Well Yea Forums?

I can't speak for anyone else but I don't think the body is sacred, if someone wants to turn into the opposite gender on a whim, I literally don't care. Dye your hair, chop off an arm and replace it with a robot arm, get tattoos on literally your entire body, get facial reconstruction plastic surgery so your face looks like a cat, I don't see any special distinction between any of this stuff beyond how practically difficult it is to implement. It's only a social issue because people treat sex and gender as sacred when it isn't. It's just another fucking set of body parts.

Letting these people transition is like helping a paranoid person barricade their doors and windows. It may make them feel better but it's only alleviating their symptoms and not the illness itself or helping their well being.

>the subject doesn't seem like it has anything worth caring about. if lots of liberals weren't so loud about it i'm sure there would be little interest, like in the 90's
Ok, underaged confirmed, then. Why do you bother typing when you're clearly retarded.

It might have been the Bible thumpers from way back when, who thought it was an insult to the Lord's creation. Of course, much like other groups these days, most trans people don't seem to have realized that they won the war.

Not him but thats what we all go through. You think people mindlessly hate this girl for existing and that's not it, its obvious people hate her for complaining and whining how she is different and hates her self. Its not oppression, its not even a phobia, its just jabbing at the post because he knew it would get a response of out rage from you. If you cant handle shit like this then you are mentally ill, but it isnt gender dysmorphia, its being overly egotistical. Not only that this post proves that you believe the world revolves around. No one cares you identify as a woman, stop expecting a standing ovation for your newly founded ovaries.