Serotonin by Houellebecq

The cover is very pretty. I might buy it for that reason alone.

It's nothing revolutionary if you read his other books but what makes it good because of his sharp observations and ennui that most people can relate to. Comfy in a doomer kind of way, imo better than Soumission but definitely more edgy.

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Whatever is like the short version of elementary particles. I think that one is a good start

cover reminds me of the Cèline horse one

I've read it in French as well. It's okay but this board will forget it after a few months. It's not a great book like Whatever/Particles, and neither is it based on a strong gimmick like Submission. Maybe the edgy scenes will make it at least a bit relevant.

And history doesn't care about You.

Not him, but technically speaking, history doesn't care about anyone.

What's his best work? The Elementary Particles literally made me cry and I liked Platform a lot. Whatever was... see the title I guess.

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>racist fuck
And that's a good thing.