So Furi recently had an update because casuals on the Switch were finding the game too hard...

So Furi recently had an update because casuals on the Switch were finding the game too hard, so they rolled it out to all versions.

It added an invincible mode and made it easier to parry.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>designed to practice certain phases of bosses
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>We’ve also added a new control scheme D that helps dodging or parrying while shooting/slashing
this is not the same as "made it easier to parry"

I could understand releasing an easy mode or toddler mode or dog accidentally biting controller mode or aborted quadriplegic, fetal alcohol syndrome crack baby mode for Nintendo games.

Honestly I love the idea of locking a phase. The hardest part about furi for me was getting stuck on a late phase and then having to reset the whole fucking fight every time I die and going through those shitty ten minute bullet hell phases that you can't rush in order to get back to the part I was stuck on. The ability to just grind the one hard part until you can do it sounds fucking great.

It was already piss easy on the switch vs PS4 and PC

>tfw got filtered by sniper girl and just never finished the game

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back in my day if we wanted to cheat and spoil the game we used a gameshark

The absolute state of Western Devs

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Furi already includes an insanely hard mode as well as two super hard bosses that were added after release

The game is a testament to what challenging games for mechanically inclined people should be

I have long thought the games controls were slightly off so the new parry thing is probably a huge improvement. Furi plays kinda like it tkaes 1 too many buttons.

I wonder why people on Yea Forums didn't realize that Furi is 1000% the inspiration for Sekiro, the combat systems work exactly the same way

Pretty cool of the devs to provide a built in cheat/practice mode into the game.

fuck off sekiro isnt half QTEs

Furi doesn't have any QTEs.

good for them, and sounds awesome for speedrun practice

Every time you get into close combat you play Simon Says QTE.

>implying any of these changes are bad
speaking from a development standpoint there is nothing wrong with doing something like this AFTER release. fromsoft for example would never rebalance sekiro for an easy mode while still developing it before release when doing so wastes time and resources

if they had made these changes while developing the original release and the quality of the game suffered from that then i would consider these bad changes, but since this is years after the fact then honestly who gives a shit

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>on the Switch

Why the fuck is Switch your go to argument about literally anything? Just fuck off, the entire shit started with Sekiro, why go ass blasted about Switch? Are you a fucking retard?

Furi does not have any QTEs.

why not not just watch the game on youtube or a stream at this point?

Maybe they wanted to pay for it because they liked it.

How does it hurt you?

Furi is also 1/4th the game Sekiro is.

Calm down, Tendie. OP is just stating Switch owners found Furi too hard.

>Maybe they wanted to pay for it because they liked it.
then buy it and watch a video of some one else beating the game then
>How does it hurt you?
i never said it did

I love Furi, Sekiro just looks like a pointless waste of time

at least furi admits to itself what it is and there is literally nothing but the bosses, instead of wasting time traversing a world to get back to them after you die and shit like that

I doubt youve ever played it, and the point stands, the entire gameplay idea of Sekiro was straight ripped off from Furi. You even have "lives" the exact same way.

You can't be serious. Do you even like video games?

> casuals on the Switch were finding the game too hard
Actually OP, all the "Freedom Update" features were added to the Steam version first.

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you're upholding a game that is jap trash over a game that is 100% pure video game with no filler whatsoever, and the jap trash ripped off the 100% pure video game.

This is not an argument you can win.

>literal unskippable walking segments
>100% pure video game with no filler whatsoever

>an easy mode has never ruined a video game

dayum, glad I saw this, was literally moments away from buying this shit on steam since its on sale.
Don't need it anyway, have 300 games in my backlog already. Just have to add another dev to the list

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oh no, unskippable 2 minute long story sequences that you can just hold A and your character automatically walks, and then you never see the sequence again

MUCH better than having to fight through several minutes of shit to get back to bosses that two hit you, repeatedly.

their next game is being made for couples to play together so yah please blacklist the dev, it really wont make any difference to your life whatsoever

Based Eastern devs though.

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I don't see why adding an easy mode even during the development process would be a problem.

I mean look at DMC. That game gets far more difficult than Sekiro does and it's solely because they have a wide range of difficulty options. Yet it also has an easy mode if someone's really trash at the game.

I literally don't understand why people are afraid of any of the Souls game adding an easy mode, considering more difficult games also have difficulty options.

I'm upholding a game that is actually a feature complete game versus a glorified boss rush mode that also looks like shit.

>ripped off

You don’t even have to hold it, you can literally press it and put your controller down. I didn’t mind it because the narrator, music, and design make it a nice break in between fights but I can’t fault people who dislike it.

They should have added this stuff into a practice mode or some shit instead of allowing god mode to be turned on at a whim.

>but I can’t fault people who dislike it.

i can, its called picking your sounds rather infantile to say you wont play a game because of 2 minute story sequences that fill in what is actually a really cool story in a game that is 99.99999% fighting

I wonder if the people in the new game are some kind of future evolution of the rider

>nstead of allowing god mode to be turned on at a whim

so video games shouldn't have free, freely usable cheat codes?

make up your mind, Yea Forums.

its half qtes. fact.

>buttom masher being harder than a game where you have to actualyl take enemies seriously
>ever harder

>OP is just stating Switch owners found Furi too hard.
People were calling it hard long before the Switch was released.
mostly ps4 owners by the looks of it

WHAT! This game already had an easy mode! Was Promenade too difficult??

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>Another falseflagging jurno thread
We get it, you are shit at your job and you can't hide behind the ''disabled people'' argument anymore.
Just learn to code :^)

>He thinks "cheat trainers" are actually a good thing

Protip:They aren't for training and never ever were used for that, it's for people without the capacity to beat the game to cheat it.

And what's wrong with that? If someone wants to break the game, why do you care? I bet you're one of those faggots that whines when people use glitches in speedruns.

My game, which I will refer to only as MN (release date ~2024) is being designed with normal, hard, insane, easy, and easy-automatic modes

On the lowest mode the game literally plays itself and you can watch it play all the way through the game and beat the game

If your identity is wrapped up in how hard you try at single player games, that's just laughable. At least git gud at multiplayer games kids.

I use trainers to practice and route all the time, actually.
t. challenge runner of w/e the stupidest, hardest shit I can think of for a game is