based and redpilled
based and redpilled
Another completely superficial comment. The debate evolved as they got a sense of the nuances of the other person's stance. They seemed to be committed to being productive and open, rather than just having an agenda to take down the other guy just for the sake of ideology. When Zizek signaled that he was willing to admit he agreed on (quite a lot of) points, and that he was open, Peterson, like a reasonable person, seemed moved and responded in kind, having an open discussion, willing to find common ground.
As for how he sounded, his voice always sounds shaky like that. You're just looking for irrelevant details to try to portray this as some big left vs right thing when in fact it turned out that they both were willing to go past ideological tribalism, and they articulated as much.
He's always been a charlatan. Please read the following article, rife with passages from his books.
Your guy was fucking destroyed. Get over it.
And like many lesser academics, you resort to dishonest technical arguments for the sake of your chosen ideology, which both of these guys I'm impressed to say were actually beyond that.
>a B.A.
>Double Major in Philosophy and Political Science
what a waste of time and (potentially) money
Peterson's not my guy any more than Zizek is. I found myself agreeing with both of them many times though. This isn't a sport's match. The whole debate was ultimately about how this sport's match mentality is shallow and unproductive, and yet here you attempt to misinterpret/ misrepresent it because you're a weak little tribalist of the sort they were both together criticizing.
I honestly couldn’t pin down his actual ties to marxism in the entire debate but he sure did btfo jordan
I'm capable of being nice to downies and making them feel like we have common ground because I don't take pleasure in torturing the weak, yeah, that doesn't make me a fucking intellectual giant
Peterson is an illiterate snake oil salesman and you're not going to convince anyone here to respect him
So this debate would be comparable to Nietzsche Vs. Plato? It was essentially two no names saying nothing new and arguing about trivialities. Day to day life is the same and I got nothing out of it. Tell me why I shouldn't read Milton or Freud instead of watching two completely forgettable people?