they need to reboot Luke Cage and Iron Fist (especially the latter) into the movies
What should the MCU make now?
>he thinks that the generic sci-fi sets and outfits from MoS are better than the based Kirby-esque costumes and visuals from Ragnarok
user, I don't know how to break this to you, but it sounds like you're suffering from a terminal case of shit taste.
I'd much rather watch an adaptation of Lemire's run on Moon Knight.
>have different trailers, each focusing on one of Marc's personalities, since he's not a very well known character, could make audiences interested in seeing how these trailers all link together
>Each time Marc is in an alternate personality, the filming style changes
>His movie director personality being a meta joke about superhero movies
>Make it look like Moon Knight is fighting a massive, world-ending threat, only to subvert the audience's expectations and have it all taking place in Marc's head.
There's far more creative things to do with Moon Knight than just a straightforward superhero movie