Pretty sure Hitler was Anne Frank's dad
Ok this shit rocks
>n up but he left them almost untouched
but that's not true
Itt trip nigger accidentally replies to himself with the wrong account.
Just Jews. No one actually knows or has self-thought, and so just does what they think they're expected to do. I don't know how a young man in podunk Iowa would have any negative opinion on a German Chancellor from the 30's.
that's the parody trip he fucks with the one one that has an exclamation point in the trip, that's the original. they're both fucking retarded
Are you retarded? You must be.
There aren't any tripfags in this thread, newfaggot.
I don't want to sound like a party pooper, but beyond the political content, this book is like a big complaint put into text. It has no structure, it's like chitchat or rant.
In the period just before he entered politics Hitler actually made a decent living at painting, they have his income tax records.
He also did pet portraits.