Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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She's right but it doesn't matter because she's addressing people who don't care, they just mindlessly hate her for existing.

I mean ok but is this even a comic in any sense of the definition

I wish Sophie luck in her continued attempts to transition into Andrew Dobson.

She/He/Whatever is right in the last panel, 99% of the people who are against recognising trannies rights and supporting their transitioning hide behind the claim it's a mental illness that requires treatment and they want to prevent deaths, but it's just a free pass for slander. You'll never see someone against trans people go around trying to talk them out of it in a civil way, they just want to freely insult them and suffer no repercussion by hiding behind a paper thin moral foil.

If you don't have gender dysphoria, then why are you transsexual? I sincerely do not fucking get this.

Because if you've devolved to the point where you're dressing up like a woman and playing pronoun games, there's a 100% chance you are preying on other vulnerable people, trying to convince them that chopping your dick off is a valid lifestyle choice, instead of an intermediary step to suicide.
Trannies are psychopathic abusers, and don't deserve the slightest bit of sympathy.

Why is this comic's art getting worse?


And? Given how people like her are like, should we be surprised? Besides, we know what they're like when we give them what they want. THEY WILL NOT STOP.

Because ideologues prioritize message over quality

It's a major dividing issue within the trans community. They're referred to as "transtrenders" and the people who believe you have to have gender dysphoria to be trans are called "truscum."


why the fuck do people like this think the rest of us are telling them to stop transitioning? No one is doing that, we just want you to stop bitching and complaining about not saying the words you want them to say.

>I'm not mentally ill!
>*Mutilates and poisons body and expects praise from everyone or will otherwise commit suicide*

if you don't have an illness that can be cured with transitioning why should you be given paid treatment like a cancer patient in countries like canada/europe? Why doesn't it count as plastic surgery?

>The First few batches of posts actually AGREEING with Sophie

And Yea Forums says they're not Tumblr they said.

They don't cut it off, they split it in half and invert it. Then they have to take steps to prevent the hole from closing, which I've heard are a real pain in the ass. That's why many trans women don't get The Surgery, and just do all the other cosmetic things needed to present as female.

And maybe it's just because I don't give a fuck about gender identity stuff, but when I explain it like that the whole thing really does sound kind of dumb honestly.

I take back what I said before about the broken clock. This clock is broken in a way that it's never pointing at the right number no matter what time it is.

So they can't get the surgery because of that, I can understand that at least. It sounds unpleasant really.

It's too bad most Transtrenders put VERY LITTLE EFFORT in transitioning.

It's not a mental illness to think you're the opposite gender from which you were born? What the fuck is it then?

It's 100% a mental illness and no, it shouldn't be humored and alleviated with surgery. It should be treated with psychiatric care and medication like all mental illnesses are.

If you don't have Gender dysphoria you're just doing it as a fashion statement. Nobody is obliged to like you for it.

If you have Dysphoria, I'll support your transitioning.
If you don't you're the equivalent of a Bimbo getting pouty lips and plastic boobs. You do you, but I don't have to like it or respect you for it.

its obvious to me now that the trans community is split in multiple sections. >The ones that transitioned no problem with support.
>the ones that struggled with no support
>the ones in the middle of to the two previous
>and the attention whores who cry wolf
This person and others like them such as Wu and dobson, wait dobson isnt a trans? ew.
anyways These are the shit stirrers, the fire starters, the ones who pretend to be oppressed when they arent. I wish I could generalize these specific people more but thats an oxymoron in itself.

I guess I can call them and the rest of their ilk as the Over Privileged. If you think people saying words you dont like is oppression then you are over privilaged. Plain and simple. If you hate you got called Dude and think you are oppressed, you are over privilaged. This person who made this Comic, Is over privilaged.

>Nobody is obliged to like you for it.
no one is obliged to like you regardless, if you are a shitty person, transition into a woman doesnt change the fact that ypu specifically are a shitty person.

You can't actually transition from one sex to the other.

Gender isn't a thing, so transgender isn't a thing.

Hah. I kinda like that. I dunno if that will catch on because I think SJW is supposed to be that.

To be fair, it is correct in the regard that I do not care.

What's the face in the third panel supposed to convey?

The author of this comic used to come into the restaurant I worked it.

She was nice, but so fucking clocky.

Like, she’s huge. She’d be a big lad, so as a female she just seemed massive.

Did you tell her how cool it was to meet her in person?

they the ones who first used it. They have been projecting their insecurities this entire time.

>the (only) way to alleviate it is to buy into the delusion
who says? there has been very little support for alternatives like psychological help that could alleviate the need, because of the whole feels over reals that the movement supports
>b-b-but my mental illness is special
explain body integrity dysphoria, should we always support them in delusion too?

if you dont want to support it the dont, I mean by that is just dont call attention to any of their beliefs.

Is this Loss?

panels 3 and 4 looks like it stroked out

What does this have to do with comics and cartoons?

Its a comic, silly.

>Well Yea Forums?

I truly do not understand why, out of all other forms of mental illness, that we decided the best method of therapy for treating transgenderism/gender dysphoria is more or less giving them what their mental illness tells them they want and not just giving them some sort of medicine that alleviates their dysphoria.
Why isn't this perceived as 'bad'? Is this truly the best we can do? Hormones and violently invasive and ineffective surgery? This entire situation feels like our time periods "lobotomy" and I'm deeply concerned why it gets such a hard pass when this should be incredibly controversial and constantly scrutinized.

This all seems like a massive, crude, ignorant mistake we're going to look back on with horror in 40 years or something.

Attached: Anime_Sad_Lonely.jpg (720x719, 239K)

It's a genius plan to make leftists go extinct.

>It used to be "If you're a man/woman, you like X, Y, and Z things"
Which doesn't really seem to be true, at least not to the extend where people should be living their lives by it.
>Now it's "if you like X, Y, and Z things, you're a man/woman"
Nigga, that makes even less fucking sense.

Because there is no medicine that alleviates their dysphoria. And before someone posts that case study from Australia, that was a single person who didn't have gender dysphoria and wasn't trans.

Also, if you want the truth, the trans rights movement has largely been co-opted and astroturfed by the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Trans people represent a captive market, decades of hormone treatments plus numerous surgeries add up to a nice profit, and most importantly they represent stable revenue streams.

Man I just don't care. I've met like five transgenders in my life. Two were great people, one was boring as all shit and the other two made me believe in Trump derangement syndrome.
Like all human beings you want some of them to die and others to do well and I personally like where my dick is and have never been tempted to chop it off so I find the worry they'll make others like them to be hilarious.

Whenever I see shit like this posted, I think about a documentary I saw years ago about people living with Body Integrity Dysphoria. Particularly the case of one man who desperately wanted one of his legs amputated.

His doctors tried to treat him to the best of their ability, but the man wouldn't respond to therapy or medication. It got to the point where the man escaped overseas for an amputation because no doctor in America would willingly perform the surgery.

Near the end of the documentary, they catch up with the man again. He's in a wheelchair, obviously. He admits he's made a terrible mistake and feels silly about the whole ordeal. Without missing a beat, however, he also reveals he's considering amputating the remaining leg just for symmetry.

sounds like mental illness to me. if you're a man and your brain is telling you that you're a woman then you're mentally ill, or you're letting fetishes dictate your life.

so you're either insane or a cumbrain, either way you have no right to convince anyone how to live their life if you fall into either of those categories.

death to all trannies.

It's a matter of efficiency, consistency with mental illness, and the community itself.

Right now with every other mental illness, people are given medication and therapy to help instead of hormones to permanently fuck up the body with surgery that often results in regret. Transitioning is a literal coping mechanism as it currently stands, and if someone wanted to mutilate any other part of their bodies such as their arms or legs, they'd be fucking detained.

If in the far future people were able to transfer their brains to alternative bodies, then nobody would care about trannies; hell it'd probably be something that would be mandatory in upper-class high schools for sex education, since people would experience the other body firsthand. This is something that almost every person against trannies would unironically agree with when you bring it up

The problem that stems from this though is the way that the trans community acts. A good amount of the people that actually transition are raging lunatics and constantly demand 100% attention from others, which can be justified due to the hormone fuckery going on. That said, it still makes them assholes for expecting to be babied by everyone you meet is just naturally offputting. It's bad enough that there are trannies that hide their status because they don't want to be associated with those wackjobs that give their community a bad name.

I've literally met 1 tranny that was a decent person and it was a FtM. People are people so obviously some are going to be good and some are going to be assholes, but it's a lot easier to just avoid everyone than it is to actively search for "the okay ones". It's the same logic that racists use, however with race it's completely different due to the sheer volume of people involved and other factors like wealth having a larger effect. It doesn't help that trannies are basically puppets at this point for the pharmaceutical industry because of the profit potential.

You don't help a person with one arm by cutting the other one, you dumbass.

and there are still people out there who've gaslit themselves into thinking it's perfectly normal.
what a fucking shame.

what the fuck? Dysphoria is the baseline requirement of being trans. Otherwise, you're just some loser appropriating trans issues because you think it makes you cool.

It's something that started in places like tumblr and basically everywhere transsexuals gather in enough numbers they start to become seen as trendy then non transpeople say they are trans to try and fit in.

Look at that cauliflower ear, guess he used to wrestle.

I can't tell if these is parody or not


Trannies are subset of otherkin.

No, they think it makes them virtuous, because in their minds the only way to be a good person is to be oppressed in some way. If you're a white, heterosexual male, claiming you're "trans" allows you to act like a weirdo and gain social capital you would have never had access to otherwise. You can also then screech at other people constantly and be further rewarded for it.

It's not, that's how these people actually think.

I wonder what the artist actually looks like?

Honestly this whole thing is just really sad, those people have some clear psychological issues and instead of helping them, the pharmaceutical industry is pumping them full of drugs and giving them expensive surgeries.
It's like a kid telling his parents he thinks he's ugly and instead of giving him support they pay for a fucking nosejob.

Massively underrated post.

Ever heard of Chick Tracts? Well this is Chick Tracts for transtrenders.

Imagine treating a case of paranoid schizophrenia by giving Crazy Uncle Jim a lifetime supply of aluminum foil.

well that nose job will land him a hot wife because he has rich parents. The nose was just the proof.

>Because there is no medicine that alleviates their dysphoria
Could it be that there's none because it isn't being researched for fear of causing outrage? it might be a lot easier to develop a drug to cure dysphoria if people weren't so convinced that doing so would be impeding someone's rights.

Trans are fine. MtF is by far the most common type, and it's just more women which means more fish in the sea for me.

Also the possibilities for holding those "skittles" over their head in dom/sub play are fucking hot. Give them the hormones, and do it young so they look like hot chicks.

They actually do it to kids in some places. Yeah, if a little boy who knows nothing about biology starts saying he's a girl, his parents might actually put him on puberty blockers and cause lasting physical (not to mention psychological) damage.

>and it's just more women which means more fish in the sea for me.
You sure you want to fish near a nuclear plant waste pipe?

Attached: three eyes.gif (500x375, 190K)

How did you manage to be wrong twice before even finishing the first sentence?

>oppressed in some way.
but transpeople arent oppressed, no one is stopping them from doing this to themselves, so what confuses me the most is how does being trans make you oppressed when there is no law or people forcing you not to be trans?

That's a form of projection, they hate themselves so they believe everyone else hate them too.

Trannies are dumb.


Case in point. All this poster cares about is repeating a meme and patting themselves on the back about it. They don't care about the subject matter in any special way beyond having something to which they can express contempt.

when they turn themselves into a victim thats when people hate them. The trans i meet and converse with only worried about coming out, worried being named called and using wrong pronouns are the attention whores problems. Like op' pic.

>You sure you want to fish near a nuclear plant waste pipe?

S'called catch and release my dude, there's a lake near my house you can't eat the fish out of because of chemicals. I still fish there, just don't eat 'em.


all the murders, and deaths in concentration camps

I could totally believe that. There was a drug called Addyi that had potentially dangerous side effects that was rushed to the shelves because of social justice, and they tried to cover up a lot of the problems to avoid bad PR. So if the only reason there isn't any research into a cure for gender dysphoria is to avoid hurting peoples' feelings, that actually might make sense.

>nuclear plant waste pipe
This is not how nuclear plants work.

the subject doesn't seem like it has anything worth caring about. if lots of liberals weren't so loud about it i'm sure there would be little interest, like in the 90's

>any time a transgender-identifying person dies, he was murdered

if you believe in that it's time to quit social media and get your brain checked bro

I can't speak for anyone else but I don't think the body is sacred, if someone wants to turn into the opposite gender on a whim, I literally don't care. Dye your hair, chop off an arm and replace it with a robot arm, get tattoos on literally your entire body, get facial reconstruction plastic surgery so your face looks like a cat, I don't see any special distinction between any of this stuff beyond how practically difficult it is to implement. It's only a social issue because people treat sex and gender as sacred when it isn't. It's just another fucking set of body parts.

Letting these people transition is like helping a paranoid person barricade their doors and windows. It may make them feel better but it's only alleviating their symptoms and not the illness itself or helping their well being.

>the subject doesn't seem like it has anything worth caring about. if lots of liberals weren't so loud about it i'm sure there would be little interest, like in the 90's
Ok, underaged confirmed, then. Why do you bother typing when you're clearly retarded.

It might have been the Bible thumpers from way back when, who thought it was an insult to the Lord's creation. Of course, much like other groups these days, most trans people don't seem to have realized that they won the war.

Not him but thats what we all go through. You think people mindlessly hate this girl for existing and that's not it, its obvious people hate her for complaining and whining how she is different and hates her self. Its not oppression, its not even a phobia, its just jabbing at the post because he knew it would get a response of out rage from you. If you cant handle shit like this then you are mentally ill, but it isnt gender dysmorphia, its being overly egotistical. Not only that this post proves that you believe the world revolves around. No one cares you identify as a woman, stop expecting a standing ovation for your newly founded ovaries.