Muh morals

Yes they are by stirner but I don't like how you ramble on on your on conclusions and assumptions it makes it seem like this is how stirner came to his synthesis but its not, no where even close. By using spooks you make Stirner look bad just by association.

Also "spook" has already been discussed as a terrible translation of "spuk" making you not really at-all understandable of Stirner or his meme. You can Keep your edgy logic to yourself but don't use it along-side memes that degrade a philosopher in anyway that you have no understanding of

>muh society peer pressure
your argument assumes the same case by case scenario for each person instead of delving into how every person can possible be effected. Not "muh social pressure" not the case for everybody and maybe not anyone, you dumbed it down to much

>makes it seem like this is how stirner came to his synthesis but its not, no where even close
I never said that, that was you assuming things.

It should be clear to anyone that the rest of that post is my own personal ideology and nothing to do with stirner outside of us both agreeing morals and ethics are spooks.

So why do you tell us about your insights?

Because I felt like doing it in the moment


So what's wrong about acting morally if it makes you feel good?

>because I felt like it
The state of baiting today and people falling for it.

There's no greater meaning behind it, I did it because I felt like doing it.

Well for a start it's delusion. You feel good not because you're doing good but because everyone else is watching you do good or you're patting yourself on the back for doing good. But if you don't mind lying to yourself, then ok. Second, you're limiting yourself. You could reach your goals and get further in life way faster without morals slowing you down, there's some things you can only get if you abandon morals. You'll never feel fully in control of your own life if you abide by arbitrary rules. Finally, other people don't follow your code. They will take advantage of you, they will leave you in the dust and you will have nothing.

>There's no greater meaning behind it, I did it because I felt like doing it.
I'm asking why you felt like doing it.

What if I do all that but you are standing in my way and I crush your life with all of my capabilities. Would you still talk like that or would you go cry to daddy system because that one mean uncle did you wrong?