What books encompass the anime aesthetic?

>calls others gay
>finds photos of oscar wilde homoerotic
user, I...

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If you want that K-On style just read a Chabon novel.

The battles Mistborn are literally anime.

Mishima, Sound of Waves

Is there any actually good anime?

not everything in this chart is good, but a lot of it is, or at least stands out in some way
lots of nice arthouse and good cinematography in there, some shows with a good plot / characters (for anime at least)

start with Perfect Blue if you want the best the medium has to offer in film form

Attached: lit anime chart.jpg (2396x3430, 2.18M)

this is a good list. you got something like this but for films? been looking for a good film graph thats not just reddit tier shit

>Psycho-Pass, has literary references + not too badly written antagonists
>Patlabor 2, actually looks at repercussions of war
>Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans, kind of good if you don't mind teen heroes BS
>NGE, it's mandatory at this point
>Steins;Gate, more twisted repercussions of sci-fi -- if Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, or Black Mirror had a single ep running for several seasons

>12 Kingdoms, if you can forgive slow start + skip the last ~9 eps or so it takes a good look at what it really takes to rule vs. consequences of mishandled power & authority
>Rise of the Shield Hero, same but updated to modern audience
>Made in Abyss, don't look for spoilers/ best go in blind
>Paprika if you like difficulty differentiating between dreams & reality
>Animatrix, better than the original + it's in cine shorts
>Bride of the Ancient Magus, only time I've seen Celtic folklore handled well in animation

Slice of Life
>School Days, Mirai Nikki, or Higurashi if you like seeing shitty people getting fucked up brutally
>Yuyushiki or Lucky Star if you're a faggot or a Yea Forumstard
>Madoka if you, too, want to be a pretty little princess with our fallen lord & saviour Mootykinz
>Durarara if you want to pretend 4chin is useful, or that anonymoose might have been interesting if it hadn't split due to liberal ideals

There's plenty more, but it mostly depends on whether you see anime as anime or moving pictures. If you see things for the story/anime, you'll find many gems. If you only see moving pictures and freaky, massive eyes with disproportionate bodies and voices synced poorly to lips, nothing I mentioned is worthwhile and anime is a waste of your time.

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Who drew this?

>best anime

>school days
>mirai nikki

lmao what. Are you actually braindead?

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