Notable Christians

Whitehead? You sure about that bro?

newton was luciferian as shit retard

Thats fine. Rejecting the Abrahamic God is not the same as being an atheist.

the atheist's "gods" (aka not really gods but their conception of the universe) are the "gods" of whitehead and spinoza.

>>James Baldwin
Lmao. Also, Kafka is the only person on your list who can be compared to the people OP listed.


This better be bait; Plato and most other B.C. philosophers were theists

You do realize appeal to authority is a logical fallacy, right?

Guenon would punch you in the face for saying that.

Not OP and not a theist, but that’s a silly point in this context. He’s advancing no arguments so he can’t be guilty of committing any fallacy. Btw, appeal to authority is an informal fallacy when the people you reference as authoritative are not so, but it’s perfectly admissible if you reference actual experts on the subject (e.g. a respected biologist for evolutionary theory)