Attached: IMG_20190403_204728.jpg (128x128, 3K)
Recently started one punch man. Seems pretty good. Thoughts?
Ian Russell
Logan Wilson
Holy BASED! Kek be praised, that other user on suicide watch
William Young
Thank you brother! Praise KEK snd may Emperor trump BTFO every libtard in existence! Fuck libshits are heil r/DT!
John Smith
Stfu instatard
Hudson Edwards
Austin Baker
From Yea Forums, nice digits
Christian Baker
Many thanks. You gay tho
Lucas Carter
Because you insulted me, you missed a dub, reconsider your words next time fgt
Jordan Ramirez
I am sorry, I did not mean to insult you. Can you find forgiveness in your heart for me?
Easton Reed
No commit suicide