Has anyone read his books?

Has anyone read his books?

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I read the first quarter of sorcery and religion in ancient scandinavia. I didn't finish it because of some exams to pass.
I liked his arguments but it's 100% unacademic.
He was projecting himself in prehistoric tribes and was trying to understand how they came up with animism and things like that


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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

Same, I feel like an old friend got murdered.
Hail Varg
You were uneducated but your were true, honest, and got balls the size of a planet.
I'm gonna take my sister's car and drive to France until I meet him and hug his strong body while his wife shoots me because I'm trespassing

His wife's videos are very comfy desu


>He was projecting himself in prehistoric tribes and was trying to understand how they came up with animism and things like that
This. Everything he believes in and talks about is what he himself has made up.

He read hundreds of books on Paganism while in prison. How many have you read?

>varg knowing who jung is
>varg knowing what 'quasi' means

Go pray in a Cathedral STJ.

Pseudo-religious counter-traditionalist of which Guénon talks about.

Not much better than the New-Age followers of Theosophy and other pseudo-religions.

He is not academic, he rejects the academic perspective. He rejects the traditional perspective too, he does not practice the rites as they did in the past; his beliefs are his own.

Varg Vikernes is a symptom of Modernity, perhaps more so, than the crystal healers and Chakra-Christian-Buddhists messes we have today.

White supremacy mixed in a fetishized ancestral worship, reincarnation theories of his wife and pseudo-religious traditions and "this is how I feel like how it was done in the past"

Reminder that this is the average Christian on Yea Forums

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i'm not a christian retard

i'm not a christian, retard* :)

No but he's innocent and I've stopped masturbating thanks to him

So it is you.

Agree with this but I have to respect him for practicing exactly what he preaches, which is more than can be said of 99% of people claiming to be "traditionalists".

>White supremacy
citation needed

expecting a lot of seething non-blue-eye-havers in this thread.

to be honest

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I have this book as well and have browsed through it and it’s neat, but it’s true that it lacks historicity. Very much just his own takes and biases on mythology.

My biggest gripe with varg other than his boomer prep ideology is his materialist, jungian style archetype cosmology as points out. If you’re gonna worship the gods I think you have to have a conception of them as outside intelligences of some kind. All the psycho babble about reincarnation being symbolic, that the gods are ideas and methods of organizing the mind and emotions is basic tier non Christianity. I think he really should just stop calling himself a pagan and call himself either a pantheist or an atheist.

Lol, vargs so stupid. Good thing i had listened everything by Quorthon before trying to get into his music. Even the switch of metal to folk is like he tried to ape him, but i bet good Quorthon did believe in the gods not too long gone
He only doesn't believe... like, how much do you need to hate christianity you fucking poser. There can't be God because christianity says so. Nevermind literally every other tradition including my own

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>the gods are ideas and methods of organizing the mind and emotions is basic tier non Christianity.

This is the whole point, innit?

Friendly reminder that Varg and his family is Yea Forums

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But he's using actual philosophy points like 'the cave' to justify his atheistic thought patterns; I can assure you that Plato didn't think the forms were just 'methods of organizing your neurons'.
It goes like:
>look dude a horse; it symbolizes [...]
>look, a wolf, it symbolizes [...]
ok varg but do you believe there is such a thing as a metaphysical existence, either of those things or of others?
>m-metaphysical existence? you mean the christian g*d?
no, I me-
>you fucking christcucks destroyed white europe stfu

varg is most definitely not a pantheist. he's nothing more than an atheist who enjoys the aesthetic/empirical parts of pagan mythology (it goes no further than that) and whites an ethnic society

I think it’s at least more respectable and “traditional “ to consider the gods as actual outside intelligences — not as existing wholly within the mind. Basically, if humanity went extinct, the gods would still exist. I think the jungian mentalism is just a shade of materialism disguised as traditional paganism

In what sense are you using the word 'jungian'?
Not even that Jung wasn't an atheist, he was a mystic, a gnostic; plus he literally believed in ghosts and communicating with the dead

In the colloquial sense of gods as archetypes. I actually really like Jung, and though I haven’t read it, I’ve heard the red book really dispels any myths of him being a strict atheist.

When i use Jungian in that way I do it to make my point easier to read, and that might just be bad and lazy. Perhaps spiritual materialist would be a better term for Varg.

Of course they are. Really they should be an inspiration to every family.

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>the red book really dispels any myths of him being a strict atheist.
when was jung thought to be a strict atheist, or even an atheist at all?

Clearly you’ve not spent time on Yea Forums or /x/ much

What does that mean? And why are you commenting on Jung an his work if you don't know anything about neither?

I never said jung was an atheist i said there is a popular mythos that he was, and that my use of Jungian was colloquial and that perhaps that was a mistake

Please learn to read.

>I never said jung was an atheist i said there is a popular mythos that he was
And I'm saying that there wasn't such a myth. Please show me the source for that.
And if by source you mean a random 4chin poster who heard about Jung from Jordan Peterson and also filters Jung works through Jordan Peterson, then I don't know even know what insults fit you.

Yikes what an autistic faggot you are. I’m not going to attempt to prove that there are some people who believe Jung was an atheist. Stating such a myth doesn’t exist is so mind numbingly stupid — it’s like having an issue with me telling someone that a ford truck is a ford truck, even though they erroneously believe it’s a mazda. You’re giving me shit for even stating the truck is a ford.

Like goddammit, don’t ever reply to my posts again.

Seething vargtard

Anyone here help backup his videos?

He right tho.

I acknowledge that he LARPs as a frenchmen now.

Why do you say that? He basically claims that Frenchmen had the same prehistoric culture as did his ancestors in Norway. He thinks of all of them as Native Europeans. So it's not a larp.

>White supremacy

Now who is full of shit?

Trve Paganism doesn't exists anymore because it got replaced by monotheism. Most what we know is just speculation.

Furthermore, Monotheism is by it's very nature supremacist.

Modern day france =/ prehistoric france

Varg has successfully LARP'd through life, first as a LOTR character by casting away his christian slave name and now as a frenchie. What have you achieved?

>what have you achieved
Well, I'm not you.

I like Varg, he has more credibility than most of these domesticated academics.

t. mongrel

[citation needed]

>he thinks language and words aren't just symbols we use to communicate
>implying any of this somehow denies a metaphysical existence, which isn't necessarily some sentient anthropomorphic being


He's on twatter now lel

He has a very interesting view on paganism, kind of reminds me of the traditionalists. Varg is actually providing meaning for the religion, trying to understand how pre-modern men experienced life. Faggots like STJ have abandoned the pursuit of this understanding entirely in favor of reinforcing their modernist, christianized views and values, totally detatched from the essnce of the native european faith and spitit. Varg is cool, I should read his books sometime.

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Same. I don't actually buy into most of his shit, but his videos felt like I was having a genuine conversation with a friend

What do you think he is wrong about?

I don't necessarily think he's wrong about anything, I just don't take his words as truth or have similar beliefs as him, as many of the people who like Varg do. I like listening to what he has to say, and I find many of his insights to be interesting, but I'm not pagan myself, nor do I think that there's any kind of jewish conspiracy to weaken the white man. Despite that, I agree with a few of his views on issues regarding modern civilization