Literally HOW did he drop the ball so hard? I didn't expect much but wow...

Oh, I see. It's become clear that you're also illiterate

Zizek was like "I agree with you but [destroys peterson]"
Peter was like "[I agree with you, I'm being submissive, don't destroy me] *struggles to say anything*"

> Nathan J. Robinson

Attached: njr.jpg (494x484, 22K)

He got timid and didn't dare take ground. Philosophical debates are futile. Use your fists, kill somebody

>dishonest technical arguments
What about "Jordan Peterson hasn't read Marx or Zizek" went over your head? This isn't an abstract, he was shown to be uneducated in this subject (the evils of Marxism) he professes to be an expert in.

Crossposting peterson fanboys yesterday:
>lmao daddy is going to destroy this marxist cuck so hard
Crossposting peterson fanboys now:
>well, actually the whole debate was all about how we can come together and respect each other despite our disagreements

fucking kek

So what position are we taking? I feel like Zizek pampered up the dangers of communism. He specifically avoided talking about it to hide it's negative effects

What are the rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities of this degree?

Peterson was about to cry. Dude looked so nervous. He was LOST

Attached: disgust.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

>This is the correct answer, which again, Zizek AGREED with.
Saying that the shift from class to identity in the (New Left), doesn't somehow vindicate Peterson bitching about post-mordenists. If anything the New Left was as modernist as the old one. Both Zizek and Peterson saw the same thing, but only one took an actual correct take from it and it is not Peterson