entered my first catacombs and the boss was a watchdog + gank squad of regular enemies. Then, when I encountered my 3rd erdtree avatar in what I judged to still to be the early game.
>black Angrboda
>gods are all white people stereotypes
>as much of a boring clusterfuck as the last one
Let me guess, you like it because it reminds you of the father you never had?
i didnt because its not. i just know how to enjoy a game in spite of its flaws.
>All the heavy thrusting swords are solid.
They're unbelievably based.
>muh influence
Yeah that "all press is good press" shit has been dead for a while now.
There was a point and I'm not sure where but I resorted to summoning just to get past boss roadblocks. I've never done it in any previous souls game. Some of the bosses especially late game ones in this are absolute bullshit and not fun in the slightest to fight. Feels like you have to be a complete sweat to solo this game.
That's how players work though. Let's be completely honest now. It is completely plausible for enemies to act retarded when we ourselves might dodge the second we see an enemy do more than glare angrily, potentially dodging into an attack.
The problem by and far, is people not taking the game in doses, and instead playing it non stop. I know people that essentially treated it like a second job playing over 40 hours a week, and then get mad and start rushing instead of just putting the fucking game down.
There is no need to continue playing if you feel like you are just doing it to beat it, instead stop playing for a few weeks and come back to it, why the fuck do so many people say its shit yet continue to play it like a fucking battered house wife. Nigga it's not the game is trash, it is you over played it, started getting impatient, then when you stopped having fun you continued to play it instead of coming back to it.
They shouldn't have made the game so large. I legit haven't enjoyed a boss since Radahn or Astel. I'm pissed off the game is so big and I just want to be finished.
Why do you keep playing it? Just fucking put it down and come back to it in a few weeks. Like holy fucking shit, why are you people the way that you are, its like fucking drug addicts.
I need to finish it now.
Fuck off moron. There is no reason to stop playing if you're still having fun. If the other user really wasn't enjoying it, he wouldn't be in this thread. The game is unironically too long and it's only saved by its high quality.
that's from the network test you disingenuous nigger
Is playing a pure mage as frustrating as it looks? This makes it seem like its more trouble than it's worth.
the moment I saw this webm wtf i HATE elden ring now!!!
Yes, that's the purpose of an informative opinion piece / video essay. What the fuck else is it supposed to do? What's wrong with people watching a video, liking it, and using the information provided in the video to enhance their own opinions?
>listening to furfag with a gay ass dragon pic
The problem is the two snow areas. They're completely uninteresting filler with zero unique enemies so of course people are going to rush them. It has nothing to do with how quickly you played through the game.