it' over
how do we save the in house game engine industry???
Thanks for saving Video Games Tim
>Unreal Engine 5 is still a buggy mess
Thanks Tim
Na, just not being stingy about what engine a team uses. Seems like NA studios are favoring unreal but teams that are fine using frostbite will keep using it like the Dead Space remake.
Overall makes sense because they can just pay for good licensing terms with Epic for the teams that would work better with the engine like Bioware and Respawn.
killing video games*
>Most UE games have a very similar look and feel
>Massive stuttering on PC that hasn't been fixed for a decade
The homogenization of engines has been a travesty for the industry. Fuck Unreal and fuck Unity.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense to force employees to learn proprietary engines and processes. Especially in an industry with a 1-2 year employment turnaround. Middleware is good for everyone.
Fuck Unreal Engine and fuck Unity
The biggest issue is support and it sounds like fifa and madden eat up a lot of the time, combine that with time zone issues with DICE and NA teams and you have disasters inbound. At least with Epic being in America NA teams for EA can get proper support for whatever they need is huge.
Frostbite is a garbage engine tho
So good riddance