Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
She's right but it doesn't matter because she's addressing people who don't care, they just mindlessly hate her for existing.
I mean ok but is this even a comic in any sense of the definition
I wish Sophie luck in her continued attempts to transition into Andrew Dobson.
She/He/Whatever is right in the last panel, 99% of the people who are against recognising trannies rights and supporting their transitioning hide behind the claim it's a mental illness that requires treatment and they want to prevent deaths, but it's just a free pass for slander. You'll never see someone against trans people go around trying to talk them out of it in a civil way, they just want to freely insult them and suffer no repercussion by hiding behind a paper thin moral foil.
If you don't have gender dysphoria, then why are you transsexual? I sincerely do not fucking get this.
Because if you've devolved to the point where you're dressing up like a woman and playing pronoun games, there's a 100% chance you are preying on other vulnerable people, trying to convince them that chopping your dick off is a valid lifestyle choice, instead of an intermediary step to suicide.
Trannies are psychopathic abusers, and don't deserve the slightest bit of sympathy.
Why is this comic's art getting worse?