Has anyone read his books?

He right tho.

I acknowledge that he LARPs as a frenchmen now.

Why do you say that? He basically claims that Frenchmen had the same prehistoric culture as did his ancestors in Norway. He thinks of all of them as Native Europeans. So it's not a larp.

>White supremacy

Now who is full of shit?

Trve Paganism doesn't exists anymore because it got replaced by monotheism. Most what we know is just speculation.

Furthermore, Monotheism is by it's very nature supremacist.

Modern day france =/ prehistoric france

Varg has successfully LARP'd through life, first as a LOTR character by casting away his christian slave name and now as a frenchie. What have you achieved?

>what have you achieved
Well, I'm not you.

I like Varg, he has more credibility than most of these domesticated academics.

t. mongrel

[citation needed]

>he thinks language and words aren't just symbols we use to communicate
>implying any of this somehow denies a metaphysical existence, which isn't necessarily some sentient anthropomorphic being
